Cammie Dawn (@LadyDawn)

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Well hello there! Kind of you to check my profile!

I'm Cammie Dawn!

I write mostly consensual romance and drama hypno fiction though try to add some fantasy and sci-fi in... as a treat.

 Encouragement and engagement always welcome ~<3

Suggested stories

Cammie Dawn suggested 8 stories. See all suggestions from Cammie Dawn


Featured Stories
The Love and Trances of Madison and Belladonna
by Cammie Dawn
[Ongoing] (17 chapters, 97943 words)
#consensual_kink #dom:female #f/f #romantic #sub:female (click to see all tags) #asexual_characters #multiple_partners #plurality #polyamory #realistic #transgender_characters
(Click to show spoiler tags) #sub:male

Plural identities and hypnokink aren’t the easiest things to integrate into a relationship but Madison and Belladonna are willing to put in the effort to make it work.

Dinner Date
by Cammie Dawn
(6123 words)
#consensual_kink #dom:female #f/f #pov:bottom #romantic #sub:female (click to see all tags) #asexual #domestic #public_play #transgender_characters

Penny and Beth have their first face-to-face date and spice things up with some consensual hypnotic fun.

Enough For You
by Cammie Dawn
(3321 words)
#asexual #consensual_kink #dom:female #f/f #romantic #transgender_characters (click to see all tags) #domestic

A sequel to As Slow As You Need. Penny and Beth continue to find comfort in their relationship as Penny worries that as an asexual she will not be able to fulfil Beth’s needs without compromising her comfort.

As Slow As You Need
by Cammie Dawn
(4651 words)
#asexual #consensual_kink #domestic #f/f #romantic #transgender_characters (click to see all tags) #dom:female #sub:female

Penny and Beth are ready to become intimate but Penny is perhaps a little too nervous to commit to the moment.

Other Stories
Wacky Wednesday
by Cammie Dawn
(2 chapters, 7683 words)
#bondage #dom:female #f/f (click to see all tags) #D/s #exhibitionism #humiliation #sub:female #urban_fantasy

Megan Olson is a meek and timid personal assistant and she just woke up to find that she and her cruel boss, Evelyn Maguire, have traded bodies. Now the two must work together to get things back to normal.

Dr Nyx's New Patient
by Cammie Dawn
(3858 words)
#cw:noncon #f/f #therapist (click to see all tags)
(Click to show spoiler tags) #magical_girl #urban_fantasy

Maki Ano used to be a model student but she’s become a little bit of a concern to the faculty of Capital State University. Fortunately Dr. Nyx, the on-site councilor can find out what is causing this bright student so much stress… and help ease it for her.

Sick Day
by Cammie Dawn
(4135 words)
#dom:female #domestic #f/f #multiple_partners #pov:bottom #sub:female (click to see all tags) #consensual_kink

Mistress isn’t feeling too well today and Angie is tasked by her fellow sub to be a good girl and take care of her.

My Journey Down the Spiral
by Cammie Dawn
(5288 words)
#dom:female #dom:male #f/f #f/m #pov:bottom #sub:female (click to see all tags) #first_person #roleplay

A first person retelling of the 15 year journey our author “Agatha” took to becoming a happily fulfilled member of the erotic hypnosis community.

Messy Break-up
by Cammie Dawn
(6299 words)
#dom:female #f/m #sub:male

A man sits alone in his living room thinking about how his marriage had failed after his hypnosis obsession was introduced to the relationship.

To my Patreon Subscribers
by Cammie Dawn
(2000 words)
#domestic #exhibitionism #sub:female (click to see all tags) #consensual_kink

The author of this story is suffering writer’s block and burnout and is making a blog post to apologize for the lack of update this week… and yet…

by Cammie Dawn
(3104 words)
#dom:female #exhibitionism #f/f #multiple_partners #sub:female

Another dull Zoom call with 30 participants and Tamara has nothing to contribute. A good thing that her Mistress gave her some important homework to do during the call to keep her pets occupied.

Vocal Training
by Cammie Dawn
(1950 words)
#domestic #f/f #romantic #transgender_characters (click to see all tags) #consensual_kink

Sammy is growing increasingly frustrated that her vocal presentation is not going as well as she would want. Her partner seeks to help her keep her voice.

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