All Tags


Content Warning

These tags are mandatory and must be checked when they apply to the story. If it's not clear whether the tag applies or not, the choice of whether to use the tag is left to the author.

Tag Description Stories
#cw:ageplay Story includes power dynamics dealing with age play. 31
#cw:bestiality Sexual actions between a human and an animal. 4
#cw:cannibalism The eating of human flesh by other humans. 4
#cw:CGL Caregiver-little relationship dynamics, includes age play. 29
#cw:gore Graphic description of or focus on realistic acts of violence leading to grievous injury or death. 78
#cw:incest Sexual or romantic relations between those that are closely related by blood. 123
#cw:noncon This tag applies whenever a character is mentally transformed or engages into sexual activity without giving their consent to the mental changes or activity. 1813
#cw:protagonist_death Death of a main protagonist in the story. 36
#cw:sexual_assault The non-consensual, physical sexual assault of a person. 185

Dynamic Tags

These help describe the dynamics or interactions between characters in each story.

Tag Description Stories
#dom:female 1707
#dom:male 1029
#dom:nb 135
#f/f One of the primary dynamics is between women. 1460
#f/m 1230
#f/nb 184
#m/m One of the primary dynamics is between men. 105
#m/nb 40
#multiple_partners 513
#nb/nb One of the primary dynamics is between non-binary individuals. 45
#pov:bottom 1464
#pov:top 387
#solo 118
#sub:female 2078
#sub:male 575
#sub:nb 133

Genre Tags

Tag Description Stories
#comic_book 150
#fantasy 419
#microfiction 312
#scifi 518
#urban_fantasy 275
Custom tags (click to show)
Tag Stories
#absolute_nonsense 1
#absolutely_nothing_happens_in_this_story 2
#abuse_mention 2
#accidental_hypnosis 14
#adultery 2
#adventure 4
#ages_of_entrancement 6
#Alraune 1
#altered_perspective 4
#ambiguous_ending 1
#ambrosia 1
#angel 3
#angst 5
#anime 1
#anime_as_fuck 1
#any/all 2
#Aquatic_Fiction 1
#art 1
#art_model 3
#artificial_forest 1
#asfr 2
#attempted_humor 1
#Audio_brainwashing 3
#author_self_insert 3
#autumn 1
#based_on_real_events 2
#based_on_real_session 8
#bell 1
#bimbo_domme 9
#birthday 4
#bitch_taming 1
#black_hole 1
#brain_hacking 8
#but_also_angst 1
#call_of_cthulhu 1
#calm 2
#camping 3
#candle 2
#Channelers'_Source 3
#chloroform 1
#christmas 22
#chronic_illness 1
#clockwork_doll 5
#CNC 19
#cock_growth 9
#college 29
#comedy 15
#community 1
#comphet 1
#compounds 4
#Compounds 1
#compulsion 3
#consensual 6
#conspiracy 16
#conspiracy_theory 2
#contemporary 22
#contemporary_fantasy 1
#contents_page 1
#covert_brainwashing 10
#covert_conditioning 16
#creepypasta-esque 1
#crime 4
#crossdress 1
#crossdressing 3
#cruel_punishment 3
#Crying 1
#crystal 2
#cultish_behaviour 1
#cultish_recruitment 1
#cunt_worship 1
#cut_clothing 1
#cw:abuse_mention 2
#cw:animal_death 1
#cw:child_soldiers_(kinda) 1
#cw:Ego_Death 1
#cw:genocide 1
#CW:manipulation 2
#cw:partial_blindness 1
#cw:suicide_mention 1
#cyber_punk 4
#cyberpunk 10
#cyoa 1
#dark 1
#dark_fantasy 6
#Delayed_flight 1
#dialogue 24
#dicknotization 1
#disfiguremisia 1
#display 2
#dnd 2
#dom: 1
#dom:alien 5
#dom:author 1
#dom:bingo 1
#dom:knows_immediately 1
#Dom:plant? 1
#dom:rng 1
#drabble 8
#drama 1
#dream 1
#dream_manipulaton 3
#drider 1
#dumb 2
#dystopia 10
#ego_death 18
#eldrich 8
#eldritch_horror 1
#eldritch_horror:you 1
