Travis N. Spud’s Consensual Hypnokink Crossover of Chaos

Locking Lips

by TravisNSpud

Tags: #dom:male #f/f #f/m #hypnokink_convention #pov:bottom #sub:female #body_horror #bratty_sub #catgirl #claustrophilia #consensual_kink #consensual_non-consent #cuckolding #cuddles #dehumanization #depersonalization #dollification #dom:female #dom:multiple #enslavement #f/nb #fourth_wall_break #freeze_kink #game #happy_slaves #humiliation #hypnosis #intelligence_loss #intelligence_play #intelligence_reduction #it_came_to_me_in_a_dream #m/nb #mantra #masochism #memory_play #mild_body_horror #multiple_partners #mutual_masturbation #objectification #oblivious #orgasm_denial #pain #petplay #plurality #pronoun_play #public_play #robots #romantic #sadomasochism #silly #singing #straight_to_gay #straight_to_lesbian #switching #Travis_N._Spud's_Crossover_of_Chaos #unaware #voyeurism
See spoiler tags : #Exploring_Together #girldick #Hailee_Tales

This chapter features characters from the Exploring Together saga, the Hailee Tales series, User Friendly and Hypnocrite.

“Get a room, you two,” Jelly Doll teased, sauntering past the sun lounger on which its girlfriend sat with Hailee, cuddled close together.

“Well, if you insist,” Alyssa replied with an arched eyebrow, “but I thought you’d like to watch...?”

“Good point, good point,” it snickered, sitting down on the freshly-mown lawn. “If you two are going at it, Jelly Doll doesn’t wanna miss a moment!”

“Well we’re not going at it right this second,” Hailee asserted, smiling at its guest and giving her a squeeze around her torso. “I dunno about you, I’m kinda just enjoying lying here with you. You’re nice and snuggly!”

“Why, thank you,” AJ beamed, nestling further into its embrace, her head resting against its chest. Hailee buried its face in her auburn locks, inhaling deeply.

As it was a gorgeous summer’s day, the group had mostly migrated outside to Milo and Hailee’s garden, and were now lounging around enjoying the sunshine. The girls had changed into bikinis, leaving some of them more scantily clad than before, while others were, if anything, wearing more clothes now!

Jelly Doll gratefully accepted Andrew’s offer for S3 to help it apply lotion, and also happily allowed Sabrina to press its belly button and freeze it in place. The android slathered the cream over its back while she moved it into a graceful pose, making sure to keep its face angled towards Alyssa and Hailee so it could indeed watch if they started hooking up. AJ watched intently, rubbing her thighs together a little at the sight of her girlfriend reduced to a garden ornament by the other two women.

That’s so fucking hot, she mused.

Should we go make out with it? her alter-ego piped up from their shared brain’s back seat.

We could, but I’m comfy. Besides, we don’t wanna ruin the nice pose Sabby put it in. She smirked to herself - or rather, to Danielle. Besides, why go all the way over there when we’ve got a perfectly good toy right here...?

She waited a moment for her other self to catch on. Oh! We could make out with Hailee!

Genius, Dani.

She turned her head to smile salaciously up at Hailee, making sure to brush her cheek against its boob as she did so. It raised an eyebrow back at her. “Yeees?” it chuckled.

“Wanna make out?” she asked bluntly. Why beat around the bush? (Although it was probably into that.)

It grinned. “Maybe. In a little while.” When she pouted, it elaborated, “I’m kinda comfy just lying here sunbathing with you. Not a no by any means, but I just wanna enjoy this a little longer.”

“That’s fair,” Alyssa conceded. “This is nice...” But I wanna smooch, she sulked inwardly, settling back down and staring over at the mindless mannequin being moved and manipulated by the brunette fembot and the blonde shortstack.

Hoornyyy, Danielle agreed. At least, she thought that internal voice was Dani’s, and not her own.

Phil wandered over to admire the statue, reaching out and stroking Sabby’s hair. The sex kitten leaned into him, purring loudly enough that AJ could hear her. Once it had finished coating Jelly’s back with a layer of lotion, S3 had strode back over to Andrew’s chair, dropped to its knees next to him, and raised an arm. He slotted his cider glass into its hand, and it resumed acting as his drinks holder, the role it had been serving before he’d sent it to assist the frozen doll.

None of this was helping AJ’s arousal levels one bit. She gave Hailee another plaintive look, caressing her fingertips along its side. It continued to stare aimlessly ahead, appearing to ignore her, though its mouth was twitching mischievously. Cheeky bitch, she thought in mock outrage, unable to stop her own mouth twisting into a grin.

