True Beauty: Service with a Smile

by Samantha_Writes_Smut

Tags: #cw:noncon #brainwashing #drones #f/m #latex #mind_control #pov:bottom #body_modification #corporate #dehumanization #dollification #growth #objectification #recruitment #serial_recruitment #transformation

The True Beauty Corporation, whose purpose is to turn women into living rubber Beauties, opens up a diner.

“Wait, really?” Leigh asked disbelievingly, her friend’s story pulling a small grin out from beneath her normally dour exterior.
Alicia nodded in response, the ready smile she always wore splitting her face from ear to ear before it turned mischievous. “And she still doesn’t know.”
That shocked a laugh out of Leigh before she clapped a hand over her mouth, eyes screwing shut as she tried to regain her composure. Alicia turned, pink skirt swishing with the motion, and skipped a few steps down the street, the blonde exulting in her victory as always when she got her reserved friend’s serious front to crack. It was a dynamic the dark-haired English Lit major enjoyed as much as her friend did, though admitting that would ruin the game for both of them.
Sophia hadn’t caught the rest of Alicia’s story, though she normally enjoyed them. She’d been too distracted cursing her tiny bladder and looking for a building that might have a bathroom. Suddenly she spotted a diner further along the street and started power-walking towards it, calling back to her friends that she’d be back in a second. The heavyset dark-haired girl in a hoodie looked at the petite blonde in a light blouse and they both shrugged before returning to their conversation.
The sign proclaimed the name of the diner as Thickshakes, which Sophia had never heard of before, and had another logo in the corner, “the True Beauty Corporation,” written in flowing cursive. She was pretty sure there had been a different building there the last time she’d come this way, too, but questions were for people with empty bladders.
She pushed through the front doors, started walking up to the counter, and froze halfway there. The inside had everything one would expect to see in any diner ever - windows and booths along one wall, a bar along the opposite, tiled floors - but the waitresses were a sight Sophia had never expected to be confronted with. Each one was a bombshell, with a perfect hourglass figure, flawless skin and expertly-applied makeup, their yellow and red uniforms hugging their curves and coming just low enough to avoid scandal. How the hell had this place managed to find so many women like that to be waitresses? On that note, why did it have so many waitresses at all? She counted at least seven, almost one for every two tables, but that was where she had to stop counting because she still hadn’t peed.
“Excuse me,” she asked the blonde woman behind the bar, “hi, can I use your bathroom? Please?”
“Of course,” the woman replied immediately with a dazzling white smile. She was just as stunning up close, but it was a level of beauty that was almost too perfect. Her skin had a synthetic sheen to it, like plastic. On closer inspection, every employee in the place seemed more made than born. The woman pointed her to the toilets and Sophia almost walked away like the hairs rising on the back of her neck were telling her to, but her bladder was still calling the shots.
She rushed to the bathroom, ignoring the way every waitress she passed had the exact same beaming smile on her face, and shoved through the door, only to stop in her tracks. The bathroom was clean, and smelled fresh, and only one of the stalls was occupied, but the clapping, banging, and moaning sounds, in both a male and a female voice, left nothing to the imagination regarding what was happening in there. Again, she almost walked out, and again, her bladder wouldn’t be denied.
She chose the stall as far away as she could manage from the occupied one and opened and closed the door behind her as loudly as possible. This had no effect on the sounds coming from the other stall.
“Hey!” She yelled, banging on the side of the stall. “You’re in public!”
That shut them up. Finally, she managed to get some relief, and a long minute later, she pulled up her pants and exited the stall. As she was washing her hands, it caught her eye that she could see a bit under the door of the occupied stall, and she rolled her eyes at seeing the lower legs of a girl kneeling in there facing away from the door. She finished washing up quickly and left, throwing a look back over her shoulder as she was opening the door to check something she’d thought she’d noticed. The girl in the stall had that distinctive plasticky quality to her skin that marked her as an employee.
She had no time to process this information, as not looking in front of her while opening a door meant she crashed straight into the person outside. She tripped up and would have landed on her face, but the waitress caught her smoothly and righted her, seeming completely unfazed. Sophia instinctively grabbed on to the waitress’ arm and her yelp of surprise turned into a noise of confusion. The waitress let go of her quickly and started speaking.
“Are you alright, miss?”
Sophia nodded to the smiling woman, staring involuntarily at her arm where she’d touched her.
“Very good. Do you mind if I get past?”
“Wha- oh, right, sure.” Sophia stepped aside to let her pass and the waitress slipped into the bathroom. After a second, Sophia hurried towards the exit. Not only did all the employees here look like dolls, but when she’d touched that one’s arm, it had felt like latex rubber. She saw Leigh and Alicia hanging around outside and rushed out to meet them.

