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Not Alone
by CarthageOmega12
(2 chapters, 7756 words)
(100% match)
#aliens #hypnosis #no_sex_no_nudity #scifi #sub:female #wholesome (click to see all tags) #anxiety #dom:alien #hypnotic_light #sleep #tentacles

In escaping a damaged research vessel, Trooper Alex Raine finds herself orbiting a habitable planet, by herself, in a tiny escape pod. She does not want to be alone in space, which makes the arrival of an alien creature something both horrifying and… hopeful.

A Box for Thoughts
by WantonAmel
(4721 words)
(100% match)
#anxiety #brain_drain #CW:dubious_consent #f/m #fucking #urban_fantasy (click to see all tags) #creampie #dubious_consent #intelligence_loss #magic #magic_box #masturbation #memory_play #orgasm #personality_change #pre-existing_relationship #sex #slutification #solo

A very anxious Debbie receives a strange box that takes all her worries, leaving her happy, horny, and dumber. She invites her boyfriend over to look at it too.

by anna//bool
[Ongoing] (56 chapters, 277564 words)
(100% match)
#cw:noncon #D/s #dom:female #Human_Domestication_Guide #petplay #slow_burn #sub:female (click to see all tags) #anxiety #dom:imperialism #dom:internalized_imperialism #dom:plant #drugs #f/f #hurt/comfort #hypnotic_voice #nonbinary_character #ownership_dynamics #panic_attacks #pov:bottom #pov:multiple #pov:top #scifi #sub:the_horror_of_existence_in_a_caring_universe #transgender_characters

A struggling young woman and a hypercompetent alien get stranded in space, and need to figure out how they can work together to get home despite their… cultural differences. Wiggle on over to for the rest.

by Fleur Fairyfloss
(7 chapters, 17476 words)
(100% match)
#D/s #dom:female #f/f #hypnosis #pov:bottom #sub:female (click to see all tags) #anxiety #bingo_dot_mp3 #disassociation #dom:plant #drug_play #drugs #drugs_question_mark #Human_Domestication_Guide #monsterfricker_rights #scifi #second_person #storybook_horny #transgender_characters

We’ve captured an Affini, they said. This will turn the tide of the war, they said. She is every storybook monster you’ve ever wished would steal you away and you have never known anything as surely as you know that this will not end well.

The Florette's Dilemma
by Motherlygirl
(67 chapters, 170019 words)
(100% match)
#dom:female #drugs #Human_Domestication_Guide #pov:bottom #scifi (click to see all tags) #anxiety #depression #dom:plant #f/f

A lone, traumatized girl turns herself in to the affini out of desperation. She has many enemies the affini wish to protect her from, but what they don’t realize is that they may well top the list.

Just curious
by senipro
(11 chapters, 40203 words)
(100% match)
#CW:dubious_consent #dom:plant #drugs #Human_Domestication_Guide #nb/nb #pov:bottom (click to see all tags) #anxiety #cute #dom:nb #humiliation #sub:nb

(A story in the Human Domestication Guide universe) A human, lost for their purpose in life, had always felt weird whenever they thought about florets. But they didn’t want to be one. They were just curious! Just curious what it feels like, that’s all…

A Toy to Break
by Witch-Queen Rose
(7 chapters, 28174 words)
(100% match)
#cw:noncon #D/s #dom:female #f/f #Human_Domestication_Guide #pov:bottom #sub:female (click to see all tags) #anxiety #dom:plant #drugs #humiliation #me_rectifying_the_lack_of_HDG_smut_in_the_universe #petplay #robots #sadomasochism #scifi #transgender_characters

One ambitious Terran engineer’s scheme to break out of her class leads to the creation of new life: sentient, yes, but not sapient… at least, not by design. What is life to a machine that no longer has any purpose, and how will one eager Affini help her answer that question?

