Category : Dynamic Tags
Category : Dynamic Tags
Gina discovers a startling truth about her mother after she passes away. A supernatural, magical, mind-control piece.
Craig is kidnapped on the day of his thirtieth birthday but things are not what they seem.
Katherine’s subordinate keeps taking advantage of her. How and why does she keep getting away with it?!
Sometimes it’s nice to just fall apart.
Three impudent goblin boilermaids fluster and tease their shy prince as he struggles to rebuke them. Have they been putting something besides the normal herbs in his bathwater?
A brave knight overestimates his willpower as he tries to resist an alluring sorceress.
What might have happened if Trinity and Radiance’s climactic encounter with Eleanor Quinn had played out a little differently
It’s not a jerk off story. It’s a tale of getting lost, mired in a critical defect., and how hypnosis, submission, and an amazing woman helped turn it around.
Things get real fast.
Olivia is as rich as she’s lonely, and always suspects that people are being nice to her just because of her wealth. Exasperated, she asks her working class friend Anastasia to never be nice to her again. Surely this will have no consequences on their relationship. Right?
Brea finally got the girl of her dreams, all it took was getting her addicted to a mind-control drug. Sadly she has run out and needs to go now she needs to get more
Ariel shows Beth and Felicia her most favorite movie in the world. Beth and Felicia seem captivated by it, too.
Struggling celebrity Danielle Cartwright hires a new PA to help her reorganize her life. Little does she knew, her new hire plans to reorganize her sexuality and her wardrobe too
Grace takes advantage of her husband’s hypnotist’s work to get what she wants.
When Carmen started her internship serving the eccentric Rose Grew, something about Mrs. Grew rubbed Carmen the wrong way: She had a very peculiar scent.
Clarissa Arkhart heads to her first appointment with a new optometrist. New doctors make her nervous, but surely there’s nothing to worry about… Surely…
A hacker falls into the clutches of the powerful businesswoman she was trying to rob, and finds herself ensnared as a plaything.
Cirie accidentally loses some of Liliana’s thoughts during hypno play and can’t seem to find them.
As an intro to writing smut I grabbed a bunch of prompts from #Hypnovembers past and have been writing micro/short fics with them. Many are dub/noncon, and are individually CWed as appropriate.
Ambitious executive Monique discovers her one weakness - her young and unassuming secretary, Heather. Heather’s aggression becomes more and more brazen in the workplace, but then she sets her sights higher. And higher, and higher…