Zoe's Special Playlist

by HypnoBunny

Tags: #cw:noncon #exhibitionism #f/f #gym_bunny #hypnotic_music #pov:bottom #sub:transgirl #D/s #dom:female #dom:roommate #microfiction #mindless #music #straight_to_gay #sub:female #transgender_characters

Zoe’s roommate lets her take her MP3 player to the gym after she broke hers, isn’t she so sweet?

The characters in this story are all over the age of 18. This story is pure fantasy, in real life hypnosis and sex should be done with consent!

Zoe's roommate was so sweet. I mean, she let her borrow her MP3 player when hers broke. She had to give it back after exercising, sure, but it meant Zoe didn’t have to suffer through working out without any music. She even made her a special playlist. It was a good one too. It wasn’t her usual style, sure, but she couldn’t argue about how effective it was. The pulsing beat and spacey harmonics just made it so easy to push out distractions. Besides, it would be rude not to listen after her wonderful roommate had gone through all the effort of making it for her.

It was her favorite workout playlist now, so easy to listen to, so easy to focus while she exercised. Zoe had always been miserable going to the gym, but the songs made it feel way more fun. She could just let the sound wash over her and lead her to a zone of perfect concentration. It didn’t feel like work anymore. The music was the perfect metronome to keep her motivated. Her sessions which used to drag on would pass by in the blink of an eye, and she felt so good afterwards, worn out and sore, but so wonderfully relaxed and refreshed. And each time she exercised for longer and longer until she could hear the entire playlist at least once. It really was helping her so much, she’d have to thank her roommate later.

Naturally it led to her working out more often, now that it was actually enjoyable. She was starting to really look forward to when she would head to the gym, get changed into her loose t-shirt and sweatpants, and just let the music captivate her. Each song, wonderful in its own way. And they only got better the more she listened, nicer, sweeter. They were so interesting, she always found something new to love about them, like they kept changing the longer she listened to them. And the lyrics, the lyrics were nice too. Wait… had the songs always had lyrics? Maybe it wasn't lyrics. Maybe the mesmerizing sounds just vaguely reminded her of words. Words telling her all sorts of things she didn’t need to understand. All that mattered was the music was helping her, that the music was making it easier to work out, and it just kept getting easier, easier to exercise, easier to listen. Eventually all she wanted to do was listen, her body could do the movements on its own. She didn’t need to think about it anymore, she could focus all of her attention on the music. The wonderful music. She could just let it guide her, she could just drift off and let it do all the work for her. It left her free to think about other things. To let her eyes wander around the gym, to look at her reflection, to look at the other girls. Girls were sweet… and… pretty? She wasn’t into girls… right? A momentary flash of confusion gripped her, but then the song changed, and the new track popped the bubble of worry that was slowly building. It was ok to call the girls here pretty, they worked hard on their bodies, just like her. She started feeling a little jealous. She wanted to be pretty, she wanted other girls to want to look at her, that’s what the song was telling her, and it was so nice she couldn’t help but listen.

All of her gym time was really starting to pay off. Zoe was really impressed with herself. She would catch glimpses of her reflection when getting ready for a post workout shower, she couldn’t help but pose and stare at her beautiful body. The way the sweat glistened off her breasts and her hips catching her eye and leaving her transfixed for just a few moments each time. It became a new routine, leaving the gym and getting home to appreciate herself before a hot shower. A perfect way to end a perfect workout.

Her roommate suggested she wear something nicer to the gym, so she could really show off while exercising. Zoe didn’t want that though… Did she? To draw all that attention to herself? She watched herself in the gym mirror her entire next session. Not even her playlist could stop her from doubting herself. Or maybe the playlist was telling her to doubt herself? She wanted to be pretty, she wanted girls to think she was pretty. Her outfit was drab, boring, shy. It didn’t match. It didn’t match the other girls, it didn’t match what she wanted. It didn’t match the music. She practically sprinted home. Wanting nothing more than to get something more appropriate for next time.

And somehow her perfect roommate read her mind. Because, before she asked her for any advice on the matter, her roommate gave her a cute set of booty shorts and a new sports bra. That almost seemed weird. That almost, for a second, made Zoe wonder why the timing was so perfect. But then her roommate gave her the sweetest, prettiest smiles, and she couldn’t say no. It would be rude to refuse after how nice her roommate was being.

There was a little hesitation afterwards, of course. She felt so nervous as she changed in the gym locker to her new outfit. It left very little to be desired. Showing off her toned legs and hugging her ass in just the right way to make it so beautifully attractive. The bra compresses her tits just enough to keep them from moving too much, but leaving enough form to make her look all cute and pretty. It was… a little much for her, her confidence almost faltering. But then she put her earbuds in, and let her wonderful music wash over her, and just like that it all felt ok, it all felt perfect. Other girls dressed like this all the time. There was nothing wrong with it. She was a cute little gym bunny. Gym bunny? Yeah… A sweet piece of eye candy. A cute little gym bunny. Her roommate had been right. Her roommate was always right. It made it easy to admire herself while she exercised. She would sneak glances to the gym mirror whenever she could, she looked so cute, so pretty, like the other girls. It left her with a dopey smile the entire time. A wonderful view, a wonderful playlist, coaxing her, praising her. A wonderful workout.

