(2199 words)
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Kelsey’s former lover has left her with a fetish for screwing older men… a fetish his friends are happy to take full advantage of.
(2384 words)
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Casey signs up for a test screening of a brand new 3D film technology named Trance-D that promises to save both the cinema and film industries.
(3 chapters, 15316 words)
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Elena meets a mysterious older woman in a diner. A chance meeting may lead in far more than seduction and a bit of fun when that woman has her sights set on something so much more than mere intimacy…
(6527 words)
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Sabrina and her older partner Hannah act out a student/teacher role-playing scenario involving a brainwashing dunce hat.
(5118 words)
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Brianna has brainwashed her teacher Mrs. Jones into her personal plaything.
(3 chapters, 10246 words)
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Diana is coming home from college to spend some time at home with her mother, but she isn’t expecting just how warm that welcome will be…
(6 chapters, 15411 words)
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Rowan is taking a break from her graduate degree to visit home, and she’s brought something that should help make everyone much closer…
(2835 words)
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Vishal is the bookish member of a small, secret monster-hunting brigade.
Farhan is a librarian who’s got secrets of his own - as well as many old and rare texts. He thinks Vishal could benefit from a little Guided Meditation~
(No sex in this one! Just trance!)