#enchanting_voice 2
#enemies_to_lovers 3
#erotic_horror 17
#eventual_smut 1
#experimentation 1
#face_sitting 1
#fall 1
#fall_of_women 7
#fancy_dinner 1
#fanfiction 2
#fate 1
#fear_play 7
#feminization 23
#fey 6
#first_date 2
#flash_fiction 1
#flashbacks 1
#Flashing 1
#flowergirl 1
#fluffy 4
#folk_tale 1
#foot 1
#force_feminization 6
#forced_fem 31
#forced_gay 1
#FWB 1
#gaybos 1
#gender_dysphoria 4
#ghost 1
#ghost_story 2
#good_toy 1
#gooning 2
#gothic 2
#gothic_fantasy 1
#grimdark 1
#gun_violence 1
#hanging_out 1
#hannukah 1
#happiness 1
#heist 1
#hero_worship 1
#high_magic 1
#high_school 6
#historical 12
#hive 6
#holiday 4
#hollywood_hacking 1
#honeydrop 1
#horror 45
#horroromance 1
#hotel 1
#human 2
#Human_Domestication_Guide 166
#Human_freezing 4
#hypno_horror 1
#hypnosis_device 1
#hypnosis_specific_fetish 1
#HypnoSports 2
#hypnotic_clothing 4
#hypnotic_movie 1
#hypnotic_music 13
#hypnotits 48
#HypnoTober 14
#HypNovember 18
#hypnovember_2021 2
#hypnovember_2023 10
#if_you_couldn't_tell_I_enjoy_POV_switches 1
#immortals 1
#implied_amputation 1
#improvisation 1
#Induction 28
#interracial 1
#it's_actually_consensual_nonconsent_but_better_to_err_on_the_side_of_caution 1
#joi 1
#kane 1
#Korps 1
#law_kink 1
#lesbian_historical_fiction 1
#library 1
#lights 2
#limp 1
#limp-play 1
#litrpg 2
#locker_room 1
#love 14
#magical_girl 4
#magical_realism 1
#maidification 16
#major 1
#mannequin 2
#manners_fiction 1
#marking 2
#marriage 6
#MasterPC 3
#mecha 8
#mediated_reality 2
#medical_play_ 1
#meditation 3
#memories 1
#Memory_play 1
#messing_up 1
#metronome 2
#mild_hypnosis 1
#mind 1
#Mind 1
#minor_tech_control 1
#MKUltra 1
#modern 2
#modern_fantasy 7
#modern_future 1
#modern_pulp 1
#monologue 1
#more_tags_as_necessary 1
#mosscore 1
#mucus 1
#mummy 2
#mwahaha 1
#mystery 14
#mystical 1
#near-future 1
#needy 1
#nested_loops 1
#ninja 1
#no_contact 1
#no_sex 10
#nonconjam 1
#nonhuman_character 4
#not_quite_hypno 1
#not_really_a_story 1
#not_shadowrun 2
#nylons 1
#nymph 2
#occult 2
#office 31
#oil 1
#old_friends 1
#old_west 2
#omniscient_POV 1
#One_sided_POV 1
#oneshot 39
#oneshot_onekill 1
#oral 3
#oral_storytelling 1
#orcs 1
#Origin_Trade_Consortium 1
#orisit 1
#other_stuff_i_dont_even_know_yet 1
#painting 1
#paranormal 1
#parasocial 1
#patriarchy 13
#performance 1
#period_piece 1
#petrification 3
#piv 1
#plant 4
#plantfuckers 7
#pleasure_conditioning 13
#pleasure_control 1
#poem 1
#poetic_induction 1
#poetry 5
#police 6
#postapocalyptic 5
#Potential 1
#pov:f 1
#POV:inhuman 1
#POV:interface 1
#pov:nb 1
#pov:Switch+Vers 1
#Praxis_Memetics 3
#priest 1
#professor 1
#psychic 4
#pussy_worship 1
#puzzle 1
#queerthemes 1
#questions 1
#rasputin 1
#Reading 3
#realistic 52
#rebellion 3
#recursion 1
#relaxation 2
#repetition 1
#restraints 6
#ritual_of_the_familiar 23
#robokink 8
#robophilia 8
#roleplaying_material 1
#romantic 85
#Root_(Board_Game) 1
#Rose_Bowers 1
#runaway 1
#salad 1
#salon 1
#satire 1
#scene_ideas 1
#science_fantasy 1
#screenplay 1
#seasonal 1
#second_person 27
#secretary 2
#self 1
#self_care_is_over_were_doing_first_aid_now 1
#self_inflicted 1
#selfcest 2
#shadowrun 1
#sheep 1
#short_form 1
#silly 8
#silver 1
#silver_age 2
#simpification 1
#sissification 3
#sissy 3
#sister 2
#sisters 3
#sitcom 2
#slavery 10
#slice_of_life 13
#slut 1
#Sluttification 3
#softcoresleepy 5
#Soulmate_AU 5
#space 2
#space_enbies 1
