(3 chapters, 43379 words)
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A loyal knight is bullied by her bratty, spoiled Princess with a spell that slowly turns him into a hot (but still strong) lady knight!
(2 chapters, 5010 words)
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Ichigo, a knight as stalwart as they come, ends up finding herself a princess. Unfortunately, Lina proves to be a bratty, petulant nightmare to deal with…and maybe just a little bit too alluring in some respects.
(16 chapters, 113657 words)
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A motley crew of knights working for a company town embark to put an end to the seductive beegirl hive their employers are at war with–but will their own dysfunctions prove their undoing?
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In attempting to ply a captured demoness for secrets, a dutiful knight risks her own ruin. But oh, what a sweet and seductive ruin it is…
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Forte is a proud knight, trying to stop a sinister human trafficking ring. Her investigation takes her to the unlikeliest of places - the local flower shop, run by bubbly girl Illuminata. But the danger of sapphic enthrallment and identity death lurks behind every corner…
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A bold knight meets an unfortunate fate when she attempts to defeat a mysterious dark sorceress.
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In a vast multiverse, many stories are taking place at all times. Sometimes, the actors of those stories may bear great resemblance to each other across parallel worlds…
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Sova and Oirn meet Ingrid, the Knight of Spirals, and have their way with her. Enjoy!