(3201 words)
(100% match)
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Stephen’s running late for work. Will Miranda stop playing with his mind long enough for him to leave the house?
(3419 words)
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BAD: You and your girlfriend’s would-be unicorn is actually a hitwoman targeting her.
WORSE: She has some kind of hangup about killing you without your permission, and decides to make it your problem.
(Protagonist is gender-ambiguous, but bepenised.)
(5 chapters, 15047 words)
(100% match)
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Glenda thinks that she’s happily married, until she meets the new masseuse.
(2137 words)
(100% match)
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A Debtor-Class solider of the Minos paramilitary corporation - Teyja - is sent to a rogue asteroid in order to recover an unspecified artifact, where she is captured by the biotechnological swarm of xenos known as the Mantilesk and awaits gestation at the hands of their Princess.