#space_opera 2
#space_ship_feels 1
#spies 4
#stars 1
#steampunk 2
#stellar_domestication 1
#Story 1
#story_time 1
#stubborn_subs 1
#sub:dom 1
#sub:feminism 12
#sub:law_enforcement 1
#sub:police 1
#sub:teacher 3
#sub:the_horror_of_existence_in_a_caring_universe_that_failed_to_notice_you_were_there 1
#sub:vampire 1
#subliminal 19
#submission 14
#subspace 1
#subtle 2
#suicide_mention 1
#superhero 37
#superhero_play 2
#supernatural 30
#supernatural_romance 3
#surgical_modification 1
#Switch/Switch+Vers/Vers 1
#tag_team 1
#tease 3
#tennis 1
#thriae 2
#thriller 6
#timeline 1
#Titnosis 1
#tokusatsu 1
#toxic_masculinity 2
#toxic_relationship 1
#toys 1
#trance 1
#trance_slut 1
#trancegasm 1
#transgirl 1
#tree_fucking 1
#trees 1
#ttrpg 2
#twincest 1
#unknown_armies 1
#ValentinesHypnoJam 6
#vampkink 13
#victorian_literature 1
#video_game 2
#videogames 16
#villainy 5
#vine 1
#visuals 1
#void 1
#VR 3
#war_crimes 2
#weight_gain 2
#wings 2
#witches 17
#words 1
#workplace 9
#world 1
#worship 3
#yoga_fetish 1

Content Tags

Tag Description Stories
#bondage 435
#clothing Fetish for particular kinds of clothing. 345
#D/s 915
#drones 179
#exhibitionism 405
#furry 72
#growth Typically reserved for body growth. 95
#humiliation 662
#lactation 70
#robots 125
#sadomasochism 155
Custom tags (click to show)
Tag Stories
#...romance? 1
#3drendering 1
#3rd_person 6
#50s_housewives 3
#a_little_m/f_torture_as_a_treat 1
#abdl 1
#abduction 11
#abduction_sorta 2
#abuse 7
#abusive_relationship 5
#accidental_conditioning 12
#accidental_mc 7
#accidental_self_hypnosis 1
#ace 1
#actually_I've_decided_this_involves 1
#addiction 17
#advertisement 1
#afabnb 1
#affirmations 1
#aftercare 21
#age 1
#age_difference 7
#age_gap 2
#AI 5
#AIsubmissive 1
#alcohol 17
#aliens 30
#all_natural 1
#almost_plausible 1
#alraune 1
#alt_history 1
#amnesia 45
#amusementpark 1
#anal 24
#androids 2
#angels 6
#angler_fish 1
#animal_crossing 1
#animal_transformation 3
#animalgirls 1
#anniversary 2
#another_day_at_the_office 1
#anxiety 28
#anxious_sub 1
#aphrodisiac 8
#apnea 1
#app 3
#arguable_identity_death 2
#armpit_fetish 2
#armpit_hair_growth 1
#artificial_intelligence 7
#asexual_to_straight 1
#ass_expansion 2
#ass_worship 3
#assertive_bottom 8
#assimilation 2
#Attempted_NonCon_Drugging 2
#au_pair 1
#auction 3
#auctions 1
#audio_hypnosis 3
#aural_fixation 2
#autism 1
#autocannibalism 1
#autocunnilingus 1
#awful_politics 5
#bad_end 18
#bad_end_(ambiguous_and_not_horrible) 2
#badjokes 1
#ball_worship 1
#bareback 2
#basically_rape_but_she_can_opt_out 1
#bathed 2
#bdsm 5
#beastman 1
#beaten_up 1
#because_furry 1
#beegirl 4
#begging 27
#Begging 1
#belly_dancing 1
#bet 3
#betrayal 30
#big_cock 4
#big_tits 2
#bimbo 44
#bimbofication 141
#bimbowned 11
#bimboy 2
#bisexual 6
#biting 10
#bittersweet 1
#blackjack 1
#blackmail 9
#blind-date 1
#blindness 3
#blood 22
#blood_drinking 4
#blowing_bubblegum 3
#boardgame 1
#body_control 15
#body_horror 11
#body_modification 31
#body_worship 2
#body_writing 6
#BodyHorror-Disintegration 1
#BodyHorror-General 1
#BodyHorror-LotsOfEyes 2
#BodyModding 2
#bodypainting 3
#bodysuit 1
#boob_kink 2
#boobnosis 13
#book 1
#boot_worship 6
#boxing 1
#boydick 1
#brain_damage 1
#brain_drain 11
#brain_play 1
#brainless 2
#brainwash 149
#brainwashing 390
#brainwashing_chair 1
#brainwashing_helmet 4
#brainwashing_tube 1
#brainworm 1
#brat 6
#Bratting 1
#bratty_domme 2