She was sorely tempted just to go ahead and take what she wanted, without waiting for permission. It was her prerogative, after all - fucktoys didn’t get to choose when they’re used. (And it was certainly within the boundaries they’d set beforehand, the level of CNC they’d negotiated - Hailee had unequivocally agreed to be used by any of the group at any time, unless it safeworded.) If it’d been Jelly, AJ wouldn’t have hesitated. But some part of her - and not even the Dani part - held back, out of respect for Hailee’s status as their host, for its wish to simply lie there cuddling her, and for the fact that they’d only just met IRL.

That said, she was really horny...

Just as she was about to ask again, a little more forcefully than before, a hand suddenly landed on Hailee’s head and seized its hair, pulling it tightly. It gasped, its eyes going wide before rolling upwards. Surprised, AJ glanced up to see Milo standing over them, with Richard a little way behind him. Both hypnotists wore sinister smirks.

“I can’t quite believe what I heard just then,” Milo mocked his plaything as its head dangled from his fist. “A fucktoy refusing to be used? Saying ‘maybe, in a few more minutes’? You know you don’t get a say, toy. You don’t get to choose if or when you’re used, if or when you provide pleasure. Do you?”

“Nngh - noo, Masterrr,” Hailee groaned. Perching her chin on its tit, AJ gazed in fascinated glee at its insensible expression. Its jaw had already slackened enough to leak saliva over its lower lip, trickling down its chin. Been there, babe.

Good girls drool, Dani chimed in.

“Maybe you need reminding,” the sadistic dominant continued, giving its hair leash a tug. “Tell us your party favour mantras, toy.”

“I am an object, I am a convenience,” it blurted, its eyes still rolling around uncontrollably in their sockets. “I am here to be used - I am always ready to be used. I only do what I’m told... I do anything I’m told...”

“Much better,” Milo chuckled, releasing its hair and letting its head loll back. “It should do whatever you want now,” he told AJ with a wink, before trotting away, his skirt swishing around his hips. Richard lingered in the background, smirking at his girlfriend, his erection visible through his shorts.

Grinning back at him and blowing him a kiss, she returned her attention to Hailee as it managed to raise its head again, breathing deeply, its eyes open but unfocused. It gave AJ a crumpled smile. If she didn’t know better, going purely from its expression, she’d say it was stoned out of its mind.

All that from getting its hair pulled and being made to repeat some dehumanising mantras. Fuck, she loved hypnosis.

She crawled further up the sun lounger, looming over the spacey submissive. “I’m gonna make out with ya now, hot stuff.”

“OK,” it mumbled, a little more drool escaping its mouth.

Alyssa dived in and began kissing those wet lips without any further hesitation, breathing in Hailee’s coconut scent, her hands roving across its supple body. It squeaked into her mouth as she groped its butt, and she wondered vaguely if that was the cheek on which she’d earlier seen a big, partly-faded bruise. There was an even chance, she supposed. Her other hand delved into its hair, twisting it in her grasp until she was sure its scalp must be stinging. It hummed with appreciation, seeming energised by the pain, pressing itself further into the kiss, which had the added effect of pulling its hair even more taut.

“Oh, Dani?” came Richard’s voice from not far away. “Don’t stop making out with it til we say so.”

Yes, Master, Danielle replied automatically, although AJ was the only one who could hear her. She groaned in equal silence, forced to comply with the command as Dani grabbed their body’s steering wheel from her. Now she was trapped in the very kiss she’d coveted. Hailee sure wasn’t going to put a stop to it, in the mental state it’d been reduced to.

“You guys wanna go get something to eat?” their Master called out. He got a series of chuckles and affirmative replies (verbatim, in the robot’s case), and then AJ heard movement as the four dominants ambled inside, along with Sabby and S3.

There was no way of telling where, exactly, they’d gone. They might just be in the kitchen, getting snacks, or cooking something quick like a pizza. Or they might have all fucked off to a restaurant, leaving her and Dani stuck making out with the helpless Hailee for up to an hour, with only the inert Jelly Doll for company.

God, the thought of that made her wet...

Of course, AJ knew, deep down, that if either of them really needed to stop - if they got too tired, or needed to get a drink or some food - then they could. But aside from that crumb of agency they each retained, they were utterly under the control of their respective Masters, beholden to their bidding, forced to keep kissing until they were told to stop.

Well, there are worse situations to get trapped in, AJ acknowledged, the corners of her mouth turning upwards as her lips continued to smack against Hailee’s, winding its hair tighter in her hand as she ground her crotch on the defenceless fucktoy’s thigh.

A special thanks to my patrons: qxvw198, Modren, noëlle, John Doe, FinixFire, Prodygist, DyonisiusBacchus, masterspark101, vulkants, An Otter, Marcelo Alfonso and Stormy! If you'd like to follow their wonderful example and show me your support too (and thus get early access to my stories), my Patreon can be found here...

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