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To save the colony from the encroaching Rift, you submit yourself to the alien Master that now sits on your head. Following a vision, you soon find yourself underground within the belly of the beast, meeting the true Purpose behind your submission.
(2 chapters, 7756 words)
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In escaping a damaged research vessel, Trooper Alex Raine finds herself orbiting a habitable planet, by herself, in a tiny escape pod. She does not want to be alone in space, which makes the arrival of an alien creature something both horrifying and… hopeful.
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research continues into these strange beings —— YOU will make contact —— the Subject has a peculiar interest —— observe and interact
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A seasoned urban explorer brings her nervous friend to investigate the remains of an abandoned theme park, with a special eye on a dark ride that captivated its riders with a psychedelic tale of an ancient alien invasion.
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You’re forced to undergo medical treatment for failing to adapt to the new social order. Unfortunately, the terms of the treatment aren’t very clear. By the time you realize that death may have been the better option, you’re in well over your head (and they’re well into yours).
(10 chapters, 19535 words)
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A race of highly advanced aliens had decided that planet earth needs their guidance, the humans are way over their head and they surely destroy themselves, the solution? they need a queen, a perfect hybrid of both human and alien’s best attributes, but how perfect is she?
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Humanity enters the home dimension of the X incursion in a final, desperate effort to reach some kind of accommodation with the creatures transforming Earth.
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A soldier of the New Cleopatran Empire is on a mission to take out a Burster nest, just one of many fronts of the battle for the planet Perdition. But can any human mind prevail on a world where telepathy is part of the Darwinian arms race for survival?
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Milly is a happy hucow grazing with her herd when a flying saucer piloted by blue alien women abduct her.
(4 chapters, 14548 words)
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Asteroid mining trip gone wrong leads to an off-the-books first contact with an alien species. Not set in delta infinity or HDG universes
(2 chapters, 2342 words)
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Stories in which the women of Earth learn to stop fighting and love their new Martian overlords. (Martian appearance based off Mars Attacks.)
(2 chapters, 6401 words)
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Robert Bankman, a crooked police officer, bonded with an alien parasite that wanted to change everyone into biker gang member
(4 chapters, 11534 words)
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A few humans on their way to a new solar system stray far from their course and are intercepted by an alien ship.
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A superheroine encounters a snake-like alien who helps her get the rest she needs.
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Huddled together in a specially designed fortress, the last remnants of the United States government try to form a last desperate plan to halt the spread of X.
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Snapshots of daily life for the mind controlled slave girls of Martian invaders in Los Angeles. Appearance of aliens based off Mars Attacks.
(2 chapters, 13300 words)
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Shay’s been battling anxiety and has decided to go to Dr. Es at her Starlight Hypnotherapy practice… and gets SO MUCH MORE.
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Shauna makes a lucky guess when she says that the weird guy leering at her is acting like some sort of alien. And as it turns out, he’s got a plan for her.