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Category : Content Tags
Alyssa/Danielle, Jelly Doll, Sabby and Program:Selena, along with their various hypno doms, gather at Hailee and Milo’s house for an annual hypnosis convention… and chaos ensues!
A day in the perfect life of Princess, with a few flashbacks to illustrate how she got so lucky.
Kinzie is a trucker on Kandar, where spidery aliens plot galactic conquest. She works hard, plays hard, & if she can hang on for another year, she’ll buy a jumpjet of her own & fly far away. But plans change when she’s caught among rebels, and even worse? Her license is expired.
Humanity enters the home dimension of the X incursion in a final, desperate effort to reach some kind of accommodation with the creatures transforming Earth.
A planeswalker comes to terms with her gender and her situation in the midst of the threat of New Phyrexia and compleation.
Part 2 in the Sleepy Smiles Files. An unwitting victim finds herself at the mercy of Dr. Malphren and her staff at Sleepy Smiles Special Hospital, and is given a full tour. Chapter-specific content warnings to follow. Chapters: 6/? (WIP)
Stygia is a psychic parasite, able, but not willing, to form a symbiotic bond with her host. After all, why would you do that when submission is so much more delicious?
Claire Shelley is rich, she’s ruthless, and she wants Doctor Stevenson to do the impossible for her. He can, but at what price?
Scarlet gets told to be herself. Unbeknownst to her, “her self” may not be what she expects.
A survivor of the Seattle Incident is questioned about the spread of the X.
A troubled young man visits a mysterious hypnotist who says she can make his bimbofication fantasies come true. But what follows, instead, is an inhuman transformation.
Captain Samuel Dirkost is commander of a wing of Resistance fighters unwilling to surrender to Affini Compact. The Affini have plans of their own, unveiling a secret prototype device used to curtail the Terran Rebel threat. Will Sam succumb to this new danger? Yes. Yes he will.
Theoretical xenobiologist Joanna Harrington is called in to deal with an alien invasion that’s all too real.
A collection of microfiction, some of which has been published elsewhere, mostly in physical media.