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Vivienne, a vampire of immeasurable power has quietly survived alone for millennia. Her boring unlife as a surgeon comes to an accidental end where she walks headlong into true love. Vivienne soon discovers that the past never rests in peace and must fight to preserve her future.
Be ready for any dangerous wildlife you may encounter on your backpacking trip…
Manny is an elf of few means and fewer prospects. When a wealthy vampire chooses her to be his next thrall, it forges a bond that compels her to feel everything he feels. Will she be able to resist his will when it invades her every thought?
The daughter of a vampire hunter, assaulted by her fiance, turns to a strange foreigner for comfort - and ends up a pawn in a vampire’s path of vengeance. Not that she minds.
After drinking her prey’s corrupted blood, a vampire hunter discovers who the real predator is as feelings of love and hate for the vampire begin to blur
You meet a Vampire at a Halloween party, and fall under her spell. (2nd person, no gendered language for the reader)