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In a dystopian future, a group of feminist rebels are hunted by their bimbofied former comrades.
A race of highly advanced aliens had decided that planet earth needs their guidance, the humans are way over their head and they surely destroy themselves, the solution? they need a queen, a perfect hybrid of both human and alien’s best attributes, but how perfect is she?
In this sequel to Honey Drop, A young woman is hooked on transformative, mind-altering cigarettes by a sleazy guy!
Done by a friend and reposted here so others can enjoy it.
A very anxious Debbie receives a strange box that takes all her worries, leaving her happy, horny, and dumber. She invites her boyfriend over to look at it too.
A collection of minor experiments done by the pink institute
Samantha’s boyfriend brought her a new humidifier.
Sabrina and her older partner Hannah act out a student/teacher role-playing scenario involving a brainwashing dunce hat.
An alien parasite latches onto a jogger in the lonely, uninhabited sector of the park’s trail. Can the girl escape before it’s too late?
A city gal for life, Kim is determined to hate the rural town and school she’s been forced to move into. But with a change in outlook and diet, they’ll make a mooooodel student out of her yet!
When a brilliant scientist tries to break away from her boss and his shady business partner, she finds her brain at the mercy of her own creations.
An arcade game helps Rory dance her cares (and brain) away.