Good Intentions

by GigglingGoblin

Tags: #cw:noncon #corruption #dom:female #f/f #fantasy #praise #sub:female #brainwashing #D/s #degradation #demon #dubious_consent #flirting #knight #mind_control

In attempting to ply a captured demoness for secrets, a dutiful knight risks her own ruin. But oh, what a sweet and seductive ruin it is…

Lorelei's Note: This story is from an implied-afab girl's point of view and contains fantasy nc (with heavy brainwashing), mind control, corruption, femdom, loving degradation, and everything else listed in the tags. Real-life con-noncon requires a lot of trust, safewords, and other things a fantasy can fudge a little. Enjoy the kink responsibly, and enjoy the story!

Nearly a half-century ago, the Kingdom of the Gods fell into a ruin born of its own decadence as seductive demons claimed the minds and souls of the Royal Family. As the demons began their war of lusty conquest, one knightly order sought to turn the tide by an unconventional path...

Lady Majrista hesitated on the first step. But only the first step.

She didn't look back, either, as the door closed behind her and blocked out the sunlight above, nor did she slow her pace. Her eyes adjusted quickly as she descended the stairs, thanks to the strange glowing designs and runes running across the cellar walls. She didn't even react to the scents in the air, the scents of mildew and moss, maple syrup, herbs, and the slightest whiff of brimstone.

The knight did wrinkle her nose slightly when she noticed a bit of wetness on the railing, and she almost paused.

She reached towards it. Was that... blood?

She shook her head and pressed on, and her face was neutral once more by the time she reached the bottom of the stairs. She couldn't afford to show even a trace of weakness to the being she was arranged to meet with tonight.

"Ah! There you are." A woman stood there, in the middle of the cellar, her posture as gracefully relaxed as if she was drifting around a formal ball looking for conversation. Glowing designs seemed to crawl around the floor around her, slithering and swirling around the central location as if pulled into a roiling whirlpool. She smiled brightly, color flooding her dimpled cheeks and excitement rushing to those brilliant blue eyes. Ringed by candles as she was--candles that never burned down, never went out on their own, never flared or dimmed--she was positively glowing, her moonstone-laden necklace glittering, her flowing white dress shining like moonlight. "A servant of the honorable Duke Yoric, I presume?"

"... well." Majrista's jaw set. She hesitated, giving the creature a wary... appraisal.

She'd been warned of the creature's beauty, but... gods. Even with her magic contained by the strange wards of this place, even in a relatively humanoid form--aside from that flicking mischievous tail, those glimmering amber eyes, those... proportions that couldn't possibly belong to any unmagicked mortal--the sweet fiend's gorgeous visage nearly stole Majrista's breath away on the spot.

The demoness watched her fumble, still with that small, unwavering smile.

Majrista took a deep breath. "Well. Not exactly. I--"

"Ah! My mistake, my dear." The sweet fiend's voice cut past Majrista's with such cool confidence, it barely came off as an interruption. She pouted slightly, her luscious red lips drawing Majrista's eye, so full, so bright against the cool crystal undertones of her sandy-brown complexion. "I only thought, as you wear the same brand as those that came down here before..." She gestured slightly to Majrista's wrist.

Majrista didn't look. She knew the demon referred to the tattoo. She took another breath, and held it, quickly mentally running through the lessons she'd sat through all those years ago. She hadn't spent long learning adeptry, granted, but she knew she was a quick study. She could do a lot with the smattering she'd been taught. Don't lie to her, and she won't lie to you. Just don't offer any weaknesses she can exploit. "The Duke has been dead for several months now. Rendered void by a succubus." She tried to ignore the insincerely sympathetic look the demoness immediately affected. "I am Lady Majrista of Yoric. I serve the Duke's daughter, Lady--Duchess Eve Yoric."

"I see!" The demoness giggled. "How charming! I hope the dear girl is adjusting well to leadership. She's, what, twenty-one?"

