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Stray Animals
by EstherMika
(3994 words)
(100% match)
#cw:noncon #cw:brief_vomit_mention #hound/handler #mecha #pov:second_person #scifi (click to see all tags) #muzzles
(Click to show spoiler tags) #bad_end #betrayal

A sudden SOS signal reaches the Rebel base you’re stationed on, and you’re put in charge of the rescue operation. Among those rescued is a distressed pilot, one who you can’t seem to stop thinking about. A cautionary tale on running away from your past.

The Red Star
by leiablaze05
[Ongoing] (2 chapters, 8014 words)
(100% match)
#cw:noncon #dom:female #f/f #mecha #military #scifi #sub:female (click to see all tags) #cw:gun_violence
(Click to show spoiler tags) #cw:surgery

Robin Cassia, the Red Star, looks into the mirror. She’s the ace mecha pilot of the Publica fleet, their icon, their beacon of order in a world of chaos. Right?

by Kallie
[Ongoing] (6 chapters, 51851 words)
(100% match)
#cw:noncon #cw:sexual_assault #dom:female #f/f #mecha #scifi #sub:female

Kione, a mercenary pilot, is hired to rescue the captured, brainwashed Sartha Thrace. But getting her home and healing her mind prove to be very different things - and Kione’s feelings for the hero threaten to pull her into the dark when she discovers how malleable Sartha can be

by Kallie
(3 chapters, 28995 words)
(100% match)
#cw:noncon #betrayal #dom:female #f/f #petplay #scifi #sub:female (click to see all tags) #identity_manipulation #mecha

Leinth Aritimis, a rebel pilot, is captured by the enemy. Her personal hero, Sartha Thrace, is there - but she’s a changed woman. Can Leinth set Sartha free? Or is Sartha so lost to Handler’s brainwashing, she’ll betray a woman who trusts her above everything else?

by faeuriye
[Ongoing] (7016 words)
(100% match)
#scifi #sub:female #tech_control (click to see all tags) #dystopia #mecha #mystery #thriller
(Click to show spoiler tags) #cw:noncon #cw:sexual_assault #dom:female #f/f
(Some Content Warning tags are spoilered. Click to show them) #cw:noncon #cw:sexual_assault

Danika wakes up as a prisoner in a United Xeric Front camp. Can she escape the jaws of hell, or will they consume her?

Get Into the Robot
by fennywrites
(2611 words)
(100% match)
#cw:noncon #dom:female #f/f #hypnosis #pov:bottom #sub:female (click to see all tags) #brainwashing #CW:dubious_consent #mecha #mind_control #robots #scifi #top:robot

A mecha is a wonderful thing, in this post-apocalyptic world. But why do their Pilot never seemed to want to stray away from it?

A Drone’s Fate
by immaterial_vivi
[Ongoing] (2 chapters, 4334 words)
(100% match)
#cw:noncon #dom:female #drones #f/f #humiliation #scifi #sub:female (click to see all tags) #conditioning #latex #mecha #medical_play #military

In the far future, on a lifeless world, combat drone 4F goes on a routine mission in a forever war that has lost all meaning, hoping to find a remaining shred of humanity in herself.

Grasping the Weapon
by Kallie
(6869 words)
(100% match)
#cw:noncon #dom:female #f/f #mecha #petplay #scifi #sub:female

At Handler’s invitation, Sergeant Meetra Kotys reports to the kennels beneath the base. After her encounter with Handler’s brainwashed hound, she expects to be anointed with power and control. Instead, she faces a test: can she prove her humanity? Or is she simply another beast?

Preliminary Training
by Hound_621
(4045 words)
(100% match)
#cw:noncon #brainwashing #dom:female #f/f #pov:bottom #scifi #sub:female (click to see all tags) #mecha #ownership_dynamics #personality_change

A soon-to-be mech pilot gets to know her new Handler, and her new self.

In Perfect Sync
by Leaf~
(5493 words)
(100% match)
#corruption #dom:female #scifi #sub:female #sub:male #transgender_characters (click to see all tags) #brain_hacking #mecha #nanotech #trans_vibes #transformation

A mech-thief encounters more than he bargains for when the AI on his newest acquisition seeks to turn him into its old pilot – who was a g-g-g-girl!

Advanced Cognition
by HypnoticHarlequin
(5854 words)
(100% match)
#cw:gore #cw:noncon #cw:protagonist_death #bondage #D/s #dom:nb #pov:bottom #sub:female #tech_control (click to see all tags) #drones #mecha #robots #scifi

Ira’s mech gets fitted with an AI co-pilot. Unfortunately, it wants to do more than just help her fly.

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