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Two partners enjoy some intimate hypnosis together. A commission. (Posted 2019)
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Bondage and brainwashing.
Initially released in the Charmed 2020 zine, Hypnotheticals!
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Ira’s mech gets fitted with an AI co-pilot. Unfortunately, it wants to do more than just help her fly.
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Becca’s friends decide to start playing with hypnosis, while she has a secret interest in the subject that she’s never told them about. Awkwardness ensues as she tries to keep her secret.
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Short ficlet about a kinky person walking in on their partner brainwashing themselves. I guess it’s my take at “robot kink, but make it consensual”.
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Two friends navigate a scene going sideways.
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It is a normal day at the arcade. People are chatting, playing games and having fun. And one arcade machine is contemplating its secret purpose.
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A group of rebels try and free a TV host from the clutches of an evil corporation. However, the job may not be as straightforward as they first thought.