"Um... twenty-two." Majrista swallowed. How did she know...?

"Oh, I'm being rude, aren't I?" the demoness said sweetly, flicking an errant lock of deep chestnut-brown hair from her eyes with one dainty delicate finger. She smiled and gave a smart little curtsey--though not quite as low as Majrista thought was appropriate, considering her position at the knights' complete mercy. "My name is Edulcixiantia, but you may call me Luci~" Her lashes fluttered. "It's so lovely to meet you, Rista--may I call you Rista?"

Rista flushed. "I--

"It's just such a pretty name! Soft and yet so upbeat and cheerful!" Luci beamed, steepling her fingers together and leaning towards Majrista, just to the edge of the candles. "So, to what do I owe the honor of meeting the leader of the Knights of Yoric, sweetie?"

Majrista decided to ignore the nickname, as well as how Luci's voice sounded so dainty and fluttering when she lavished compliments upon it. She also didn't bother to correct Luci--Eve was officially their leader, but such technicalities didn't seem necessarily to bring up here, especially as they would only make Majrista look weak by comparison. "I am... I am here to question you, Luci." It sounded so unimpressive when she said it with the demon's cute little nickname, she thought irritably. "We have never caught a demoness alive before, let alone one of your... magnitude."

"Aww, my magnitude!" Luci preened and giggled and batted her eyelashes. "You've never caught even one? Not even a silly imp, or a slutty little devourer?"

Majrista felt embarrassed, so she just shrugged. "Not... not until now, anyways. That's not the point."

"Well, technically, sweetie..." Luci smirked, twirling a lock of her hair idly around a finger, "I only ask because you still haven't caught one. After all, it wasn't your knights that bound me in this quaint little cellar, was it?"

Majrista swallowed. "Well... that's not exactly..."

"Those silly mothboys." Luci's eyes sparkled. "So cute with all their spells and charms. Shouldn't you be questioning them instead, Rista?"

"We don't need their help." Majrista bit her lip as she heard the defensiveness in her own voice. She cleared her throat. "The moth sprites do not... concern you or I. Our kingdom has never relied upon such primitive magics."

"Of course not!" Luci agreed, nodding eagerly. Majrista tried to ignore how those breasts, so tightly contained in that gorgeous white dress, bounced with every little motion she made. She focused instead on Luci's eyes, such a bright, clear blue. "It's so much more dignified to come down here and beg a cute demon for advice, isn't it?"

"I..." Majrista hesitated, shifting uneasily. "I-I mean, we aren't... we are not begging." She made her voice resolute and glared, staring the demoness right in the eye. "We are demanding, and you will cease this... this banter. Unless you do not wish to open a two-way contract?"

The demon's eyebrow arched sightly. Her eyes shimmered, reflecting the flickering candlelights and Majrista's own form--which looked so small, reflected as it was, surrounded by those circles of burning amber light. "Ooh. You know some summoning principles, don't you, Rista?"

Majrista gave a terse nod. Inwardly, she felt a little sense of satisfaction that the demoness seemed... impressed. The Knights of Yoric believed in holding as many skillsets as possible for use in the field, and Lady Majrista had always taken this to heart. Her training was... not exactly formal, or comprehensive, but Majrista felt she was pretty damn good for her level. And there seemed no reason to volunteer anything else to Luci.

"Very good." Luci leaned back and arched her back in a long, back-cracking stretch. Majrista couldn't help but admire the demon's prodigious assets, so... casually placed on display before her. Her gaze snapped back to eye level as Luci straightened. Not that the sweet fiend could try anything even if she stared openly, of course. "So I'm sure you'll know, of course, that any true two-way contract requires careful attention to details."

"Of course." Lady Majrista sniffed, trying to keep her expression deeply unimpressed. But that was obvious, anyways.

