(4 chapters, 21687 words)
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Arrogant girl Phoebe receives the gift of selflessness. Sometimes, however, it’s hard to tell the line between a gift, and a curse…
(5 chapters, 22122 words)
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Darren tries to keep things platonic with his increasingly hot roommate as the Slut Screen epidemic runs rampant around them.
(5 chapters, 73597 words)
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Girl’s gradual and reluctant descent into sexual depravity.
(4704 words)
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In the fantasy city of Tarabat, an elf coffee shop owner experiences a few mishaps and accidentally hypnotizes a male customer. She soon discovers her own sadistic side…
(3032 words)
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A devilishly fun creature seduces a young male hiker with the help of a little magic. This is one of the first stories I wrote; enjoy!