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After “winning” a lottery to become a pet, Phoebe worries she’ll fail: she’s bad at training, which relies on hypnosis. Luckily for her, her neighbors have experience with this sort of thing. Unluckily for her, she only has 90 days left with them.
An anthro fox named Tess hypnotically conditions her wolf husband to develop an erotic craving for ice cream.
An anthro wolf named Milton eats out at a brand new femboy-themed burger joint named Femburger. The restaurant’s unique secret sauce has a life-changing (and mind-changing) effect on Milton.
Villain uses supernatural powers to possess and control a family in their home to get sick vengeance. Ridiculous shock horror fantasy. Don’t take it too seriously. Warning, later chapters may alienate you with polarizing niche kinks.
The owner of a pie shop enjoys submitting to his rival after closing.
Allison loves using a trigger phrase and a large pizza topped with a spiral made out of pepperoni to hypnotize her girlfriend Valerie for some pizza-themed role-playing fun.
An anthro wolf and his anthro squirrel partner’s camping trip soon turns into some deliciously hypnotic foot fetish fun when they roast marshmallows over a campfire.