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Feminist girl goes to therapy for “Girlboss Syndrome”.
Lorena and Roddy have been in individual and couple’s therapy to save their marriage. So when all their psychologists ask them to participate in an unusual ritual, they know their therapists have their best interests at heart. (Based on an MCStoryBot prompt.)
Jaguar and Saturn, two superheroes on the super-team Generation 6, have to suffer the indignity of couples counseling after their mutual antagonism leads a supervillain to escape. But does their new therapist have her own plans for her new patients?
Superheroine, Love Bug, finds herself under the control of a retired heroine and a large-chested sex beast named Misstress Fox.
Prompt: “Normal hypnotherapy uncovers a person’s dark hypnokinky past that was previously erased via intense memory play.” Clara needs help with her newest patient.
Florence is having sexual compatibility problems. Luckily, Dr. Cecily Ductress, Licensed Hypnotherapist, is extremely qualified to help. Her methods, though, are slightly… unorthodox.
Maki Ano used to be a model student but she’s become a little bit of a concern to the faculty of Capital State University. Fortunately Dr. Nyx, the on-site councilor can find out what is causing this bright student so much stress… and help ease it for her.
A woman decides she needs to end her sessions with her therapist, but she just can’t seem to slip away.
Richard goes to therapy.
Phoebe suffers from severe anxiety. Fortunately, her new therapist is confident he can help her relax.
Maria wants things to go smoothly for everyone. To facilitate that, she’s willing to make a few… compromises.