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Category : Content Tags
A tainted batch of energy drink transforms any woman unlucky enough to drink it into the Perfect Girlfriend of the first guy she sees.
A smuggler is forced land by dogged pursuers, only to find that it’s a one way trip. And that the planet in which he lands is populated entirely by women. And, that one man happening to land does not, ultimately, change that fact.
Amy is tired of being pushed around by the girls at work, so she decides to get even with the help of a bimbo potion she finds on the internet.
Jenna is shocked when she overhears her crush- um, victim, Lily, is using a shock collar to get over her inability to make eye contact, so she can ask out another girl! Unfortunately, a simple mistake leaves Jenna with control of the collar… and Lily at the mercy of her bully~
Over 200 hundred years ago the doll wars tore apart civilized space. Now the young Illaya sifts through the ashes of a once burning conflict for a doll.
Elizabeth wakes up to find she had missed a big date with her boyfriend by several hours when all of a sudden her dorky, incredibly underqualified lab hand, bursts into the room with her PhD project, which should only be able to detect realties, not change them and yet..
Jenna plays a prank on her bitchy stepmom by tricking her into wearing a dog collar, unaware the collar is designed to subliminally train pets into obedience.
Ariel shows Beth and Felicia her most favorite movie in the world. Beth and Felicia seem captivated by it, too.
Milly is a happy hucow grazing with her herd when a flying saucer piloted by blue alien women abduct her.
A series of unrelated tales from a tiny corner of a very big ship in an even bigger universe. HDG shorts of questionable canonicity and even more questionable quality.
Self-proclaimed “Terran Genius”, Zeitha Rebuille, is tasked with defending humanity, but when her intellect fails her, what then is she left with? An HDG story that focuses on trauma & growth, with a sprinkle of military sci-fi.
Former OCNI agent Christina Long, in the last moments of Terran Resistance on Cervina II, manages to acquire a mystery vial of xenodrugs. When she attempts to chase one last high, she is surprised to learn that there is more to the Affini than she was led to believe.
An adventuring party finds a mystery and a girl wakes up from a long nap. She’s a little confused about whats going on since she shouldn’t be awake. Oh yeah, and there are hot plant aliens!
In the twilight days of the Terran Accord, a bleeding edge military contractor creates an advanced war drone Unit 7.322 to fight the affini threat taking over terran space. The obedient drone is sent off to war to fulfill its purpose, to obey. A complete HDG Drone fic