The Grand Folia Hotel
by keysmasht
(8 chapters, 40816 words)
(100% match)
#cw:noncon #D/s #Human_Domestication_Guide #petplay #pov:bottom #scifi (click to see all tags) #anxiety #covert_conditioning #dom:plants #hurt/comfort #maid #xenophobia
(Click to show spoiler tags) #dollplay #memory_play

When an Affini outpost and the object of Phoebe’s spy assignment for the Rebellion turns out to be an elaborate “floret-run” hotel, she begins to wonder if she’s in over her head.

Negotiations on shaky vines
by Exhausted_ambition
(65 chapters, 334539 words)
(100% match)
#dom:female #f/f #hypnosis #petplay #pov:bottom #scifi (click to see all tags) #anxiety #CW:dubious_consent #cw:violence #dom:internalized_imperialism #dom:plant #drug_play #Human_Domestication_Guide #ownership_dynamics #sensation_play #sub:capitalism #sub:female #trans_egg #transgender_characters

As human worlds fight a losing battle against the affini, one ambitious human will fight with words rather than ships. But are all the struggles for power really worth it or will they find more happiness as a pet? A human domestication story

Terran Turnabout
by Queen Luci <3
[Ongoing] (1828 words)
(100% match)
#drug_play #f/f #Human_Domestication_Guide #hypnosis #mind_control #multiple_partners #scifi #slow_burn (click to see all tags) #anxiety #bondage #D/s #depression #exhibitionism #f/m #f/nb #m/m #m/nb

A young sophont awakens in an Affini hospital with no memory of her past or her former self. After being informed that she is apparently a “Floret”, she decides to fight a legal battle for her independance. But when she meets a certain kind and caring plant will her plans change?

Delta Infinity
by HoneyBunNora
[Ongoing] (4 chapters, 11534 words)
(100% match)
#anxiety #dom:female #f/f #scifi #slow_burn #sub:female (click to see all tags) #abduction_sorta #aliens #angst #cw:blood #cw:violence #if_you_couldn't_tell_I_enjoy_POV_switches #lesbian #objectification #predicament

A few humans on their way to a new solar system stray far from their course and are intercepted by an alien ship.

Arrange Mode Marriage
by Fleur Fairyfloss
[Ongoing] (2 chapters, 3167 words)
(100% match)
#D/s #dom:female #f/f #hypnosis #pov:bottom #sub:female (click to see all tags) #anxiety #biting #blood #cw:violence #extremely_loud_incorrect_buzzer #hidden_object_game_cranker_representation #hurt/comfort #implied_memory_play #memory_play #modern_future #predator/prey_vibes #pro_smooch_strats #puns #putting_the_pun_in_cyberpunk #second_person #spy #transgender_characters #trigger #what_if_a_mascot_was_fricked_up

A housewife isn’t just a housewife, and she was surely something else before she became a housewife. Why, a housewife could very well have been a whole slew of something-elses before she became a housewife! Can OUR HEROINE remember the secrets of CLOSE QUARTERS HOMEMAKING?

by DoctorNoah
(8 chapters, 25814 words)
(100% match)
#cw:noncon #dom:female #hurt/comfort #hypnosis #scifi #sub:female #sub:male (click to see all tags) #anxiety #dom:internalized_imperialism #drugs #f/f #f/m #f/nb #Human_Domestication_Guide #nonbinary_character #other_stuff_i_dont_even_know_yet #panic_attacks #slow_burn #sub:nb #toxic_masculinity

A terraforming scientist is suffering on an isolated planetoid, separated from his wife by the war with the dastardly Affini. Unfortunately, they might be his only chance for help. Will the couple be re-united? And what internal truths will be revealed along the way?

An Apple a Day Keeps Il Dottore Away
by Fleur Fairyfloss
(1159 words)
(100% match)
#D/s #dom:female #f/f #hypnosis #pov:bottom #sub:female (click to see all tags) #anxiety #but_doctor #clown #commedia_dell_arte #dubious_consent #face_paint #hurt/comfort #medical_play_question_mark #modern_fantasy #monsterfricker_rights #pagliacci #pagliaccification #second_person #transformation

Woman goes to doctor. She says, “I love a good Pagliacci meme, but I feel the dearth of unnervingly hypnohorny Pagliacci memes like an ache in my heart.” Doctor tugs twenty tangled pocketwatches from her bag before tossing the whole mess aside with a smile. “Treatment is simple!”