"And to each other." Luci's fingernails tapped over her glittering necklace. She had a little half-smile on her face. The moonstones seemed to glow in the candlelight, and resting so playfully between her bounteous cleavage, it was hard not to stare. "It's ever-so-important to pay close attention, isn't it, Rista?"

"I am paying attention." Majrista rolled her eyes. The demon was talking down to her, and that galled her. "You know, if all you're going to tell me is the obvious--"

"Of course you are," Luci said immediately, her hand darting back to her pretty firelit face and brushing a lovely lock away from those glimmering topaz eyes. Her voice was silky, smooth, soothing. Her eyes sparkled with sincerity. "I would never suggest otherwise, sweetie. I'm only making sure we're both fully familiar with the rules of contracts."

Majrista gave a cautious nod.

Luci smirked slightly. "Anyways, if you truly know them by heart, Rista..." Majrista nodded firmly. "... then why don't we begin discussing this deal you wish to make with me?"

Majrista's heart began to race. This was it. The demoness was open to terms.

She cleared her throat. She was suddenly a bit at a loss for what to do next. A part of her hadn't even been sure if she'd make it this far. "Right. Yes. Well..." She bit her lip, her eyes trained on those pretty red eyes. Pay attention. That much she knew. There was no telling what the demoness would try to pull here.

"You want information," Luci offered, her voice gentle, her eyes swirling with pure innocent helpfulness.

"R-Right," Lady Majrista stammered, nodding quickly. "I want... we want information. Secrets." She drew herself upright proudly. "We seek information on how your kind can be bound and harnessed to our wills, creature."

"Oh, 'Luci', please!"

"Luci." The knight's jaw set. Her eyes briefly darted up towards the stairs, then she took a furtive step closer. "I want to know how you were bound in this... this place."

Luci giggled, bouncing slightly. "Aww, is that it, Rista, precious?" She batted her eyelashes, glowing amber-orange eyes flickering over the knight like a blood moon behind windswept clouds. "Such a wise and smart thing to search for. You seek to know what those cute moths used to trap me."

"That's right." The knight swallowed. Luci's eyes seemed so massive, so all-consuming, all-encompassing. Her own eyes darted down, briefly worried that she'd moved closer to the circle than she'd realized--but no, she still seemed about a pace away.

"They employ most devious techniques, those moths," Luci said slyly, leaning in with a conspiratorial glint in her gaze, "don't they?"


Luci's eyes seemed to swirl slightly. "Such a... pity what became of them, mm?"

The knight bit back the impulse to ask, even as she remembered the blood on the railing. "They are... not relevant. We don't need them." Her nerves roiled slightly nonetheless. She hadn't been present when the knights had found this place. She didn't know what they'd found remaining of the previous owners.

And she was pretty sure she didn't want to know what role her order might have played in it.

"Oh, certainly not!" Luci beamed, and Rista felt a little relieved. The demoness swayed slightly, eyes swirling with crimson and pink light. "I can tell you're much cleverer than my previous wardens. Isn't that right, Rista?"

Rista shivered. Those last three words were delivered with such... confidence. Such sultry, purred certainty. And yet she couldn't help feeling a strange glow of pride. "Y-Yes, I..."

"You want information," Luci murmured, swaying slowly from side to side, her eyes never leaving Rista's. "Don't you, Rista, dear? I can give you..." The eyes spiraled, ripped, spun Rista deeper and deeper in... "... everything you need to lead your knights, your lady, your kingdom."

"Yes." Rista was trembling with nervous excitement. She'd... she'd always planned that, but to hear Luci describe it in such intoxicating detail... It took her a long moment to notice what was wrong with that sentence. "I-I mean, um, I... I only act as my lady commands, but..."

"Oh, come now." Luci's plump, luscious lips curved slightly upward. Rista's eyes were drawn to those lips as a long, elegant finger went to them in a positively seductive pout. "She'll need someone to guide her, won't she?"


