(3155 words)
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An anthro fox named Tess hypnotically conditions her wolf husband to develop an erotic craving for ice cream.
(6035 words)
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While her fellow dungeon-delvers find themselves busy elsewhere, Larya encounters a succubus that confounds her with spelled music and a swaying, hypnotic dance.
(590 words)
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An organist inspires mesmerized awe in her subject with her music. (And some rope.)
(9 chapters, 15332 words)
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An Affini composer who doesn’t think she could ever take proper care of a Floret. A human musician who craves Domestication, but wants everything on her terms. After an old friend nudges Presa and Sia together, can they make a relationship work despite themselves? (A HDG story)
(1326 words)
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Marielle knows what she did by sending her roommate, Aural, another drone music performance. Now comes the fun part: taking advantage.
(4230 words)
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Ten years have passed since Tyra and her friends spent new years together and shared their dreams for the future. One thing that never seems to change, however, is that they live very strange… very Blissful lives.
(6071 words)
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Everybody settles into their new roles, their lives forever changed by their various encounters as they set the stage.
(2 chapters, 1742 words)
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How you came to better understand yourself by becoming a loving slave girl of pervy alien businessmen. Based in the Terran Union setting.
(5 chapters, 2728 words)
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A collection of microfics originally written on Servant of Discord’s Twitter. Genre and intensity of fics may vary.
(1976 words)
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One exclusive private performance gives way to another. Each movement brings new–but somehow familiar–surprises until the performers reach an unexpected climax on the stage of one of the world’s most prestigious music schools.
(180 words)
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June was playing that weird music again— and when did Trina and Abbi end up in her room? (Microfic inspired by the MCStory bot.)
(1021 words)
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A hotel with low prices and good accommodations might be a bit too good to be true.
(2 chapters, 6942 words)
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Lynn has a plan to enslave her best friend Rose.