Travis N. Spud’s Consensual Hypnokink Crossover of Chaos

Boxing Day

by TravisNSpud

Tags: #dom:male #f/f #f/m #hypnokink_convention #pov:bottom #sub:female #body_horror #bratty_sub #catgirl #claustrophilia #consensual_kink #consensual_non-consent #cuckolding #cuddles #dehumanization #depersonalization #dollification #dom:female #dom:multiple #enslavement #f/nb #fourth_wall_break #freeze_kink #game #happy_slaves #humiliation #hypnosis #intelligence_loss #intelligence_play #intelligence_reduction #it_came_to_me_in_a_dream #m/nb #mantra #masochism #memory_play #mild_body_horror #multiple_partners #mutual_masturbation #objectification #oblivious #orgasm_denial #pain #petplay #plurality #pronoun_play #public_play #robots #romantic #sadomasochism #silly #singing #straight_to_gay #straight_to_lesbian #switching #Travis_N._Spud's_Crossover_of_Chaos #unaware #voyeurism
See spoiler tags : #Exploring_Together #girldick #Hailee_Tales

This chapter features characters from the Exploring Together saga and the Hailee Tales series. Characters from User Friendly and Hypnocrite are mentioned, but do not appear.

“... and this is our room,” Hailee announced, leading the way into the master bedroom. “Or rather, your room, for the next few nights.”

Jelly Doll’s eyes lingered momentarily on the king-size bed, adorned with duvet and pillows in various shades of purple - much like the wallpaper and the bookshelves. Then it made a beeline for the large wooden chest in the corner of the room, an eager smile spreading across its face.

Alyssa followed close behind. “So this must be the famous toybox,” she chuckled. While Jelly stood over the chest, hesitating to touch it almost out of reverence, AJ had no such qualms, lifting the lid and gazing inside. “Wait, there actually are toys in here!” she snorted, staring down at a small pile of dildos and vibrators.

“Yeah, we keep a few in there,” Hailee smirked. “So I’ve got constant reminders that I’m no different from them.”

Jelly quivered, its fellow fucktoy’s self-degrading words hitting home. That dehumanising mentality - the conviction that it was just a toy, just property, just a sexual aid to be used and abused by its owners... it understood exactly how Hailee felt. It related to this pretend-girl so strongly. Intense masochism aside, they were incredibly similar. No wonder AJ had such an obvious crush on their host.

“I love that,” Richard chuckled, leaning against the doorway, from which he had been admiring the whole room. “Perhaps we should do the same with you, Jelly. Stash some sex toys in your display case...” The living doll blushed and looked away.

AJ’s attention was still on the Ottoman and its usual occupant. “And you’re really gonna be OK sleeping in here all week?”

“Should be,” Hailee nodded. “I sleep in there most nights, anyway.”

“How - how often? Like, how many times a week?”

It thought for a moment. “Three to five, on average... Unless I’m on my period - being in there seems to make my cramps worse, so I stay in the bed during that. But I’ve got a couple of weeks to go, I’ll be OK while you guys are here.”

“Any time you do want your bed back, just let us know,” Richard told it. “We’ll make room.”

“Yeah, we’ll all cuddle up real close,” AJ grinned, winking at Hailee, who smirked and waved its bare tits in her direction.

Snickering at its Miss being so flirtatious with the other toy, Jelly returned its attention to the chest. The bottom and sides of the box were padded, and there were a couple of cushions, a thin blanket, and a few small plushies scattered around. All of them were shades of lilac and lavender, keeping to the room’s colour scheme.

It pictured Hailee lying in there night after night, snuggled up with soft toys and sex toys alike, locked inside in total darkness. Stowed away by its Master until morning, since he had no further use for it... Maybe he put it in there really early, like, 10 PM, and it had no choice but to obey like the good toy it was, and be put to bed in this wooden box instead of an actual bed, because it was an object and it didn’t need anything better than this -

“Can Jelly Doll try it?” it blurted, before it even really knew what it was saying. “The - the toybox?”

It looked up at Hailee, who wore a mildly surprised smile. “Uh - well, sure, if you want! Be my guest.”

Beaming, Jelly turned and stepped into the chest, one long leg at a time, its feet sinking into the soft surface below. Then it sat down carefully, its hand gripping the side of the box, wiggling its ass as it buried itself amidst the cushions and plushies.

Its lovers watched with excitement and intrigue. “Has anyone else tried it before?” Richard wondered.

“Not really,” Hailee replied. “Miles got inside when we first got it, just to make sure it was big enough. And, uh, we put Charlie in there one time, but they got claustrophobic pretty quickly.”

“What about S3 and Sabby?” AJ asked.

“Oh, Sabby’d never get in there in a million years! She’s a free-roaming kitten, she doesn’t like to be caged. I mean, she and Phil have a cage that’s like a giant cat carrier - y’know, solid sides and a metal mesh door at the front - for when she’s being really naughty.” It giggled. “But she wouldn’t sleep in it overnight - for real, she’d get claustrophobic too. S3 would probably get in the toybox, no problem - but it’s never asked, and I’ve never thought to ask it...”