Sophia woke up in a cold sweat. She’d been dreaming about… the diner? Those creepy waitresses. Ugh. She checked her phone. 3am. A slight shuffle confirmed her bed was soaked and she winced; she was going to need to change the sheets. After throwing her wet sheets in the laundry basket, she headed to the bathroom to shower. As soon as she closed the door, however, a pulse of energy hit her in the face and she stumbled as the world seemed to tilt. She had just enough time to see a big-titted masked figure covered entirely in black latex fade into existence right in front of her before everything else turned black as well.

She woke up with a headache and dry eyes, but the feeling of metal bands wrapping around her ankles, wrists, waist and neck lent urgency to her attempt to take stock of the room. It was dark and blurry, but eventually the blurs resolved into something unsettling. A row of modified dentists’ chairs covered one wall, most of them occupied with women in a mix of street clothes and pyjamas with full-face helmets covering their heads, and, minus the helmet, that was the same position she was in. A voluptuous, synthetically beautiful woman in a yellow-and-red skirt walked along in front, writing notes in her tablet. One of the waitresses from Thickshakes.
She started screaming for help. She coughed on her first attempt and looked at the waitress, worried she would come over and silence her, but she seemed not to have noticed. She gave no reaction even when Sophia started yelling properly, just calmly continuing to take notes without even glancing her way. Not that it did any good. Sophia’s yelling achieved nothing except to make her throat hurt and when the waitress eventually reached her, she changed tack.
“Hey,” she tried greeting the woman, but she was ignored.
“Hey, what is this?” She tried again. “What is happening here?”
The waitress continued typing on her tablet.
“This is kidnapping! My friends will know I’m missing and lead the police right here.”
The waitress reached over her and lowered a helmet onto her head.
“Hey!” She tried to squirm away, but the bands held her head in place and the helmet went on without difficulty, cutting off her view of the room.
She kept yelling, with the same result, until something happened. A sudden sense of weightlessness overtook her and she stopped feeling the bands holding her down, or the chair for that matter. It was like she was floating in a void rather than being blind. She moved her arm and, to her surprise, it actually moved. She immediately tried to take the helmet off, but her hands met with just her head, and when she tried yelling again, no sound came out.
A light started flashing in front of her, growing brighter with each flash. She tried to look away, but it remained in the centre of her vision no matter where she looked. Even when she closed her eyes, a bit still got through, flashing faster and growing in intensity until it was all-consuming and she was certain that opening her eyes would blind her immediately. Then it softened, and at the same time, sound and gravity reasserted themselves.

