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Alyssa/Danielle, Jelly Doll, Sabby and Program:Selena, along with their various hypno doms, gather at Hailee and Milo’s house for an annual hypnosis convention… and chaos ensues!
Penny’s calculus test is interrupted by a mysterious stranger, and nobody else bats an eye. Even when they start getting intimate with her fellow students.
Vanessa gets a visit at work from a rich eccentric who makes outlandish claims about his hypnotic programming undermining her from within. But obviously it’s nonsense. Even if she does decide to humor him a little.
The Elf Princess Zari has been kidnapped by the wicked villainess Nightshade, but an accidental swap of their magic items will result in a change in their destinies. And their personalities.
Joining Richard and AJ in their shenanigans, Anjelica discovers a deep desire of her own, and becomes increasingly obsessed with realising it… A sequel to ‘Exploring Together’.
Cindy interviews a new applicant for the position of staff hypnotist.
With his girlfriend and her friend, Derek’s life will never be a bore
Elizabeth wakes up to find she had missed a big date with her boyfriend by several hours when all of a sudden her dorky, incredibly underqualified lab hand, bursts into the room with her PhD project, which should only be able to detect realties, not change them and yet..
An office of disgruntled women receive some help getting along thanks to a hypnotist named Bridgette
Decided to challenge myself to writing flashfics for every day of Hypnovember. Creative shorts working off of various prompts
On the battlefields of the long distant past, the almighty Herald of a Goddess meets a demoness far too weak to be of any threat. In this universe, Truth is a power and a weapon, but what danger can a little misdirection really pose to a creature bound by her oaths?
Jenna plays a prank on her bitchy stepmom by tricking her into wearing a dog collar, unaware the collar is designed to subliminally train pets into obedience.
After Tammy is hypnotised by her crush, she begins to find new things perfectly normal.
Doug hangs out with the girl next door and plays video games.
Tulip, a trans woman working in a coffee shop, accidentally summons a fertility goddess and finds herself in the new position of sex priestess.
The story of two troubled roommates, an unethical therapist, and his patients.
You never know what you’ll have in common with your blind date. For instance, Cassie and Willa are both unknowingly brainwashed by the same social media app, and serve the same supervillain Mistress.
The roots of Isabelle’s control run deep.
A ragtag band of the last few Terran rebels encounter a mysterious Affini and discover a shocking truth: why yes, they would make good pets! After all, there are no lies in the Affini Compact.
An accident victim with an experimental cyborg brain begins to suffer a peculiar form of cognitive impairment, and has to try to think her way out of her troubles with a head that’s very much unsuitable for the task.