Blue Stripe
by Meanderling
(12 chapters, 71634 words)
(100% match)
#cw:gore #cw:noncon #D/s #dom:female #f/f #pov:bottom #sub:female (click to see all tags) #anxiety #dom:plant #drugs #graphic_violence #Human_Domestication_Guide #hurt/comfort #medical_play #multiple_partners #nonbinary_character #ownership_dynamics #petplay #pov:top #romantic #scifi #self_harm_is_over_were_still_doing_drugs #slow_burn #transgender_characters #whoops_i_did_worldbuilding_a_little

Kira is very good at running away from things. Maybe a little bit too good.

Harm and Healing
by AliceClaudia
(5 chapters, 13204 words)
(100% match)
#cw:noncon #D/s #f/nb #Human_Domestication_Guide #hypnosis #pov:bottom #sub:female (click to see all tags) #anxiety #dom:nb #drugs #transgender_characters

Dorothy Miller, a young woman struggling to get by, faces her worst fear when the affini invade her home world, only to find it wasn’t what she was expecting. A Human Domestication Guide story.

People and Other Horrors
by LovelyMimic
(2 chapters, 4912 words)
(100% match)
#anxiety #Human_Domestication_Guide #nonbinary_character #panic_attacks #scifi #slice_of_life

Thanks to the wonders of Affini medicine and bioengineering, Hiss is finally the tentacled, razor-toothed nocturnal horror it’s always dreamed of being. Now, if only there was a body mod that prevented anyone from perceiving it, its errands really would be stress-free.

The Mother of Monsters
by gaydarade
(6257 words)
(100% match)
#cw:noncon #D/s #dom:female #f/m #slice_of_life #sub:male (click to see all tags) #anxiety #anxious_sub #AU_where_transphobia_isnt_normalized #bondage #chores #clothing #fade_to_black #femboy #french_maid #goth #goth_tf #loving_dom #maid #mind_control #nerd #nerd_to_goth #noncon_up_front_with_a_smooth_cheerful_finish #oneshot #oneshot_onekill #panic_attacks #protocol #queer_characters #questioning_queer #realistic #resistance #romantic #shame #transgender_characters #urban_fantasy
(Click to show spoiler tags) #f/f #gender_euphoria #sub:female

Elliott and his best friend Jason have just joined the Gamma Chi frat at NSFU. Just two dweebs, free as birds, sophomore year is off to a great start. Jason even got a pretty girl’s snapchat at a party! But when Chad takes them under his wing for a day, things change for Elliott.

Gaslight Gatekeep Grimalkin
by Fleur Fairyfloss
(1950 words)
(100% match)
#D/s #dom:female #f/f #fantasy #pov:bottom #sub:female (click to see all tags) #anxiety #cat_kabedons_or_catbedons #hurt/comfort #hypnosis_question_mark #magic #modern_fantasy #monsterfricker_rights #ownership_dynamics #predator/prey #ritual_of_the_familiar #role_reversal #second_person #transformation

We love a PROBLEMATIC GIRLBOSS, even when the Ritual’s made a heart-eyed horror of her. Maybe we love her even more. Marvel as she gaslights and gatekeeps her way into the heart of a reluctant…mistress? Question mark?? A Ritual of the Familiar story.

Siren Song
by EchoingRuby
(3303 words)
(100% match)
#D/s #dom:female #f/f #Human_Domestication_Guide #hurt/comfort #sub:female (click to see all tags) #anxiety #cuddles #dom:plant #first_person #hugs #hypnotic_eyes #panic_attacks #pov:bottom #pov:first_person #scifi

All her life Clara has heard the Song; a rhythm to which her life beats. It provides structure to an otherwise fluid existence. The Song demands a Schedule, and she gladly follows it. But when the affini show up with their own songs, will hers be subsumed?

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