"Someone intelligent." Luci's lips savored the words like delectable sweetmeats, her voice achingly sensuous, dripping with desire, as if the words themselves brought Luci indescribable ecstasy. "Someone capable. Someone... commanding." Several forked tongues darted out as she licked her lips.

Rista licked her own lips without thinking. She was breathing heavily. "Y... Yes." She blushed hot as she said it. But it was true, and it was a bad idea to lie, wasn't it? Eve was... brave, and noble, and kind, and sweet. But naive. Rista had always known Eve would need guidance. Care. command. Hadn't Rista gotten them this far?

"Good," Luci said happily. "I'm so glad you're willing to be honest. I just despise false modesty, don't you?" Her voice trickled on into Rista's ears, silky and coy. "You're so good at this, aren't you? Clearly quite experienced."

"Uh-huh," Rista mumbled, her cheeks burning brighter. She was, wasn't she? Well, she'd never actually... done this before, but, well, she might as well have, right? She'd read about it. Studied it. Why shouldn't she be a natural?

She stared at Luci's lips, half-parted, so plump and enticing. Then Luci's hands moved, almost guiding Rista's eyes back to Luci's, and a soft sigh escaped her as those pretty eyes welcomed her back into their swirling embrace. She took a step closer as the demoness beckoned.

"That's right," Luci purred, seeming very, very pleased for some reason. "You're perfect. Such a good girl."

A shiver ran through Rista at that phrase. Oh, that felt so good to hear. But... but wait, it almost sounded... almost...

"Ah?" She blinked blearily. Come to think of it, she felt a little... off. Everything about this felt off. Her mind felt melty. Fuzzy. Swirly and sparkly.

"N-No," she mumbled, swallowing, "no, I... I..."

Rista tried to focus her thoughts. But as the demoness beckoned, she found herself taking another step closer regardless--and as she felt Luci's delicate fingertip under her chin, her eyes widened, and her whole world swam with swirling colors of every imaginable hue.

"Oh," Luci said sweetly, "I only meant you're soooo good at negotiating, Rista, sweetie. Don't you think so?"

The finger delicately stroked. Rista whimpered and felt herself nodding slightly--she wasn't quite sure if she was nodding deliberately or if Luci's finger was nodding her head for her, but Luci's praise felt so good pouring into her head, trickling and pooling and drowning everything else like slow-spilling honey...

One eyebrow arched above a spiraling ocean of lights. "What was that, dear?"

"Y-Yes," Rista whimpered, continuing to nod even as she longed to cover her burning cheeks from the demoness's smug gaze. She squirmed at Luci's sly smile.

"I'm going to show you so much," Luci purred. Her finger guided Rista forward, and Rista found herself taking another step closer. "You'll extract every last sweet secret from my lips, won't you, Rista?"

"Uh-huh..." Rista flinched as she felt a finger playing over her own suddenly very sensitive lips. But she didn't pull away. Not yet.

The demoness seemed to be getting quite familiar with her. Something about that felt dangerous, but... well, this was surely normal, wasn't it? She was in complete control. She didn't need help. She just needed... to pay attention...

The eyes swirled with glimmering lights. "Oh, yes, sweetie. You'll draw it aaall out of me." One finger scritched lightly under Rista's chin as Luci's other hand caressed her cheek affectionately. "You'll make me show you the way to glory. Power. Triumph. I'll be yours to command, and I'll give you so much."

"Oh, yes," Rista breathed, her eyes wide. Her whole head swam with delectable promises, and Luci's voice oozed around her like sweet, intoxicating syrup. She couldn't seem to pick any cogent thoughts from the swirling whirlpools that were her mind--none but how unbelievably hot Luci was making all of this sound, how unbelievably hot it suddenly felt, physically, in the cellar. She felt herself swaying in time with the demoness as Luci swayed from side to side in slow, serpentine motions. "Yes, that's... that's exactly..."

"That's it?" Luci teased, the finger trailing along the corner of Rista's parted lips. "That's what you want, sweet girl?"

