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Hailee takes a step into the unknown, with its Master by its side. But is he leading it to safety, or something much more fun…?
A story about a beauty salon that turns women into living rubber Beauties devoted to their parent corporation.
Milo and Hailee adjust their sleeping arrangements.
Kate wants her gentle girlfriend to treat her like an object. Their hypnotist might just have a solution…
Elixir of Agditis Winery, run by the reclusive Felicity Yates, has taken the world by storm. But something seems off. Behind closed doors and within dark cellars simmer stirring secrets. Two investigative journalists learn first hand just what makes Miss Yates’ wine so special.
Asteroid mining trip gone wrong leads to an off-the-books first contact with an alien species. Not set in delta infinity or HDG universes
You’ve just finished work, and you’d love to sleep. If only you could get some help with what you really want.
A novelty recording booth at a shopping centre gives its customers a very different experience than they were expecting.
A few humans on their way to a new solar system stray far from their course and are intercepted by an alien ship.
Stories, tricks, and treats for Hypnovember 2022.
From Hyenaface’s prompt list
Mandy seeks hypnosis to help her stop being a slut - but it only deepens her humiliation.
The executive board are tired of Kylie’s opinions – so they hypnotise her into being a good girl and staying quiet in her “Babydoll Corner”.
Helena’s peaceful, quiet job at a local flower shop is suddenly turned on its head by a customer with an important lesson to impart.
Emmy is a contractor who’s happy for a gig helping a buyer renovate his new home. When he shows her how the house has a mind of its own, Emmy learns how to really listen.
Connie’s shortcut ends up taking up a lot more of her time than she’d ever have expected.
Holly has never been invited over to Lily’s house, which is odd since they’ve been friends since kindergarten. Turn’s out Lily lives in a mansion that’s older than the whole city, and her family has a secret.
It was only their third date, but Anne was so hooked on him – the way that he hypnotized her, and the way he took control.
Brighton falls victim to a magical trap at her crush’s yard sale.
“If you’re not paying for the product, you are the product.” Bethany works the night shift monitoring the people who play the game her company makes.