Search results for "#systemic_D/s"

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A Treaty Once Signed...
by TheMothCourt
(5 chapters, 19898 words)
(100% match)
#cw:noncon #D/s #dom:female #f/f #force_feminization #pov:bottom #sub:female (click to see all tags) #bimbofication #breath_play #cw:transphobia #enemies_to_lovers #fae #fantasy #forced_fem #humiliation #mind_control #multiple_partners #pheromones #princessification #systemic_D/s #trans_egg #transformation #transgender_characters

The Lepidopterids have invaded the Principality of Lefferwood, leaving it’s Warrior Prince in a bind. After sending off his betrothed, he makes the hard decision to surrender to the superior invaders, however, the treaty is far more than he bargained for…

Berries of Hope
by suzynya
[Ongoing] (3 chapters, 2656 words)
(100% match)
#cw:noncon #D/s #dom:internalized_imperialism #Human_Domestication_Guide #microfiction #scifi #systemic_D/s (click to see all tags) #sub:the_horror_of_existence_in_a_caring_universe

Kink-light microfiction from the world of HDG.

Channel Hopping with your Mistress
by suzynya
[Ongoing] (4 chapters, 16415 words)
(100% match)
#cw:noncon #D/s #dom:female #dom:male #f/f #pov:bottom #scifi (click to see all tags) #dom:internalized_imperialism #dom:nb #drug_play #drugs #f/nb #furry #Human_Domestication_Guide #intelligence_loss #intelligence_play #multiple_partners #nb/nb #systemic_D/s #transgender_characters

A Human Domestication Guide story. You are an adored floret, and your Mistress frequently watches Affini television with you.

Consoling Philosophy
by suzynya
[Ongoing] (3 chapters, 13003 words)
(100% match)
#cw:CGL #cw:noncon #D/s #dom:female #f/f #humiliation #pov:bottom #sub:female (click to see all tags) #bimbofication #dom:internalized_imperialism #Human_Domestication_Guide #intelligence_play #multiple_partners #pov:top #religion #scifi #systemic_D/s #transgender_characters

Other Affini might have taken Sophy’s unusual request and run with it. But xenoveterinarian Anicia Hazel, Seventh Bloom, intends to take the Affini mission to help sophonts be ‘the best they can be’ extremely seriously. A classic HDG hurt/comfort tale.

Alice, Through the Floret's Glass
by ForsakenDreams
(10 chapters, 11870 words)
(100% match)
#cw:noncon #D/s #dom:female #f/f #Human_Domestication_Guide #obligatory_wonderland_references #pov:bottom (click to see all tags) #hypnosis_I_Guess??? #occasional_haha_funny_moments #petplay #scifi #sub:female #systemic_D/s

A Human Domestication Guide Fanfic - A woman tries to get her life together with the help of some Hot Plant Aliens. Shenanigans Ensure.

On the peripheries left vulnerable
by Clearing
(3783 words)
(100% match)
#cw:noncon #dom:female #f/f #sub:female (click to see all tags) #bondage #brainwashing #D/s #dom:plant #drugs #f/nb #Human_Domestication_Guide #humiliation #medical_play #mindbreak #petplay #pov:bottom #scifi #systemic_D/s #xenophobia

A skeleton crew operate independently out of view of their command are forced together on their ship and lack any cohesion. They violently fight back against their rescue. Fanfiction of GlitchyRobo’s Human Domestication Guide.

by Darkfalli
(33187 words)
(100% match)
#cw:noncon #D/s #dom:female #f/f #Human_Domestication_Guide #pov:bottom #sub:female (click to see all tags) #anarchy #bratty_sub #communism #conditioning #dom:internalized_imperialism #drug_play #drugs #hypnosis #multiple_partners #ownership_dynamics #petplay #pov:top #scifi #systemic_D/s #trans_egg #transgender_characters
(Click to show spoiler tags) #body_modification #hive_mind

An Anarchist Communist Commune at the fringes of Terran space gets discovered by the affini compact. A member of the commune going by the name Q and their friend Mary find themselves at the mercy of a loving but stern affini Mistress intent on breaking them into happy loving pets

Human Domestication Guide
by GlitchyRobo
[Ongoing] (15 chapters, 27349 words)
(100% match)
#cw:noncon #brainwashing #D/s #dom:female #drugs #f/f #Human_Domestication_Guide #humiliation #pov:bottom #sub:female (click to see all tags) #bondage #dom:plant #medical_play #mindbreak #petplay #scifi #systemic_D/s #xenophobia
(Click to show spoiler tags) #exhibitionism

In a scifi space future, humanity has just lost a war to the Affini, a civilization of highly advanced plant aliens who really want to make cute, drugged up pets of their subjects. A human, the warship pilot Elvira, has just been captured & delivered to her new mistress.

Lost in Eden
by BiSound
(8 chapters, 19532 words)
(100% match)
#cw:noncon #D/s #dom:female #f/f #Human_Domestication_Guide #pov:bottom #scifi #sub:female #trans_egg #transgender_characters (click to see all tags) #dom:internalized_imperialism #dom:plant #drugs #indoctrination #isolation #medical_play #petplay #slow_burn #spy #systemic_D/s #xenophobia
(Click to show spoiler tags) #CW:terrorism #pronouns_change_halfway_through

A poor depressed Terran, lost in space. The only thing there to save their sanity is a text communicator and affini propaganda. A Human Domestication Guide story

by SexySpellbook
(2 chapters, 2094 words)
(100% match)
#drugs #f/f #multiple_partners #pov:bottom #pov:top #scifi (click to see all tags) #dom:plant #Human_Domestication_Guide #needles #petplay #systemic_D/s

A bonded pair find a new home.

Hospitable Takeover
by Wayril
(13 chapters, 22017 words)
(100% match)
#cw:noncon #D/s #dom:female #f/f #pov:bottom #scifi #sub:female (click to see all tags) #dom:plant #drugs #Human_Domestication_Guide #indoctrination #medical_play #petplay #systemic_D/s #xenophobia

As the Affini Compact exerts its dominion over Terran space, one girl finds adjusting to her new life under alien occupation to be much more pleasant than she anticipated.

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