Zoe threw out most of her old clothes, she wanted all her outfits to be perfect, like the one her roommate bought her. She bought new, more revealing, more freeing clothing. She had to show off her body more. She worked so hard on it, it was only fair. Plus, her roommate deserved to see her progress too. After all, it was her playlist that helped so much. Her playlist that led her along.  Her playlist that made it so easy to maintain such a nice body. A body that deserved to be looked at. And Zoe loved the attention. She loved the glances, gentle encouraging smiles, and words of praise the other girls at the gym gave her. They broke through her blissful song trance and sent shivers through her. That should have worried her, but she couldn’t worry anymore. Not at the gym, not while she felt so good and her favorite wonderful music told her what to think. 

It didn’t stop at working out though. At home she would blushed at even just a momentary look from her roommate, lose her train of thought at the smallest of compliments, feel her cock twitch at the softest of touches from her. But… something wasn’t right. The music wasn’t there to tell her it was. Not when she was home. Zoe started to get concerned. She wasn’t supposed to be into girls… she… she shouldn't feel this good from getting their attention. She started avoiding her roommate. It meant having to go to the gym without her music, but she just had to sort out what was going on in her head. It was agony. Not the exercising, she actually enjoyed the exercising now of course, but Zoe just felt so empty, so distracted. The music wasn’t there. The music wasn’t there to guide her anymore. The music wasn’t there to tell her what to do, what to think, what to be. It made everything take longer, feel harder, feel worse. She needed it. She needed it back.

And her roommate was happy to provide. She came to Zoe one day, concerned about her. Asking what was bothering her and if she could help. But Zoe couldn’t tell her, she was much too embarrassed to bother her sweet roommate with her weird problem, and was feeling much too guilty to beg her to use her MP3 after avoiding her for so long. That’s when her roommate pulled out the new MP3. She bought her a new one. A new one to replace the one that was broken. Zoe couldn’t accept that! That was too much! That was way too sweet of her. Why would she do something so nice for her? There was almost a realization. Almost a moment she questioned if there was something more to her favorite music, something she knew but couldn’t get herself to understand. Almost, because then her roommate slipped the earbud into Zoe’s ear. And the music had her, the sweet wonderful music. The one she loved, and some new songs. New wonderful songs, picked out just for her by her wonderful roommate. New songs that made everything make sense.

Having her own music player was so helpful. She could surf through the day lost in a blissful reverie. She didn’t have to just listen at the gym, she could listen at home too. Whenever she wanted. She didn’t have to worry about anything anymore. The music could do the thinking for her now. She didn’t have to worry about how she subconsciously bent in just the right way to show off her ass when her roommate was in the room; or the way her legs spread without her doing to give her a better view of the growing bulge in her panties. Zoe could just enjoy her stares. Enjoy her attention. Enjoy the way her cock throbbed. Just like the music said, just like the beat wanted. There was one downside, though. It’s like she was always horny now. Like all she wanted to do outside the gym was touch herself. Touch herself and edge to the hypnotic sounds that filled her head. Daydreaming of exploring girls’ pretty and wonderful bodies until she came. But it just kept getting harder and harder. The music didn’t want her to finish, it wanted her horny, needy. Like a good little gym bunny. She spent more and more time masturbating at home, she hoped her wonderful roommate would understand. She hoped her sweet roommate wouldn’t mind if Zoe fell a little behind on her chores. Or if she didn’t do them at all. She had a weird feeling she wouldn’t mind. She had a feeling her roommate who was so sweet, so perfect, wouldn’t mind if Zoe just worked out and then came home to deal with her desperate, dripping, needy cock. Her sweet wonderful roommate wouldn’t mind if she took up a little more time in the shared bathroom in the morning. Took up a little more time playing with her heavy tits, watching their reflection bounce back and forth like a metronome. If she took up a little more time pumping her dick to the beat of the songs, the songs that were her whole world now.

When was the last time Zoe came? All the days started blending into a fuzzy and blurry mess, just like her. All she could remember was the ecstasy of the gym, the wonderful fantasies of being caressed and touched and fucked by other girls. By her roommate, her perfect, sexy, wonderful roommate. All she could remember was her fugue of arousal. She didn’t need those memories right now, she didn’t need anything but the music, the one she knew the words of by heart, right to her very core. She was a perfect little gym bunny. She was a perfect little horny needy gym bunny. Constantly horny and ready and waiting. Waiting for… something. Waiting for someone. Gym bunnies couldn’t cum. Not without permission, and the songs didn’t let her, not yet. Not until she was ready.

One day in her daze, Zoe forgot to lock the bathroom, forgot to even close the door. One day the horny little gym bunny that was Zoe just sauntered in after working out, tired, horny, desperate. She just collapsed into the warm tub. Pawed at her sensitive tits and pumped her needy cock in perfect synchronicity to the music. Singing along, a mindless babble of an attempt at reciting the words that had etched themselves into her mind. Mantras of being a horny gym bunny, a perfect wonderful toy to be played with. Played with by their owner, their mistress. She wasn’t worried about how loud she was being. She wasn’t worried about her roommate hearing. She wasn’t worried about her walking in and watching her final shred of resistance crumble. She didn’t worry about anything, she just got lost in the music, sank fully and finally, getting lost in who she was now. Lost, until she felt her roommate slide into the tub with her, until she felt her warm body press against hers. Until she melted into her arms. Until she took the earbuds out. Zoe didn’t need them anymore. The music was in her mind, in her heart, in her soul. She was her roommate's toy now, her perfect little gym bunny.

And as her roommate’s hand replaced hers on her cock, as she gently caressed her gym bunny’s sensitive nipples, as Zoe was finally allowed to cum, all she could think about was how sweet it was, for her roommate to finally claim her.

Thank you for reading hope you enjoyed! Follow my page for when I sporadically post next!


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