She caught herself, managing not to fall over on the carpet in the room she found herself in, which looked like a walk-in closet with hundreds of Thickshakes uniforms hung up on the racks. Full VR technology? How was that possible? She tried to go for the door, but jumped and spun when someone spoke from behind her.
“Hi, there!” Greeted a perky blonde Thickshakes waitress whom Sophia was confident hadn’t been there when she’d arrived. “I’m Cecelia. I’ll be handling your orientation and training today.”
“What is this?” Sophia asked.
“Thickshakes is owned by the True Beauty Corporation,” Cecelia continued, ignoring her. “And exists to serve them.
Sophia tried to interrupt, but as soon as she opened her mouth, Cecelia pulled out a phone and pressed something, and when Sophia tried to speak, there was silence. Cecelia hit another button and Sophia’s eyes bulged as her body sat down without her telling it to. Only the sudden appearance of a chair underneath her stopped her from falling on her butt, and no matter how she tried, her muscles wouldn’t respond to her commands to stand up. She was left to sit facing her captor as she hit yet another button, with the most upsetting effect yet. A wave of sadness, hopelessness, fear and guilt hit Sophia like a punch in the gut, emotions so strong she wanted to curl up and cry. Then, just as suddenly as it had appeared, it was gone, leaving her reeling.
“Do not interrupt,” Cecelia told her with calm dispassion, her beaming smile unchanged. “The True Beauty Corporation is the greatest company in existence. Its purpose is to change pathetic, ugly women like yourself into flawless rubber Beauties, like me. Congratulations on being chosen to become one of our products.”
She hit another button and a full-length mirror appeared in front of Sophia so she could see herself, except she would rather not have been able to see what happened next. The changes started subtle - her hair tidied itself, her pores started to shrink, her lips grew a bit fuller - then grew more radical. She watched, unable to express her horror, as her tits grew to stretch her pyjama top, nipples poking proudly through the fabric. It looked like she was growing taller, but she could feel that was just because her butt was filling out so much it was lifting her off the chair. Her hips widened as her waist tightened into an hourglass figure. The transformation was complete once all of the imperfections faded from her skin and it changed to the same rubber as Cecelia and all the other waitresses, and suddenly she fit right in with them.
She sat there, shocked, as she regained the ability to move and her hands went to her face, feeling only rubber instead of skin.
“Please put on a uniform,” Cecelia requested, idly tapping on her phone. The phone. That was how she was giving commands to the VR world! If Sophia could get it, she could change herself back, maybe even wake herself up. While Cecelia was distracted, she grabbed the mirror and swung it as hard as she could at her captor’s head, then stopped before hitting her. Her arms calmly and robotically returned the mirror to how it had been, while she strained to make them do anything else, then she convulsed as the wave of punishment from earlier hit her again.
“Violence is forbidden during training,” Cecelia informed her, unfazed. “As is escape. Please put on a uniform.”
Panting and trying to recover from the punishment wave, Sophia tried to think of a way out of this mess. She couldn’t put on a uniform; whatever they were planning to do, the end result would be her becoming another mindless rubber doll - a Beauty, Cecelia had called them - serving whatever sick fucks owned the True Beauty Corporation. She had to… What? What options did she have?
Her meager planning was cut short by another punishment wave, this one so intense she fell to her knees, feeling like she was going to throw up. She groaned.
“Disobedience is also forbidden.”
Sophia looked up at Cecelia, searching for any hint of mercy, and Cecelia smiled down at her dispassionately. There was a short pause, then Cecelia began to raise the phone.
Sophia flinched and scrambled to her feet, dignity forgotten in her need to not feel the punishment again. As she reached her feet, however, she felt something else.
“Woah,” she exclaimed, stumbling slightly as she was overtaken by a wave of complete contentment and satisfaction so strong she almost forgot what she was doing. She staggered over to the rack of uniforms, her reasons for resistance forgotten, and took one. She stripped down unabashedly, dropping her clothes and underwear in a pile and zipping up the tight uniform. Once she was finished, the good feelings began to fade and she realised what she’d just done. Feeling sick, she rushed over to the mirror to check if the uniform was really as bad as she’d thought, and confirmed that it was. Her oversized rubber tits were spilling out of the neckline, and the skirt was so short her cooch would be on full display if she so much as sneezed.
“Well done,” Cecelia told her, and another wave of pleasure spread through her body, so it didn’t even occur to her that she had the option to resist when Cecelia commanded, “follow me.”
She was led out of the dressing room and into the main area of the Thickshakes diner, where every table was occupied and there were still more waitresses than customers, at least two at every table. And in every case, one of the waitresses was standing calmly by and giving instructions while the other shamelessly serviced the customers with her body. She couldn’t tell if she was more disturbed by the ones that were sucking the customers off or the ones that were mindlessly chanting mantras at their mentors’ guidance.
Cecelia stopped by the one table in the place that wasn’t being waited on and Sophia stopped behind her. The table was occupied by two boys, perhaps a year or two younger than her own twenty. Both were short, overweight, and, judging by how shiny their faces were, less than diligent in their personal hygiene.
“Welcome to Thickshakes!” Cecelia greeted them. “This is Sophia. She’ll be your server today.”
Sophia looked around at the other ‘servers’ and shuddered. Cecelia turned to look at her.
“Sit on the customer’s lap and take his order.”
Sophia stared at the customer, who was looking her up and down hungrily, remembering what the other girls were being made to do to their patrons, and turned back to Cecelia.
“Please, you don’t have to-”
The blonde raised her phone, and Sophia flinched, but the punishment didn’t come. Cecelia just looked at her expectantly.
Slowly, reluctantly, Sophia stepped over to the customer and sat in his lap, her skin crawling as she felt his erection under her. The discomfort only lasted for a second, however, before it was overwhelmed by a wave of bliss.
She held on to it, a lifeline that stopped her from being swept away in a tide of obedience.
“Repeat after me,” came Cecelia’s next command through the haze, “I am a Beauty.”
Sophia didn’t, at least not right away. She waited until the wave of bliss died down and she could think clearly. Then, putting all the disdain she could muster into each word, she obeyed. Her defiant stare, letting her captor know that she would not give in, wavered as the next reward hit, but she held on to her rage at being made to say the words, and they carried her safely through.
“Repeat after me: I serve the True Beauty Corporation.”
Again, she waited until she was feeling normal before obeying, and she focused on her righteous indignation at her treatment to avoid being swept away. As she was doing this, though, the customer whose lap she was in started groping her tits, and the shock of that distracted her from what she was doing. It was another anchor she could have used to ground herself, but with her focus split, she slipped and found herself drifting off in the pleasure of obedience.
“Repeat after me: I belong to the True Beauty Corporation.”
“I belong to the True Beauty Corporation.”
With no grounding in what was happening, she obeyed without thought, and the pleasure redoubled. She started grinning stupidly as the customer pulled her top down and started sucking on her nipple.
“Repeat after me: I am a Beauty.”
“I am a Beauty.”
Her world slowly dissolved into a haze of pleasure and groping and mantras with no sense of time or continuity. At some point, she was on her knees with the customer’s dick in her mouth. Some other time, she was bent over the table, being fucked from behind. And throughout it all, the mantras continued to bring her endless, mindless pleasure.
I serve the True Beauty Corporation.
I belong to the True Beauty Corporation.
I am a Beauty.
I serve the True Beauty Corporation.
I belong to the True Beauty Corporation.
I am a Beauty.
I serve the True Beauty Corporation.
I belong to the True Beauty Corporation.

