(21 chapters, 88660 words)
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The first chapter is the long Intro for the story. I began playing a Game called X-Change.Life online. It is based on the X-Change Gender Swapping Pills. It has made me feel things that have been wonderful. It is part fictionalization of my game play and elements of the game.
(8009 words)
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While working security for an erotic hypnosis show you find yourself on stage as a volunteer, the charismatic hypnotist gives you a very humbling lesson in power.
(4810 words)
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A PhD student is plagued by an obsession to find the person who hypnotized her six months ago.
(4 chapters, 20430 words)
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Kari Castillo finds her Soulmate Mark, tying her to the notorious streamer Gamer Sheridan (name Gamer, gender Gamer, job Gamer) as… their Discord Mod. What?
(3251 words)
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K gets ready for an ordinary night at the club, but their heart just isn’t in it without someone to worship. Everything changes. An exploration of divinity.
(2 chapters, 5582 words)
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Penny’s calculus test is interrupted by a mysterious stranger, and nobody else bats an eye. Even when they start getting intimate with her fellow students.
(17 chapters, 25895 words)
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A college student finds inspiration when she comes across a pair of hypnotised dolls and the stranger who commands them. Deciding to make this the focus of her study, the line quickly blurs on whether they’re really the subject of her dissertation or if she herself is the thesis.
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A trio of friends watch the new year’s light show, and one of them gets some mischievous inspiration from the pretty and captivating fireworks…
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A sleep-themed hypnotic induction and brainwashing session.
(5878 words)
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In a dystopian cyberpunk future one low-class citizen comes across a relic of a bygone age: a functional drone helmet of a defunct hive. She is keen on having her cyborg hacker friend reverse-engineer it to live out some… shameful fantasies.
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Red-eye flights are never fun, until…
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Please don’t judge my work desk…
(179 words)
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There it goes…
(2754 words)
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Vivian finally discovers an important clue about the tattoo she got when she was nineteen and blackout drunk on Spring Break.
(224 words)
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Please remember to be thorough in your pre-scene negotiations.