Weak Spot

by Gajah

Tags: #dom:male #f/m #hypnosis #limp-play #pov:bottom #sub:female #aftercare #consensual_kink #degradation #drool #humiliation

Lucy’s boyfriend hypnotically gives her a weak spot.

Inspired (in premise but not specifics) by this sequence of drawings: https://bsky.app/profile/annelidist.bsky.social/post/3lg2pinhbis2h by Worm Priestess (@annelidist) on Bluesky.

The use of the word "girl" is not intended to imply underage sex. All characters are over 18.

“...And five, wide awake for me.”

Lucy blinked, looking up into Dave’s face smiling down at her. She returned the smile, stretching out as awareness returned. She realised her head was resting in his lap and awkwardly shimmied up to a seated position, facing her boyfriend on the bed.

“How was that, babe?”

“Brilliant as always.” She was rewarded with another smile breaking through his ginger beard. She meant it, which was not something she would have expected a year ago - a self-confessed gym addict, getting turned on by someone a whole head shorter and way less muscular than her, ordering her around and making her relax? Especially when that someone was a white guy to boot. But she trusted Dave absolutely, he was great at it, and being “controlled” by him, feeling that warm, fuzzy sensation of trance, surrendering part of herself to him, was always a pleasure.

“Hello? Earth to Lucy?”

Oh. She’d almost dropped herself again. Forcing her focus back to her boyfriend, she grinned sheepishly. “Sorry, what were you saying? Got myself wool-gathering again.”

“Geez, I didn’t think I was that good of a ‘tist! I was asking how much you remember.”

She frowned. “Well, the relaxation and pleasure, obviously… you pinning me down - you never get tired of that, do you?... and…” she had to concentrate, “I’m pretty sure you gave me a trigger? But I’ve got no clue what it is.”

Dave grinned. “Just the way I like it. I must admit, I’m looking forward to using this one…” A devious grin spread across his face, and Lucy mock-shuddered.

“God, I hate your tease-y moods. Can’t you give me a hint?”

“It’s no fun that way, Lu. And besides, you specifically asked to forget this one for now. I’d be breaking my code of ethics if I went against my sub’s wishes.”

“If that excuse makes you feel better, sure. Personally, I just think you like seeing me suffer, overanalysing everything we do.”

He spread his hands. “Guilty as charged. Although I will say that you’ll absolutely know it when it happens.”

They cuddled for a bit, each making sure the other was all good, before Lucy got up to start on dinner. Despite her boyfriend’s assurances, she couldn’t help but feel like she might be doing something subconsciously. Was that kiss she gave him more passionate than normal? She was definitely wearing clothes, right? Had she just been lightly trancing herself there, or had Dave been using her body for the past few minutes? Not that she would have minded any of that, and she knew he would never cross a line intentionally - and that she’d tell him if he did so accidentally, no matter how much her conscious mind knew - but the wait was still agonising. She tried to pry answers out of him as they ate, and then as they watched TV together, but he remained tight-lipped, Dave just smiling enigmatically any time Lucy tried to bring the subject up.

They eventually made their way to bed, Dave showering first, followed by Lucy. She dried herself off, light brown skin and short, green-dyed hair glistening, before slipping into her nightclothes. It was going to be warm enough that she didn’t need much clothing, opting for a singlet and panties.

As she was brushing her teeth, Dave slipped into the bathroom. She didn’t pay him much attention, even though he didn’t seem to need to do anything there. Maybe he just wanted to ogle her, she thought - certainly her current state of dress exposed a lot of her toned frame. Well, if he was going to ogle her, she could do it right back, through the mirror - he was certainly handsome enough to let her rest her eyes on him. She finished brushing, putting the toothbrush back in the cup and rinsing her mouth out. She was about to wipe her face, turning towards the towel rack… but at that moment, Dave stepped up to her, placed one hand on her shoulder, and squeezed, lightly but insistently.

Lucy suddenly felt all her muscles loosen. Her eyes crossed, jaw dropped slack, and her knees buckled beneath her. Dave was there to catch her, placing an arm around her, beneath her breasts, and bracing her weight against him as she collapsed. He planted a kiss to the top of her head as she tried to move, but found it impossible - all her muscles had turned to jelly. She let out a sound halfway between shocked gasp and pleasure-filled moan. He was right - she definitely knew what the trigger was now.

Dave awkwardly manoeuvred the pair of them to the floor, propping Lucy up against his bare chest. As her head lolled around on the way down, she briefly caught a glimpse of their reflections. Dave was looking vaguely smug, which she would have grumbled at him for if any of her joints worked. Lucy herself looked completely gone, almost as though she were in trance, gaze unfocused and limbs flopping aimlessly. She could see a line of drool slowly making its way down her chin, and then she was sitting, unable to see anything beyond the sink cabinet.

Dave began planting a steady line of kisses down her face, ignoring how her head wobbled around from his attentions. His hands greedily sought out her breasts, beginning to knead at them as he whispered into her ear.

“You feeling all weak there, babe? All helpless and paralysed, completely dependent on me… Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of you.”

His voice was just the right mixture of smug and teasing that Lucy would have fake-slapped him. All she could settle for right now, however, as Dave pulled up the hem of her top to expose her breasts, letting them bounce out on the edge of her vision, was a grumbly moan. Dave deliberately misinterpreted it as he kissed her again, beginning to tease her nipples.

“I know, this is making you so horny, isn’t it? We’ll see to that soon enough; be patient.”

