(5791 words)
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Ruth falls right into her housemate’s hypnotic trap. Only thing is, Isabella didn’t mean to trap her at all.
(222 words)
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Whoa! What a mess!
(2 chapters, 5808 words)
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Ilsa wants to meet her boyfriend at the beach and gets in an Uber. To her surprise, her driver smells so amazing, that she might never get him out of her system…
(1471 words)
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Aerri was an adventurer, low-leveled as she may be. She was a proud goblin barbarian, sturdy, strong, and full of pride. Who she is now, well that’s entirely out of her hands.
(2353 words)
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Octavia’s new client is a business man in a smart suit who has a shameful fantasy.
(819 words)
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Hazel was a seasoned adventurer, someone who found comfort in the darkness of unexplored caverns. Hazel is also an extremely unlucky adventurer, as time and time again she has fallen victim to traps that ensnare the mind. Will things be different this time? Probably not!
(637 words)
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Sometimes, there’s nothing to do but watch the TV in the waiting room.
(180 words)
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June was playing that weird music again— and when did Trina and Abbi end up in her room? (Microfic inspired by the MCStory bot.)