Search results for "#computer_brainwashing"

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Drop Out With Your Top Out
by scifiscribbler
(4487 words)
(100% match)
#cw:noncon #bimbofication #computer_brainwashing #dom:capitalism #soft_bimbofication #sub:female

Industrialising the gifted kid to burnout bimbo pipeline.

The Enemy of my Enemy...
by CarthageOmega12
(7519 words)
(100% match)
#artificial_intelligence #conditioning #covert_conditioning #robots #scifi #sub:female (click to see all tags) #computer_brainwashing #Consensual #drones #drugging #eye_focus #light_bondage #maze #nanotech

Mildred is a test subject in the near future, put in a maze she is told to try and escape from. In the midst of her efforts, she comes across an artificial intelligence that could help her do that… if they can trust each other.

Test Cases
by scifiscribbler
(12 chapters, 49203 words)
(100% match)
#cw:noncon #dom:female #dom:male #f/f #f/m #multiple_partners #sub:female (click to see all tags) #college #computer_brainwashing

Two college students have funding and theories. The subjects of their experiment have very, very different reactions.

Warning Sign
by Jukebox
(2645 words)
(100% match)
#cw:noncon #brainwashing #dom:female #f/f #pov:bottom #scifi #sub:female (click to see all tags) #brain_hacking #brainwash #brainwashed #computer_brainwashing #cyberpunk #cyborgs #memory_play #oblivious

An accident victim with an experimental cyborg brain begins to suffer a peculiar form of cognitive impairment, and has to try to think her way out of her troubles with a head that’s very much unsuitable for the task.

Retro Reboot
by scifiscribbler
(4074 words)
(100% match)
#brainwashing #breeding_kink #computer_brainwashing #Dom:Computer #sub:female (click to see all tags) #breeding

Hanae got through her student days using the Techno Teacher CD-Rom series. A chance discovery of a later CD might get her through single motherhood.

Last Resort
by scifiscribbler
(3833 words)
(100% match)
#brainwashing #computer_brainwashing #consensual_kink #f/m

As their marriage seems to be falling apart, Rochelle and Michael try the last option open to them; experimental brainwashing learned off the internet.

A Slave's Doubts
by Mesmerciless
(12112 words)
(100% match)
#cw:noncon #dom:male #memory_play #pov:bottom #resistant_subject #slutification #sub:female (click to see all tags) #bad_end #betrayal #blowjob #bondage #brainwashed #brainwashing #college #computer_brainwashing #conspiracy #D/s #dom:female #f/f #f/m #humiliation #hypnosis #hypnotic_visor #identity_play #Master/slave_language #masturbation #multiple_partners #personality_change #serial_recruitment

Melissa starts to question her decision to become a fraternity sex slave. Her fellow sluts try to assuage her concerns, but with the big homecoming party coming up, time is running out to get her back on track. Perhaps a more direct method of comfort is needed…

Spy Games
by HypnoticHarlequin
(5487 words)
(100% match)
#cw:noncon #bondage #brainwashing #clothing #D/s #f/f #multiple_partners (click to see all tags) #brainwashing_tube #computer_brainwashing #conspiracy #Dom:AI #Dom:Computer #drones #hypnotic_gas #hypnotic_machine #hypnotic_screen #scifi #spiral #spy

A group of spies finds that a corporation’s AI security system may be better than they anticipated

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