#bratty_sub 13
#breast_enhacement 1
#breast_expansion 29
#breast_fixation 25
#breast_growth 1
#breast_sagging 1
#breast_shrinking 1
#breastfeeding 11
#breath_play 9
#breeding 27
#breeding_kink 9
#bride 2
#bros 1
#brothel 1
#brother_sister 2
#bugs 1
#bullying 8
#bunny_femboy 1
#bunnygirl 4
#buried_trigger 9
#business_lady 9
#business_party 2
#but_a_weird_sorta_furry 1
#butch/butch 1
#butch/femme 4
#butch_force-feminization 1
#buttplug 2
#buttrueferalism 1
#Cafe_witch_can_have_a_little_date_rape_drugs_(as_a_treat) 1
#cage 1
#candy 3
#capitalism 3
#capture 1
#car-ride 1
#cardboard_box 1
#careful_what_you_wish_for 4
#casual_enslavement 3
#casual_nudity 1
#Casual_Piracy 1
#cat_girl 8
#catfight 1
#catgirl 7
#celebrity 3
#chance_meeting 3
#chanting 1
#chapter_2_romance 1
#chastity 22
#cheating 3
#cheerleader 1
#chikan 1
#childish_insults 1
#choking 5
#chores 2
#chronos 1
#circlejerk 1
#classist_control 6
#claustrophilia 2
#clicker 1
#clothed_sex 1
#clown 4
#club 5
#cock_hypnosis 8
#cock_kissing 1
#cock_shrinking 1
#cocksucking 31
#cocktease 1
#coffee 1
#coiling 18
#coin 1
#collaring 3
#collars 18
#collection 1
#collective_bargaining 1
#collective_consciousness 1
#college_student 3
#colonialism 1
#coming_out 1
#commedia_dell_arte 1
#conditioning 78
#conditioning_via_torture 1
#confidence_domming 3
#confinement 1
#confusion 13
#confusion_induction 2
#consensual_but_indefinite 4
#consensual_kink 292
#consensual_non-consent 61
#contagion 1
#contest 1
#contortion 1
#contract 5
#control 3
#control_implant 4
#controlled_balance_system 3
#conversion 4
#cooing 1
#corporate 24
#corporate_lingo 2
#corrupt_hypnotherapist 2
#corruption 127
#corsets 1
#cosmic_horror 11
#cosplay 3
#costume 8
#costumes 1
#covert_hypnosis 29
#covert_hypnosis_(implied) 5
#cowgirl 3
#crackfic 3
#crafting 1
#creampie 2
#creepy 1
#creepy_dude 1
#cringe_kink 2
#crying 4
#cuckcake 2
#cuckold 13
#cuckquean 3
#cuckqueaning 2
#cuddles 11
#cult 10
#cult_recruitment 2
#cum_eating 2
#cum_fixation 7
#cum_play 11
#cumdump 1
#cumshot 1
#cunnilingus 24
#cunnlingus 6
#curiosity 1
#curse 10
#custard 1
#cute 12
#cute_kink 2
#cutting 1
#cw:blood 14
#cw:burns 2
#cw:Discussion_of_genocide 1
#cw:Discussion_of_historical_genocide 1
#cw:Discussion_of_historical_sterilization 1
#cw:Discussion_of_sterilization 1
#CW:dubious_consent 70
#cw:gender_dysphoria 9
#cw:gun_violence 1
#cw:guns 3
#CW:hereditary_cancer 1
#cw:homophobia 4
#cw:injury 1
#cw:kidnapping_mention 1
#cw:needles 1
#cw:not_exactly_incest_but_verging_on_it 1
#cw:pandemic 1
#cw:religious_guilt 1
#cw:self_harm 2
#cw:self_loathing 3
#cws_in_chapter_forewords 1
#cyborgs 4
#daddy_daughter 4
#daddy_issues 1
#dance 2
#dancing 5
#darkelf 1
#dart_gun 1
#datajack 2
#dating 1
#dating_sim 1
#daughter 4
#ddlg 2
#deal_with_the_devil 3
#debian 1
#deepthroat 1
#deer 1
#defiance 1
#degradation 31
#degredation 1
#dehumanization 19
#deities 3
#deity_play 1
#demon 47
#demons 2
#Demons_of_Dublin 5
#demotion_fetish 27
#denial 6
#dentistry 1
#depersonalization 9
#deprogramming 4
#Descriptions_Of_Insides_Of_Bodies 1
#despair 2
#desperation 3
#detailed_induction 11
#devotion 1
#diaperlover 1
#dick_growth 1
#dick_sucking 1
#dicknosis 1
#did_I_mention_monstergirls 1
#diety 2
#dirty_talk 2
#disability 1
#disaster_gays 1
#disaster_plants 1
#discipline 5
#discreet_public_play 12
#dissociation 1
#ditzification 1
#do_bee_girls_count_as_furry? 1