Awareness returned slowly. She was in the back room again. Naked, again, but wait! Her hands flew to her stomach to make sure, and confirmed that she was back in her normal body. Her excitement was short-lived, however, as she still had no way to escape. As she was trying to figure out what she could do, two mirrors appeared in front of her. One showed her normal reflection, while the other showed her as she had been before. A Beauty. She stared at the second mirror, expecting a trap, but nothing happened. Her Beautified reflection stared back at her, mimicking her movements exactly like a normal reflection. Slowly, cautiously, making sure to keep the Beauty mirror in sight at all times, she reached out and touched the other mirror, the one that showed her normally. As soon as she made contact, the normal mirror flashed green and they both disappeared.
Before she had time to process that, two outfits dropped from the ceiling to hang suspended in front of her. One was the waitress uniform, the other was dark jeans, a white shirt - her outfit, the one she’d been wearing when she was out with her friends. She snatched that one and hurriedly dressed herself, breathing a sigh of relief at the miniscule sense of things returning to how they were before the insanity hit. As soon as she was fully clothed, the uniform vanished and the door opened.
“Come,” Cecelia commanded. “You have another table.”
Sophia hesitated, the return to her own body and clothes almost empowering her to refuse the command, but she knew nothing had really changed. Stomach churning at how quickly the illusion of control was shattered, she scowled and followed Cecelia out.
She was led to the same table, though with a different customer now. The old man looked her up and down, frowning slightly, and Sophia’s cheeks reddened with embarrassment. Not, she was horrified to realise, because she knew she would have to service him - I serve the True Beauty Corporation - but because he was disappointed with her. She snuck a glance at another table whose waitress was on her knees between a customer’s legs and cringed not at the other girl’s submission and eagerness to be seen as an object for others’ pleasure - I am a Beauty - but at her own failure to live up to the ideal standard of a Beauty that the girl embodied.
“Umm… Hi. I’ll be your waitress for today,” she stammered. She could feel Cecelia’s judging eyes on her back, but that discomfort was dwarfed by the agitation from the customer’s unimpressed gaze. “Would you like to see a menu, or is there, um… is there anything else you’d like?”
Fuck, what was wrong with her? Why was she feeling like not pleasing this random man would be the end of the world? It wasn’t natural; the feelings were fake, implanted in her head somehow - I belong to the True Beauty Corporation - but knowing that didn’t make them go away. It started to sink in just how dire her situation was. Trapped in a virtual world controlled by people who wanted to rewrite her personality, and they were already succeeding after, what, an hour?
The customer didn’t say anything for a long moment, just staring at her until she felt her forehead start to shine with sweat, the worry that she’d fucked up turning her stomach over and making her mouth dry. Finally, he turned to Cecelia and spoke.
“Can I have a different waitress?”
That sentence played on repeat in her head, drowning out everything else. She was shocked to realise there were tears streaming down her face. She was vaguely aware that she’d been standing there for a while, long enough that Cecelia was partway through sucking the customer off, both of them acting like Sophia didn’t exist, but none of that mattered beside her crushing sense of failure. She stumbled back, then turned and ran away in shame. She burst into the back room and dropped to her knees, sobbing uncontrollably. She wasn’t sure how long she spent down there, but eventually her eyes dried enough for her to notice something appearing in front of her.
Her Beautified reflection met her eyes and she tried to recoil but couldn’t. It was an opportunity for her to live up to the standard all the other waitresses set. To become a slave. A sex object. A Beauty. She watched in horror as her hand reached out to touch the mirror.

