(20 chapters, 84118 words)
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The first chapter is the long Intro for the story. I began playing a Game called X-Change.Life online. It is based on the X-Change Gender Swapping Pills. It has made me feel things that have been wonderful. It is part fictionalization of my game play and elements of the game.
(3 chapters, 5612 words)
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At work, Pete encounters a guy she’d just as soon not have seen again, and he gives her his card.
(2 chapters, 8223 words)
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Nervous and unconfident Suzi Sharp is really a cunning mind controller. At least she wants to be. After concocting a new perfume designed to act like strong pheromones, she decides to test it with a visit to her friend, though her lack of self control is soon put to the test!
(7 chapters, 38795 words)
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Written together with AliC (https://chyoa.com/user/AliC)
Locke was a normal high school senior, but now three omnipotent goddesses are competing for his attention. And things are getting crazy.
(8461 words)
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A series of voicemails left by Abigail Porter’s ex documenting another ill-fated investigation into the enigmatic mind controller, Angel. The third story in the Dear Abby series.
(10813 words)
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A series of emails sent from Abigail Porter during her investigation into her sister’s whereabouts. Sequel to Dear Abby.
(15 chapters, 115366 words)
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After multiple years away at school, Zach is finally home to start his career and finally help his mom for all she has done. But his brat sister throws a wrench in it. With the aid of a magic collar maybe he can fix her.
(8789 words)
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Elsa has always thought her little sister was too shy for her own good. That is, until she brings home some very special lollipops. Then Elsa starts to see her in a whole different way.
(10805 words)
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Bored with corrupting good girls, a malevolent incubus corrupts the a completely gorgeous morally bankrupt billionaire babe to see how evil they can get together.
(2 chapters, 11600 words)
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Brent has a machine that lets him re-write a moment in time over and over… until it’s just right.
(2775 words)
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Cindy puts on her cloak and red cap to deliver a basket of food to her grandmother, who lives in a cottage in the woods.
(21 chapters, 210068 words)
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Max discovers something that changes his life forever.
(3564 words)
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A little brother is left home alone, and discovers his older brother’s laptop unlocked. Curiosity gets the better of him as he finds his big brother’s diary.
(1805 words)
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A series of letters from a girl who is being abused by the one who has power over her. Kinda surreal maybe?
(2645 words)
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I get up for my 18th birthday for an unexpected surprise.
(6 chapters, 23946 words)
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Powerful mind controllers rule the world, and the future is their boots pressing down on their slaves’ faces, forever. For normal people, like Carolina and her family, there is nothing to life but obedience… until an unexpected opportunity presents itself.
(2744 words)
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A Halloween-themed spinoff story of Julie’s Toe-tal Control. Julie is performing a hypnosis act during a Halloween party she’s hosting, and she wants her new stepson Steve to volunteer as her subject.