#doctor 4
#does_it_count_as_bestiality_if_the_beast_is_sapiant 1
#does_this_count_as_bimbofication? 1
#doll 1
#dollification 50
#dollplay 1
#dolls 6
#Dom:AI 4
#dom:AI 5
#dom:car_code_reader 1
#Dom:Computer 4
#dom:daughter 1
#dom:doctor 1
#dom:doll 3
#dom:f 1
#dom:fromsoft 1
#dom:god 3
#dom:imperialism 6
#dom:inhuman 1
#dom:magic 5
#dom:math 1
#dom:not_present 1
#dom:object 2
#dom:plant 52
#dom:plants 2
#dom:puppet 1
#Dom:Recording 3
#dom:roommate 3
#dom:sub 2
#dom:the_inescapable_reach_of_the_affini_compact 2
#dom:vampire 29
#dom:videotape 2
#dom:villain 2
#dom:witch 2
#domestic 13
#domination 4
#dominatrix 3
#doppelganger 1
#doubleteam 1
#drag_queen 1
#dragon 5
#dragon/princess 1
#dragon_girl 1
#dragon_goddess 1
#dragon_goddess/reader 1
#dragons 2
#dreamlike 2
#dress-up 4
#dronification 12
#drool 5
#drug_use 3
#drugged 67
#drugging 14
#drugplay 3
#DrugPlay 1
#drugs 141
#drugs_are_bad_ok 1
#Drugs_In_The_Soup 1
#dry_humping 3
#DubCon 6
#dubious_consent 78
#dumbification 4
#Dysphoria 1
#ear_fucking 1
#ear_penetration 1
#Earth721 2
#earworms 1
#eating 1
#edging 34
#editing 1
#electroshock 4
#emotional_manipulation 12
#emotional_play 4
#emotional_sadism 8
#enchantrix 1
#encouragement 1
#enforced_love 1
#enslavement 84
#epic_rap_battles 1
#erotic_breastfeeding 2
#erotic_club 1
#erotic_hypnosis 72
#eroticization_of_writing 3
#escape_room 1
#escaped_victim 2
#eventual_polyamory 1
#eventual_romance 3
#everyone_in_this_story_is_an_idiot 1
#evil 1
#evil_businesswomen 7
#evil_lesbians 1
#evil_therapist 1
#excessive_wordplay 1
#exec2sec 5
#exercise 2
#exes 1
#Exhibitionism 1
#existentialism 1
#experiment 2
#exploration 1
#Exploring_Together 5
#extortion 1
#extreme_dubious_consent 2
#Eye_doctor 1
#eye_focus 8
#eye_horror 1
#f/m/m 1
#F_In_Body_Only 1
#face_paint 2
#face_slapping 1
#facefuck 1
#faceless 1
#Facesit 3
#facial 1
#fade_to_black 1
#fae 16
#fae_bodies 1
#faerie 3
#failure 1
#failures 1
#fairies 5
#fairy_tale 1
#fantasies 1
#fantastic_discrimination 1
#Fantasy_Anatomy_Gore 1
#fantasy_politics 4
#fantasy_racism 1
#fauns 1
#faux_Christianity 1
#feeding 2
#feelings 1
#feet 6
#fellatio 1
#femdom 12
#femdom_hypnosis 133
#feminism 11
#femsub 1
#feralism 1
#fetish_training 1
#fetishizing_bad_choices 2
#fighting 1
#fingering 21
#first_person 20
#first_time 1
#first_time_hypnosis 2
#fishing 1
#fitness 5
#fitness_bimbo 1
#flat_is_justice 1
#flaying 1
#flirting 13
#flogging 1
#flustering 1
#foodplay 4
#foodplay_adjacent 1
#foot_fetish 56
#foot_kissing 36
#foot_worship 50
#footplay 1
#Forced_Collaring_Attempt 1
#forced_drug_use 6
#forced_feminism 4
#forced_feminization 15
#forced_impregnation 1
#forced_institutionalization 1
#forced_intox 1
#forced_kissing 4
#forced_love 10
#forced_masculinization 1
#forced_masturbation 7
#forced_orgasm 6
#forced_toppification 1
#forced_transition 1
#Forcefemmed_By_The_Universe_I_Guess? 1
#forcibly_unaware_contagion_spreader 1
#foreskin_regrowth 1
#forgotten_lover 1
#fornophilia 1
#foss 1
#foundfootage 1
#foursomes 4
#fox_girl 2
#fractionation 14
#free_software 1
#free_use 21
#freedom 1
#freeze_play 3
#freezeplay 1
#french_maid 2
#friend_to_lovers 1
#friends 1
#friends_to_lovers 11
#fucked_stupid 3
#fucking 13
#fucking_machine 3
#fucking_machines 1
#fully-fashioned 1
#fungus 2
#Fur_coats 1
#furniture 3
#Furry 1
#Furry_Is_Actually_Consensual 1
#fursuit 1
#futanari 10
#gagged 3