"What I want," Rista whimpered. Her mind felt so... soft. Gooey. Picking out individual thoughts was like searching for shellfish in the wet sand with nothing but her bare hands. She stared hopelessly into Luci's beautiful whirlpool eyes, struggling to find the words. The words for how... desperately she wanted all of that.

"Aww, I know, Rista," Luci cooed, pouting sympathetically. "Closer, now, dear. Doesn't it sound so... very... sweet?"

"Sweet," Rista panted, her head bobbing mindlessly as she stumbled closer still. Suddenly her mind was not like sand, but like sweet gooey candy, oozing honey pouring around every little thought until there was nothing left but hopeless desire.

Desire to have Luci give her... everything.

She squirmed helplessly and delight at the thought. The vision of herself, wreathed in the flames of Hell's own magics, leading the Knights of Yoric to glory, commanding her lady to retake the kingdom. And Luci looking on, so very impressed, so willing to serve her, to obey her every little whim, to kneel before her superior and give Rista... whatever Rista wanted from her.

Oh, how achingly sweet that sounded to her.

"That's right, my adorable Mistress," Luci purred, and Rista was so overtaken at hearing that word, trembling with pleasure, that she didn't even register the second-to-last one, didn't even think to object as Luci's finger slid past Rista's quivering lips and Rista began to mindlessly, blissfully suck.

Purest pleasure sparkled in her head at the sensation, so heavenly, so sinfully wonderful, feeling that slender finger sliding right past her soft, parted, sensitive lips. Her eyelashes fluttered, and a breathless whine escaped her.

In and out. In and out. So delectably sweet, her lips so very wonderfully sensitive. "Thaaat's right, now," Luci cooed. "You're soooo good at that!"

Rista glowed and moaned at the praise, and sucked a little more eagerly, hoping for more. Of course she was good at that, a sweet sensible voice whispered in her mind. It was like she was born for this. She would make such a good Mistress.

"Do you like that, Mistress?" the demoness cooed, smirking at something. "Does that feel good?"

"Mm-hmmm," Rista moaned, squirming and bobbing her head eagerly on the finger. Luci felt so good to listen to. Looked so pretty. Tasted so sweet.

It did taste sweet... didn't it?

"Goooood girl. Soooo sweet~"

Oh. Her eyes widened. Oh, yes it did, of course it did, she was sure it did. She beamed senselessly and sucked passionately, now certain she could taste that delicious, addictive candy touch.

"Closer, sweetie," whispered the demoness, giggling as Rista hopelessly stumbled onward. The way she followed the finger, it might as well have been a leash. "That's a good girl. Right over the summoning circle, so clever of you. It's going to be so much easier to interrogate me here, won't it?"

Her eyes spiraled with endless shades of pink, filling Rista's vision with twin molten sunrises.

"Ummm..." Rista blinked fuzzily, trying to understand the logic. Wasn't that true? Surely it would be so much easier to get information from Luci this way. So much closer. Easier to... to listen to what Luci was saying, to pay close attention...

It wasn't as if she had anything to worry about. She smiled brainlessly up into the pretty swirling pink orbs. She had everything under control.

Still, she couldn't help but let out a squeak as she felt Luci's other hand slipping daintily between her legs and creeping between her inner thighs. She sucked harder, whimpering, as she felt something else coiling around her thigh.

Through the horny dumb haze of pleasure and praise, she realized it was Luci's tail.

The tail gently guided her knees to bend as Luci's free hand cupped her ass from underneath, and Rista whimpered as she realized Luci was easing her right onto her back in the middle of the summoning circle.

That seemed definitely dangerous. Briefly unsure, she frowned up into Luci's eyes for a long, hard moment, deciding she needed to make certain Luci wasn't up to anything bad.

The eyes swirled and spiraled and drew Rista in, deeper and deeper and deeper as Rista sucked and sank down to her knees. Rista sighed happily. So pretty. So swirly.