Sophia sauntered over to her table, hips swaying, tits jiggling, posture perfect, smile beaming, one hand daintily at her side while the other carried a tray of drinks. On one hand, it horrified her. She was a person, not some pornographic rubber parody of a waitress. She should be railing against her captors, trying to escape, doing something. On the other hand, she was a Beauty. That truth, among many others, had been ingrained into her over endless hours of waiting tables, punishments, rewards, and mantras, and it was irrefutable.
“Hey, boys,” she greeted the table, “I hope you’re thirsty.”
Part of her groaned at the innuendo, but her purpose was to please the customers of the True Beauty Corporation, so she made sure to give the first man a look down her top as she handed him his milkshake. The same went for the second customer, but she also made sure to press her ass against the first customer’s arm as she did so. When she got to the last member of the table, she ‘accidentally’ splashed his soda down her front.
“Oh, darn! I’m such a klutz! Would you mind helping dab this dry?”
“I fucking love it here,” the customer muttered as he reached for a napkin, and ecstasy overwhelmed her at the affirmation that she was serving the True Beauty Corporation. She loved to serve the True Beauty Corporation.
None of this showed on her face as the customer started dabbing at her chest and she leaned in closer, placing a hand on his to press it further into her cleavage.
“Thank you so much,” she told him, leaning in even closer to rest a hand on the hard bulge in his pants. “You are such a nice guy.”
She started stroking him through his jeans and pressed her lips against his, pulling the top of her uniform down to give the others a better eyeful. She broke off the kiss and stared into his eyes.
Please let me thank you properly.”
With a level of dexterity she definitely hadn’t had before being Beautified, she undid his belt and jeans one-handed while the other hand pulled his face into her heaving tits. Her rubberised chest quickly grew damp from his panting as she stroked him and eventually guided him into her tight, slippery snatch.
She knew that the other two customers were watching, and she was happy they were enjoying the show, but she put no effort into making it more entertaining for them; all her focus was on giving the customer fucking her the best orgasm he would ever have, in service of the Corporation.
He didn’t last long before she felt him stiffen inside her and spurt his seed into her latex channel, but only after his last weak spasms had subsided did she lift her head to face his friends.
“Oh no!” She cooed. “Both of you look so hot and bothered! Don’t worry,” she told them with a suggestive smile, “I know exactly how to fix that.”

