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Category : Content Tags
Alyssa/Danielle, Jelly Doll, Sabby and Program:Selena, along with their various hypno doms, gather at Hailee and Milo’s house for an annual hypnosis convention… and chaos ensues!
A series of vignettes focusing on athletic submissive Victoria and her girlfriend, domme and hypnotist, Samantha. The entries range from 300-3000 words, are mostly self-contained, and can be read in practically any order, with some clearly-noted exceptions.
Brainwashed slave Kenzie tries to figure out what the old her would have done to escape her Master’s control, only to realize that it was the old Kenzie who got brainwashed in the first place.
Blake loves it when Sonia makes things nice and simple. And by “things” he means “Blake”.
A series of emails sent from Abigail Porter during her investigation into her sister’s whereabouts. Sequel to Dear Abby.
A series of letters sent by Annabelle Porter to her twin sister, Abigail, which showcase a change in her personality during her first year at college.
A series of vignettes depicting the further escapades of bratty hypno-sub Alyssa ‘AJ’ Johnson, her fiendish Master Richard Yorke, and her submissive alter-ego, Danielle…
A trance a day keeps the thoughts away! One short story for every day this month, not using any prompt lists.
Nathaniel uses hypnosis to convince Chloe that her submission is only natural.
Kaycey makes morning tea for herself and her roommate.
Ronald is stunned to discover that timid, mousy Janet is fully capable of taking control when she wants to.
In order to finish her doctoral thesis on a certain mysterious plant, Sofia Bezzina needs help. In order to get closer to her, Professor Ben Artom is willing to provide it.
Spelled-out words get inside Roxanna’s head and make her susceptible to suggestions.
Caryn gives Dylan something to smile about.
Joining Richard and AJ in their shenanigans, Anjelica discovers a deep desire of her own, and becomes increasingly obsessed with realising it… A sequel to ‘Exploring Together’.
Candace tries to explain how the brainwashing that makes her into a dumb giggly slut works… but it’s kind of tricky. Because she’s such a dumb, giggly slut.
An evening with friends for Ro and Cai turns into something more.
Fraine Deshra’eth and Retra Broadstone awaken to find themselves held captive by a mysterious, and horny, dark elf. Fraine and Retra get to experience the various effects of the dark elf’s extensive potion collection, resulting in passionate, drug-induced sex.
Lori’s roommate seems to have bought a new brand of soap. It’s probably horrible for her skin, but using it once probably couldn’t hurt… right?
Sabrina brags about her latest session with her hypno sub.