As she reached the floor, waves of sugar bliss seemed to positively flood through her. Rista moaned, gazing up at Luci with a feeling... almost like worship. Her lips felt almost like a new erogenous zone as the fingers slid in and out, fucking her mouth, almost training her, and she felt positively alight with passion, with desire, with pride.

Luci beamed down at her. The finger slid out from between Rista's lips at long last, slipped down Rista's neck as, below, Rista felt those other fingers beginning to stroke and tease. Rista bit her lip to hold in a squeak of pure need. "You're not going to have any trouble doing just as I say, are you?" the demoness purred, tickling under Rista's chin. "Not going to tell anyone about what we agree on tonight? You don't need aaaanyone's help, after all~"

Rista shook her head obediently, keening and mewling softly as the fingers below toyed expertly with her dripping sex.

"Good girl!" The pouring pleasure that immersed Rista at these two little words, so sweetly spoken, was to Rista beyond measure. Luci was proud of her. So, so proud. "You aren't meant to be some dreary, dreadfully dull captain, are you? You want something... more."

"Yes, Luci," Rista whimpered, her whole world swimming in those eyes. "Oh, yes, yes, yes..."

"You want me to show you the way, don't you?" Luci cooed.

"Yes, yes, please y-ye..."

Rista trailed off.

Somehow, deep down, some tiny part of her mind still struggled with this. Some lingering part of Rista objected, fought, warning her that this was wrong, that this was a disgraceful way to lose, that she would be remembered as a traitor, a fool, a failure.

And that--the idea of doing something shameful, something less than glorious--bothered her a little, in what rational roots of her mind still remained..

She hesitated, biting her lip.

But Luci seemed to notice this struggle, and the demoness smirked. She swept in close, immersing Rista in her body heat, easing Rista all the way onto her back and lying atop her. "Aww, precious," the sweet fiend teased, "we promised to be honest, remember?"

Rista moaned softly as the fingers stroked mercilessly, as she felt her legs involuntarily parting to admit the touches. "B-But I... I... sh-shouldn't..."

"But don't you want to?" Luci said softly, smiling as her fingers worked their terrible magic on Rista's helpless body. "Just imagine it, my dear." Her eyes shimmered and spiraled and swirled with candy hearts.

Rista stared up into them, hopelessly enthralled. Her mind felt immobile.

No, not immobile. Unwilling. It would not obey Rista. She could not make herself want to stop looking.

"Just... imagine," Luci hissed, and it was as if her voice was from so, so far away. "You at the head of the alliance to defeat the demons. The crowds chanting your name. Your lady, so full of admiration. Your enemies, full of fear. You, the hero."

"Hero," Rista whispered. She could see it in those eyes, couldn't she? Just like she could taste the sweetness in the air as she leaned in closer, scooted further into Luci's delectable touch.

"Wouldn't it be worth it?" Luci asked innocently. The fingers toyed with Rista's sex, teased around her sensitive folds so delicately, so daintily, slid inside and stroked over Rista's tingling clit... "Wouldn't it be worth aaaaanything," the word slithered into Rista's ear and curled around her melting mind like a serpent around its prey, "to have me at your service?"

"I... ooh..." Rista squirmed and wiggled in delight. She stared up into Luci's spiraling eyes and found herself smiling.

"I can show you the way," Luci cooed down at her, rising to straddle Rista's prone form. Her touches sped up, drawing hopeless moans and squeaks and whimpers from Rista's quivering lips. "My power will flow through you like honeyed milk, sweetie, and all will know of your conquest. The Knights of Yoric will be spoken of with fear, with admiration, with respect, and you will be their general."

"Yes," Rista whined, feeling herself nodding along. "Oh, ohh, yesss..."

"You can show them all the way," Luci whispered, smirking. She caressed Rista's cheek with a hand. "And you'll get to taste my sweetness on your tongue for the rest of your life."