#Gala 1
#gals_being_pals 4
#gambling 4
#gamemechanics 9
#gamer_girl 1
#gangbang 5
#gas-mask 1
#gaslighting 35
#gatcha_mechanics 1
#geara 1
#geeky 3
#gem_control 1
#gender 2
#gender_euphoria 3
#gender_neutral 5
#gender_TF 1
#gender_traitor 2
#genderbender 1
#Genie 1
#genie 4
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#happy_ending? 4
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#housewife 4
#however... 1
#hucow 19
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#human_chair 1
#human_furniture 1
#human_toilet 1
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#hypnokink_convention 15
#hypnonconjam 7
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#Hypnosis 15
#hypnosis. 1
#hypnosis_I_Guess??? 1
#hypnotherapist 2
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#hypnotic_visor 4
#hypnotised_to_dominance 1
#hypnovember 11
#hypnovember_2019 26
#I_believe_I_am_a_machine 1
#i_personally_dont_think_this_is_blasphemous_but_it_has_potential 1
#Iceland 1
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#incest_discussed_but_is_it_incest_if_it's_a_mind_clone? 1
#Incredibly_Dumb_MCs 1
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#Involuntary_Watersports 1
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#latex People clothed (or packaged) in latex or similar smooth rubbery material. 43
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#M/s 3
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#Magical_Blinding(temporary)Electroshock_Adjacent 1
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#magical_tattoo 1
#magiccontrol 20
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#read_at_your_own_peril_I_guess 1
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#romance_will_probably_be_focused_on_girls_of_some_kind 1
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#Sadie_the_Slave 4
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#Salute 1
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#sapphic_sounds_writes_an_actual_cishet_guy_for_once 1
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#Scentplay 5
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#sexualish_situations_around_family_please_read_CWs 1
#sexuality_change 7
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#Shared_Sensations 1
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#shirtless? 1
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#shortstory 2
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#sick_romance 1
#silk 1
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#Skaetverse 4
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#sleepwalking 3
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#slight-gigantess 1
#slime 11
#slime_girl 4
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#SpecialPowers 8
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#spider-woman 1
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#spoiler_alert_they_put_cum_in_the_wine 1
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#stories_that_are_obviously_just_me_dealing_with_shit 1
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#sub:witch 1
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#submissive:hypnotist 1
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#teacher 10
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#tease_and_denial 15