Leigh jerked awake, limbs pulling against the restraints. What was the last thing she remembered? Going to bed? She wasn’t in bed, she was sitting up in some sort of dentist’s chair, one of many along the wall of the room. Others were occupied by women with helmets pulled down over their eyes, including a familiar blonde.
“Alicia!” She called, but her friend gave no sign she heard. She tried calling again, but then remembered.
She’d woken up in the middle of the night to see a rubbery cyber-ninja standing over her, then she’d been shot in the face with a ray gun before waking up here.
“Fuck,” she muttered, realising how bad her situation was. She tested her restraints and, perhaps unsurprisingly, found they didn’t budge. This brought her attention to the drip in her arm, which she also failed to dislodge.
Not really sure what other course of action was available, she was still struggling against the bands tying her down when the door opened. She was expecting another one of the cyber-ninjas, or maybe a man in a suit, given that whatever kidnapping ring had her was obviously well-funded, so seeing a big-titted, brightly smiling, rubber sex doll version of Sophia wearing a waitress uniform threw her for a loop.
“What the fuck?”
“Hi, Leigh!” Sophia rushed over to hug her in the chair, pressing her enhanced latex chest against Leigh’s. “I’m so glad you’re here!” Her voice was full of genuine enthusiasm.
“What,” she repeated, “the fuck?! Sophia?!”
Sophia laughed. “In the flesh! Figuratively.”
“Sophia, let me out of here,” she hissed, and got another laugh in response.
“Trust me, Leigh, I know it’s scary, but you’ll be really happy once it’s done. You’re going to become another Beauty, like me, and we’re going to serve the True Beauty Corporation together.”
“Bullshit, what the fuck is this? I don’t want to be here, Sophia! Let me go!”
Her protests achieved as much as her renewed struggling.
“Sophia, please,” she begged, “I know you’re in there. Whatever this is, fight it!”
Sophia pulled the helmet down over her eyes, and her world dissolved.

Sophia chuckled to herself as she saw her friend’s body go limp as she was pulled into the virtual reality. Leigh’s words to her had been such a misunderstanding. Of course she was still ‘in there.’ She was still herself, she’d just been shown a new purpose and had her body enhanced to serve it better. She wasn’t going to fight her purpose. And neither would Leigh, once it was shown to her.
She glanced at Alicia, whose skin was starting to rubberise, and a spring entered her step as she left the room. Soon, both of her friends would be serving the Corporation alongside her and they’d be united again. Even better, she knew they’d both make amazing Beauties and she had obtained valuable assets for the Corporation.


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