The finger stroked faster along Rista's clit. Every nerve in Rista's body was cooing in joy as that wonderful molten heat spread through her, helping her to ooze deeper and deeper under Luci's control.

The will to fight melted in that heat. Melted like the nothing it truly was.

"Yes," Rista cried, "oh, yes, yes, yes!"

She barely knew what she was saying, and yet she knew so perfectly, so hopelessly that she meant it. And it felt so good to say everything Luci wanted her to say.

Luci giggled. "So you're ready, sweetie?" She leaned in close, voice dropping to a sultry purr. "Ready to submit?"

"I... I..." Rista's voice caught. She bit her lip, staring in hopeless adoration up into those big swirling eyes.

"Don't you want," Luci cooed, as another finger slipped inside Rista's dripping cunt, "to be a good girl?"

Good girl. Rista positively drooled at the words. She brainlessly nodded. Good girl. Good girl. She would be a good girl. The best girl. Luci's champion. Luci's hero.

"Good girls say, 'Yes, Mistress'," Luci said sweetly.

"Yes, Mistress," Rista squeaked.

Luci beamed in triumph. "Good girl," she said smugly. "Cum for Mistress, now, sweetie~"

And the fingers sped up, and Luci's lips parted, and she squealed in ecstasy as she came.

The orgasm came pouring over her like a tidal wave of pure sweetness. She could taste it on her tongue, just as Mistress had said, she was sure of it--even before Luci smirked and seized her in a delectable, mind-melting three-tongued kiss.

Rista cried and mewled and moaned, clinging with almost pathetic desperation to her Mistress, submitting utterly to the kiss. Her whole face was alight, but she didn't know why she was so flushed-faced--after all, she had won!

She whined and begged wordlessly as Luci pulled back from the kiss to smile down at her, still bucking against Luci's fingers, still writhing in Luci's embrace like a wifwolf in heat. Luci descended to kiss hungrily along Rista's neck, and Rista squealed in pleasure. The orgasm seemed as though it would never end, and she was in a heaven unlike any she had ever imagined.

Luci seemed only too happy to draw the orgasm out longer and longer, pumping her slick fingers in and out, peppering Rista's flushed face with sweet kisses and giggling as Rista tried and failed to muster words to plead for more.

Rista was lost. She finally understood the meaning of the demon expression fucked molten. She was putty in Luci's embrace, and a part of her swore that Luci could melt her into nothing at all and Rista wouldn't mind. She wanted to give it all. She needed to be a good girl. The best girl. Luci's obedient little hero.

But Luci did at last show mercy and slow her attentions, ease the intensity of her kisses, pull her fingers out to lick them clean and begin a slow, gentler stroking. Rista was panting for breath.

"Now, wasn't that a delight?" Luci asked with a little laugh. "Such a sweet little prideslut you are."

"Mm..." Rista nodded dreamily, giggling at the praise. She felt like she was ooze, happy, blissful ooze dripping aimlessly through a wonderful eternal afterglow.

"You're such a good girl, aren't you?" Luci cooed, patting Rista on the head. Rista giggled and rubbed her head eagerly against Luci's hand, eliciting another laugh and more headpats. "Aww, so eager! I can't wait to show you off to the others~"

Rista glowed with pride. She was a good girl! That thought made her so achingly happy.

Almost as happy as the thought of being shown off. Admired. Envied and adored.

She gave a dumb, blissful smile and wriggled closer to Luci, scarcely noticing as Luci took one of her hands from her, totally limp, and used it to wipe away some of the chalk markings of the binding circle.

As one, the candles went out, and the sigils' glow faded. Rista was left in the darkness, with only those swirling eyes for light.

But Rista didn't really mind. In fact, she was already thinking about who she wanted to show off her new Mistress to first. She had a little smirk at the thought.

She had a feeling Lady Eve would be positively dazzled.



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