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Lucy is an adventurous young lady. She explores a mysterious ruin with her mentor, Mr. Derringer. But not all is as it seems.
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A holstaur and her playthings encounter what should be a dream come true: Three beautiful girls eager to suckle their minds away! But could they be up to something…?
(3 chapters, 6978 words)
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An elven diplomat and princess breaks with protocol to make a request of the vampire lady she is meeting with.
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Venus Ascendant is drawn by the hypnotic call of a vampire who’s marked her as their prey… but who’s the victim in all this becomes remarkably difficult to discern.
(2 chapters, 6151 words)
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Something’s up with the cheerleaders. They avoid mirrors, hate the sun, and their voices are, like, totally hypnotic…
Only Alice knows the truth. The cheer squad are vampires, who prey on lonely girls and turn them into the undead! And they’ve already got their fangs into her~
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This is why I hunger for you.
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Be ready for any dangerous wildlife you may encounter on your backpacking trip…
(12 chapters, 94577 words)
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Manny is an elf of few means and fewer prospects. When a wealthy vampire chooses her to be his next thrall, it forges a bond that compels her to feel everything he feels. Will she be able to resist his will when it invades her every thought?
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vamp your worries away to mind blank under her fangs
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Vampire mob boss Antony Voronin faces betrayal from within his own ranks, and must confront the powerful and ancient Magnus to put it to bed.
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You and your vampire fuck buddy take a trip to New York. When you get stuck on the subway, he uses your body to entertain himself… and everyone around you. He uses his powers of vampire compulsionl and exceptional fucking skills to give you the ride of your life.
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After drinking her prey’s corrupted blood, a vampire hunter discovers who the real predator is as feelings of love and hate for the vampire begin to blur
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Wyetta Maier, knight of the realm, is tasked with taking down a vampire. She’s got her trusty longsword, but might find out that there’s certain dangers even her fighting skill can’t save her from…
(16 chapters, 33933 words)
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Anne, Olivia and several other girls from Spiral Clicker find themselves in a medieval style castle, compelled to play a mind control game for the entertainment of their Leader.
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For Valentine’s Day, Serena is hoping to do little more than go to a nice dinner. Evie has other plans.
(6 chapters, 15442 words)
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When Victoria fed off of a girl at the club she wasn’t expecting werewolf blood to taste so good, or werewolf cock to feel that amazing.
(12 chapters, 56580 words)
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An ongoing series of one-shots and side-stories set after the events of Whiteout.