#teasing 29
#tech 2
#tech_control 79
#techbros 1
#Technology 21
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#teen 3
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#telepathy 11
#temperature 1
#temporary 1
#temporary_bad_ends 1
#tenant 1
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#tentacles 22
#TG_Transformation 2
#the_tannins_smell_amazing 1
#therapist 10
#theres_piss 1
#they're_doing_their_best_across_a_large_communication_barrier 1
#thigh-highs 1
#thought_transmission 1
#threesome 8
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#throatfuck 1
#tickle_torture 1
#tickling 11
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#Tit_play 1
#titnosis 59
#toothbrushing 3
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#topification 7
#toppingfromthebottom 3
#total_power_exchange 1
#totem 1
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#whatever_the_robot_equivalent_of_somnophilia_is_actually 1
#wholesome 77
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#whoops_my_tags_are_out_of_order 1
#wife 3
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#wine_kink 1
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#wisps 1
#Witch 1
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#yandere 3
#yes_set 1
#younger_dominant 1
#zombie 3
#zombies 1


Add tags to this category when they do not fit into any other category.

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Tag Stories
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#exciting_new_forms_of_bratting 1
#extremely_loud_incorrect_buzzer 1
#falconry_hood 1
#fan_fiction_inception 1
#fat_shaming 1
#femboy 9
#financial_domination 2
#findom 5
#firearms 1
#flashfic 4
#flashlight 1
#Fluff 2
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#free_healthcare 1
#friendship_is_magic 1
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#genderfluid_characters 2
#Genius_Bimbo 1
#gestalt 1
#Gods 1
#graphic_violence 3
#grid_girl 1
#GRS_Mention 1
#guiltplay_i_guess? 1
#hacking 2
#Hailee_Tales 5
#hair_pulling 4
#halflings 1
#hard_wired_island_send_tweet 1
#headphones 3
#hidden_object_game_cranker_representation 1
#hiking 1
#himbofication 3
#hivemind 4
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#hornyfloret 1
#how_to_train_your_drone 2
#hunger 2
#HypNonconJam 4
#hypnosis_is_bullshit 1
#hypnosis_question_mark 2
#Hypnotic(2021) 1
#hypnotic_gas 9
#hypnotic_piercings 1
#hypnotic_voice 5
#hypnotized 135
#hypnovember2022 2
#hypnovember_2020 22
#I_hope_you_like_them_slugs 1
#if_I_could_have_more_cw_tags_I_would 1
#illinois 1
#implied_consent 2
#implied_recruitment 1
#implied_tf 1
#in_progress 1
#in_space_no_one_can_hear_you_cum 1
#inspiration 1
#instant_loss 4
#internalized_ableism 2
#IslaParadiso 1
#it_came_to_me_in_a_dream 45
#It_was_all_a_scene 1
#it_was_all_a_scene 1
#journal 1
#just_warm_and_fuzzy_feelings 1
#justice_guard 6
#kidnapping_fantasy 2
#kinda_dark_compared_to_my_usual 1
#kissing 2
#kraft-bimbeau 12
#lamia 25
#language_disturbance 2
#larger_canon 1
#learnedhelplessness 1
#legally_distinct_walter 1
#living_armour 1
#loserification 1
#love_triangle 3
#lovecraftian 2
#magic_grad_school_is_still_grad_school 1
#magic_school 3
#manipulation 17
#masculinization 1
#mask 2
#master_as_a_gender_neutral_title 1
#may_contain:forced_feminization 2
#may_contain:humiliation 1
#may_contain:lovecraftish_vibes 1
