(7 chapters, 38795 words)
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Written together with AliC (https://chyoa.com/user/AliC)
Locke was a normal high school senior, but now three omnipotent goddesses are competing for his attention. And things are getting crazy.
(3089 words)
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“It will be beautiful. It will be charming. It will smile, and it will flirt, and it will try to get you off your guard. It isn’t human; it isn’t safe. But I promise it can’t hurt you… so long as you don’t touch it.”
(4413 words)
(100% match)
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A young, comfortable boy resides in his home, hoping one of his online friends would respond to him…little does he know, one of them is about to change his reality…
(2912 words)
(100% match)
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Jose goes to confront his ex-girlfriend’s new boyfriend about her strange behavior, only to notice that the changes to Milly are more than any infatuation can explain.
(4 chapters, 7714 words)
(100% match)
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Trashy dating sims are all fun and games, until one decides you need to be taught a lesson.