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Category : Content Tags
Meredith and Steve have a little fun with a brain-changing remote, but things don’t quite go as planned.
Joyce brings a man home after a date, but her daughter’s in the way.
April gets a discount on rape counselling - providing that she agrees to the counsellor’s humiliating conditions…
She’s a leader among women. Where is she leading them?
You meet so many different kinds of men when you’re a temple prostitute in New America.
Ava’s breast enhancement comes with a hypnotic virus that leads her into a cycle of self-humiliation and enslavement of other women.
Despairing socialite finds freedom in submission to control.
Dumb hooker finds learning is easy with the right incentive
Amanda becomes a citizen of a remote, technologically-advanced, hedonistic city in the 2140s. The first entry in the Inheritance setting.
A simple pole dancing class starts Abigail down a hypnotic path towards life as a bimbo.
Jacqueline gets an unexpected phone call. From an unexpected phone.