(2 chapters, 4497 words)
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Captain Omega, the leader of the Liberty Squad, investigates a villainous lair, unaware of the danger lurking within. The rest of the Liberty Squad will soon pay the price.
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Beau’s private hypnosession is interrupted by her heroic work, but she’s about to meet a familiar face.
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Venus Ascendant is drawn by the hypnotic call of a vampire who’s marked her as their prey… but who’s the victim in all this becomes remarkably difficult to discern.
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Wess is a superheroine who has found herself bound and held captive by the villainess Enchantress. Her motives aren’t known, but Wess knows they can’t be good. Will she break free and escape, or will she find herself utterly enchanted?
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Reluctant superhero Azure relives one of her first cases in a parallel universe where she’s the only one with powers. But her unspoken assumptions about the way it turned out last time could prove deadly.
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Nearly fifty years ago, super teen Lacie Gilbertson meets, and finds a mentor in, her idol
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Cat the Burglar is abducted by a university for supervillains, and one of the students attempts to brainwash her for a grade.