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Her Voice
by goodbot
(10 chapters, 9228 words)
(100% match)
#consensual_kink #f/f #friends_to_lovers #transgender_characters (click to see all tags) #comic_book #orientation_change #romance
(Click to show spoiler tags) #plurality

Olivia is a kinky straight girl who doesn’t know how to feel when Alison, her trans lesbian best friend and ex-“boyfriend”, awakens the power to control minds with just her voice. Alison doesn’t want to abuse her power for personal gain, but Olivia wishes that she would.

The Love and Trances of Madison and Belladonna
by Cammie Dawn
[Ongoing] (17 chapters, 97943 words)
(100% match)
#consensual_kink #dom:female #f/f #romantic #sub:female (click to see all tags) #asexual_characters #multiple_partners #plurality #polyamory #realistic #transgender_characters
(Click to show spoiler tags) #sub:male

Plural identities and hypnokink aren’t the easiest things to integrate into a relationship but Madison and Belladonna are willing to put in the effort to make it work.

Bouquet Bound, Garden Ablaze
by Skaetlett
[Ongoing] (7 chapters, 54950 words)
(100% match)
#bondage #CW:dubious_consent #D/s #f/nb #humiliation #transgender_characters (click to see all tags) #corruption #cw:transphobia #dom:female #exhibitionism #plurality #pov:bottom #sub:nb #twentyfour_seven
(Click to show spoiler tags) #CW:hereditary_cancer #f/f

For five years, Lily has been bound tightly to Magnolia. Nothing can test the foundation of their love for each other. Right?

by Skaetlett
[Ongoing] (9 chapters, 56916 words)
(100% match)
#cw:noncon #cw:sexual_assault #D/s #dom:capitalism #f/f #humiliation #ownership_dynamics #plurality #Soulmate_AU (click to see all tags) #bondage #corruption #dom:female #eventual_romance #exhibitionism #sub:female #transgender_characters

A failed law student earns her Soulmate Mark, subjecting her to the CEO of everything she stood against.

Two Minds, Two Eyes
by Duth Olec
(3026 words)
(100% match)
#cw:noncon #bondage #dom:male #plurality #pov:bottom #pov:top #snake (click to see all tags) #coiling #fantasy #sub:female #sub:male #sub:nb

Xipilcoatl the snake comes across a human rather of two minds about most things. It would be so much simpler if they followed just one mind–Xipil’s. They prove at least halfway stubborn, though…

by Unknown_Placidity
(13 chapters, 52420 words)
(100% match)
#cw:gore #cw:noncon #D/s #dom:female #f/f #multiple_partners #pov:bottom #sub:female (click to see all tags) #bondage #dom:internalized_imperialism #dom:nb #drugs #f/nb #Human_Domestication_Guide #indoctrination #mindbreak #nb/nb #petplay #plurality #scifi #sub:nb

When a trio of recently captured rebels are carried into Dr Rimu’s low-risk ward, the doctor finds that they are very interesting patients. Her biggest challenge won’t be her feelings, but the need to break the news that all three unwittingly share the same body. - A HDG Story

by Cracked_Ruby
(16 chapters, 96229 words)
(100% match)
#cw:noncon #dom:female #f/f #Human_Domestication_Guide #pov:bottom #scifi #sub:female (click to see all tags) #beegirl #drugged #multiple_partners #plurality

Crimson Seventa has a problem, the affini took over her home three years ago, and that was fine, but she met a beeple a year ago, and now she’ll do anything to fix it. A story set in the HDG universe!

Bouquet Bound One Shots
by Skaetlett
(14 chapters, 79619 words)
(100% match)
#consensual_kink #D/s #dom:female #f/nb #hurt/comfort (click to see all tags) #bimbofication #bondage #exhibitionism #humiliation #plurality #public_play #sub:nb

A series of one shot stories taking place after the events of Bouquet Bound.

Triple Threat
by TravisNSpud
(3318 words)
(100% match)
#f/f #f/m #hypnosis #plurality #scifi

In a crime-riddled city-state on a future human colony world, Caitlin struggles to survive and deal with the voices in her head.

Lunar Circuit's Bouquet Bound Fanfics
by Lunar Circuit
(4 chapters, 12069 words)
(100% match)
#consensual_kink #detailed_induction #dom:female #f/nb #plurality #sub:nb (click to see all tags) #ownership_dynamics
(Click to show spoiler tags) #animal_crossing #boxing

A series of Skaetlett-sanctioned fanfics set after Bouquet Bound. These stories are “level 2 canon” - canon until contradicted. As of Garden Ablaze, these stories are officially noncanon.

Bouquet Bound
by Skaetlett
(22 chapters, 94342 words)
(100% match)
#cw:noncon #auctions #D/s #f/nb #intelligence_play #plurality #pov:bottom #transgender_characters (click to see all tags) #degradation #dom:capitalism #dom:female #edging #humiliation #orgasm_denial #ownership_dynamics #punishment #romance #sadomasochism #sub:nb #wealth_fantasy
(Click to show spoiler tags) #business_party #eventual_romance #free_use #m/nb #multiple_partners

A non-binary plural submissive is bought at auction by a cruel, ultra-wealthy Mistress, and finds their experience to be much more freeing than they expected.

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