#me_rectifying_the_lack_of_HDG_smut_in_the_universe 3
#medical_play_question_mark 1
#mediumship 1
#memory_alteration 5
#memory_play. 1
#mental_age_regression 2
#mermaid 6
#messageboard 1
#metaphysics 1
#midas_city 8
#milfs 1
#mind_alteration 15
#mind_control_app 3
#mind_control_for_therapeutic_purposes 1
#minor_mind_control 3
#mists 1
#monsterfricker_rights 3
#moral_degeneration 3
#multiverse 1
#murder 2
#Muscles 1
#music 15
#mutual_trance 4
#mythology 5
#name_changing 6
#name_removing 1
#neither_person_consents 1
#neopronouns 1
#nerd_masochism 1
#nerd_to_goth 4
#No_horny 2
#nohurt 1
#nonbinary_character 9
#nonbinary_characters 1
#noncanonical 1
#nondescript_Dom 1
#nonverbal 2
#Not_really_a_dom_or_sub 1
#nothingness 1
#NP_hard_mathematics 1
#obligatory_wonderland_references 1
#oc 1
#occasional_haha_funny_moments 1
#Octavia 13
#ohgodsomuchsmut 1
#orgasm_control 3
#orgy 8
#overstimulation 3
#pagliaccification 1
#paranoia 4
#paternalism 1
#personality_split 3
#PhantomOfTheOpera 1
#pills 1
#pissdrinking 1
#poker 3
#poppets 1
#postal_rampage 1
#pov:first_person 12
#pov:multiple 4
#princessification 6
#pro_smooch_strats 1
#probably_the_horniest_thing_i_have_ever_written 1
#programming 9
#pronouns_change_halfway_through 7
#Property_of_Shelby 2
#pseudoincest 2
#psychotactile_superposition 1
#public_nudity 11
#putting_the_pun_in_cyberpunk 2
#race_queen 1
#rambunctious_scamps 1
#rape_play 1
#rapport 1
#relationship_amnesia 3
#relationship_change 3
#reunited_control 1
#reversal_of_fortune 6
#robot_animal 1
#royalty 3
#sadmoods 2
#sappho 1
#seance 1
#secret_identity 2
#self_care_is_over_were_doing_drugs_now 7
#self_harm 7
#self_harm_is_over_were_still_doing_drugs 4
#self_pleasing_iykwim 1
#semi_autobiography 1
#sensation_play 5
#sequel 1
#sex_worker_TF 1
#sexual_but_no_sex 1
#shame 4
#short_story_collection 4
#shyness 1
#size_difference 8
#slur_usage 4
#smut 1
#soap_opera 1
#social_sadism 4
#space_fascism 1
#Spanish 59
#spoiler:theyre_both_useless 1
#standalone_story 1
#statue 1
#stepmother 1
#storybook_horny 1
#straitjacket 2
#stripping 9
#Strong_Bodies_Weak_Minds 4
#sub:AI 2
#sub:hit_streamer 1
#sub:multiple 1
#sub:the_horror_of_existence_in_a_caring_universe 4
#sub:universe 1
#sub:unspecified 3
#sub:you 6
#sub_is_a_horny_nerd 1
#suicide 3
#suit_tf 1
#summoning 1
#surrender 1
#suspense 2
#switch_fighting 3
#t4t 2
#tea_party 3
#temporary_loss_of_limbs 1
#Terran_Union 2
#the_french_way 1
#the_least_kinky_hdg_fic_you'll_ever_read 1
#the_main_couple_is_consensual 1
#the_spirit_of_terra_will_never_die 1
#The_Wrong_Beep 1
#third_person 2
#this_is_not_all_tomorrows_but_sexy_I_swear 1
#tiefling 1
#top:robot 9
#torture 8
#totally_the_intro_to_a_doctor_who_episode 1
#tranced_bottom 5
#trans_egg 21
#trans_friend 1
#trans_main_character 3
#transgender 1
#transphobia 3
#Travis_N._Spud's_Crossover_of_Chaos 12
#tree_fuckin' 1
#tuesday_again_no_problem 1
#tw:suicide_attempt 2
#useless_lesbeans 2
#verbal_abuse 5
#Very_Silly_Plampts_and_Pets 2
#Voidverse 1
#voodoo_doll 1
#VR_hypnosis 4
#we_love_a_problematic_raid_girlboss 1
#webcomics 1
#weird 6
#what-if-you-were-a-house-and-your-hot-bug-wife-fucked-you 1
#what_if_a_mascot_was_fricked_up 1
#Whiteout 1
#wicca 1
#witchdollfic 1
#wizards 4
#would-be_hypnotist 1
#writing 2
#you_gotta_pay_for_estrogen_somehow 1
#zalgo_text 1

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