The irritating thing was that he was right. Deep down, Lucy loved this feeling of helplessness - this complete submission to her boyfriend’s whims, with the knowledge that he’d keep her safe - not that she’d usually admit it, especially not in the middle of a scene. With her mouth out of commission, there was nothing she could do to protest otherwise, and so her body had to speak for her. It betrayed her, of course, nipples hardening and a slight stain beginning to form on her panties as Dave toyed with her. He pulled her backwards, allowing his mouth access to her chest and his hands to start pawing at her crotch. She could feel him getting aroused too, erection pressing at the small of her back. He bit down gently on a nipple, eliciting a small moan from her. Her head tilted backwards, leaving her staring up at the light.

“Such a good, helpless girl for me,” Dave crooned. “I told you I made you weak at the knees, didn’t I?” Lucy could sense the smile on his lips as he continued to play with her limp form. Smug bastard, she thought, even as she became more and more aroused by his efforts. When she recovered from this - whenever that would be - she was going to pin him down and show him exactly what that attitude earned him. At this rate, though, she had to admit that it was likely kisses and sex. More sex, she amended, as clearly this trigger was headed that way anyway.

Dave was now actively rubbing himself against her, just as turned on as she was. Seemingly growing impatient, he grabbed Lucy around the waist and gently tipped her over, so that she was lying prone with her butt in the air. Her breasts and one cheek were now smushed against the cold tiled floor, chin coated in drool. Dave began tormenting her rear end now, squishing her butt and kissing her wetness through the increasingly soaked fabric. Then, in one swift motion, he pulled her panties down, leaving them somewhere near her knees. He gave her a series of light raps on the rear, provoking a series of gasps and groans, before running a finger across her folds.

“You’re so wet for me already. You’re such a slut for my control, aren’t you? Look at you - pressed into the dirty floor, tits and ass out, zero control, and your body’s practically begging for me.”

Lucy moaned; whether in protest or from horniness she wasn’t sure. Dirty talk and degradation were absolutely her weaknesses even without hypnosis, and Dave was absolutely hitting the spot. One hand reached out to squeeze a breast, the other tracing lightly across her butt, and she gasped again.

“Should I take some pictures, for posterity? Let you see exactly how bad you look right now, show you exactly what’s making you so horny. I’m sure a filthy hypno-slut like you would love that.”

She moaned again - definitely in need this time, she was sure - as Dave grabbed his phone from the bed in the next room. She heard the shutter going off, saw him moving out of the corner of her eyes, and her cheeks burned red at the same time as another wave of horniness hit her. Returning to her side, Dave easily pushed his fingers into her, kissing her again as he felt her clench around him.

“Well, since you’re so turned on by this… I suppose I should indulge you. Let it never be said I’m unkind.” She heard cloth rustling behind her as Dave divested himself of his boxers, pressing the tip of his hardness against her as he lined himself up. He was just as turned on as she was and he knew it.

“Ready to be used, Lucy?” he whispered, and thrust inward.

Although he was probably just as desperate as she was, Dave took it slow to begin with, making long, deliberate strokes. Even at this pace, Lucy could feel her body being rubbed against the tiles - her knees and face were going to be reddened and sore after this, and she was looking forward to every second of it. She was usually far more active during sex, but paralysed as she was, all she could do was lie there and take it, moaning occasionally in appreciation. That didn’t deter her boyfriend, who began to up the tempo, moving more urgently, moaning himself. “God, you’re so hot like this, Lu,” he groaned, running his fingers through her hair as he continued to use her like a toy. In that moment, however, Lucy felt something shift inside her. Could she? She experimentally tried to thrust against him, and found that she could - she’d regained control of herself! She started to grind against Dave, tried to get to her elbows, began moaning, “Oh, fff-” and then Dave squeezed her shoulder again, and she slumped back down. He didn’t even pause, even increasing his pace once again as Lucy’s head was pressed into the floor.

“Sorry, babe, but you’re not going anywhere. Should’ve known I’d run out the timer.” It was clearly becoming harder for him to think coherently - she could feel his need just as potently as her own. Their breathing was becoming ragged, Dave’s motions irregular as they both neared climax. Then he bent down and growled into her ear, “You’ll be a good little slut and take what I give you, won’t you?”

This broke her, and Lucy came, moaning in ecstasy, spurring Dave on to his own orgasm. She could feel him twitching inside her as she in turn clenched around him. Dave sighed with relief, sagging against her to recover.

Then, just as quick as he’d removed them, Dave yanked her panties up as he pulled out, trapping his cum within her. He gave her a quick pat on the crotch for emphasis, before she heard him pulling his own clothes back on and standing up, leaving her still bowed over on the floor.

“I’ll just leave you here, I think,” he mused. “Don’t worry - as you found out, you’ll recover in a few minutes. Oh- by the way,” and he bent down and tapped her forehead, “you can recall, if you wish. Have fun!” He walked off, turning the lights out as he did, leaving Lucy limp in the dark, breasts still out, with spreading puddles of drool on her cheek and cum in her panties - they both knew they’d be safe, otherwise Dave never would have done that. The memories of their session started returning at his command - Dave laying out how the weak spot would work, how long it would last for - Lucy had a very good internal clock, which had served them well - and above all, how much he’d emphasised the humiliation part of it. And then, all she could do was bide her time. She was definitely getting him back for this… and by that, she meant telling him how hot it was, begging for him to send her the pics, and asking if maybe she could forget about the exact trigger again. This was definitely one worth repeating.


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