Listening to the conversation with interest (and arousal, at the mental image of a sulky Sabby locked in a cat carrier), Jelly shuffled its butt forwards so it could lie down fully. It smiled broadly as it snuggled into the soft depths of the toybox, taking hold of the biggest plushie, a lilac star, and cuddling it close as it closed its eyes and breathed deeply.

A few seconds later, it opened its eyes and grinned up at the three faces looming above. “This, uh, kinda smells of pussy.”

Hailee blushed guiltily. “So I did forget to wash it,” it muttered. “Sorry about that, I knew I’d forgotten something... Lemme just get that for ya...” It reached in and grabbed the star from Jelly. AJ immediately seized the plushie and cuddled it, grinning lewdly. Hailee guffawed in response, making no effort to reclaim it. “I do wash it regularly, you guys,” it said quickly, “just so you don’t think I’m totally disgusting. I just, I was so busy this morning I guess I missed it...”

“So I’m now imagining you humping that to completion every evening, going to sleep with it in the box, and only washing it in the morning,” Richard said with a raised eyebrow.

“That is... accurate,” Hailee admitted with a flustered titter. “What can I say? I like the smell of my pussy.”

AJ gave a heartfelt, “Me too!” They all laughed.

Jelly gazed up at Hailee. “Are you going to lock it in?” it said hopefully.

The other toy blinked, seeming even more taken aback than when Jelly had first asked to get into the box. “Uh... well, we can shut the lid and lock the padlock, but it’s just a symbolic thing. This doesn’t link to anything,” Hailee said, tapping the metal ring on the lid of the chest, from which the padlock hung. “So you wouldn’t actually be locked in - you could get out any time, just like I can. For some reason, I never remember that when I’m actually inside the thing.”

“Gee, I wonder why that is?” Alyssa sniggered.

“Can’t imagine,” Richard chuckled.

“But yeah, we can do, if you want.” Hailee arched an eyebrow. “Do you want me to -?”

“Yes, please, very much,” Jelly said, nodding hastily, eyes wide and wild with excitement.

“Alright, then!” Hailee chuckled fondly. “Have fun! Again, you can get out whenever you want. Lid’s not heavy, just push it up. And we’ll be nearby.”


Without further ado, Hailee lowered the lid into place. The last thing Jelly saw through the rapidly-narrowing gap was its partners, gazing down at it gleefully. Then, near-total darkness, only a little light coming in through the air holes.

It wriggled in place for a few moments, feeling as if it was embedding itself even deeper, sinking further into the small space. Its knee bumped against something cylindrical, made of hard plastic - probably the Hitachi it’d seen earlier. It soon settled into placid stillness, with the blanket wrapped around it and its foot nestled amongst a little pile of dildos. There was a loud click, presumably from the padlock, and then the others’ muffled voices moving away from the chest.

A contented smile decorated Jelly Doll’s plastic face as it lay motionless in the toybox. The living fleshlight had never been scared of the dark - it had even come to feel warm and welcoming over the past year, since it’d started its descent into dollification. All the times it’d been petrified and put in the closet by its Master and Miss, out of sight and out of mind, had led it to associate darkness with feelings of safety, belonging, and, of course, objectification and arousal.

It felt so comfy, so cosy, so contained. Safe and secure, tucked away in a toybox, just as it should be. It could quite happily go to sleep in here - or have a nice long freeze. Or both, freezing until it fell asleep, as it usually did in bed with its partners each night.

But it probably shouldn’t do either right now, with Richard and Alyssa and Hailee all gathered outside, carrying on a conversation without it. It ought to rejoin them, to be polite. At least for the time being - maybe they’d put it back inside later. Hey, maybe they’d even stash it in here tonight, and Hailee would sleep with its partners/owners in the bed, taking its place. It inhaled sharply at the thought of being cuckolded in such a way, trapped in a box (that wasn’t even locked, and yet would remain inescapable to the immobilised doll), while its partners slept with a different fucktoy, because well, all fucktoys were basically the same after all, completely interchangeable... Fuck, it was definitely suggesting that to them now.

But it had another suggestion to make first. Rising slowly and carefully, it pushed up the lid, blinking as its eyes adjusted to the sudden light. Standing up fully, it grinned across the room at Richard, AJ and Hailee, who were over by the door to the en suite. “We’ve gotta get one of these!”

“I’m definitely on board with that,” Richard grinned, strolling over and helping Jelly clamber out of the box. “Mind you, I dunno if we’ll find one as perfect as this one - just size-wise.”

“Oh yeah, we got real lucky with that - and it still took us forever to find it,” Hailee reflected with a rueful grin. “Worth it though, to have one big enough that I don’t have to hunch up in there. I mean, I love pain and discomfort, but I sleep in there a lot. Don’t wanna give myself back problems.”

“Yeah, I mean, I was just thinking, you could always sleep in your display case,” AJ said to Jelly Doll, “if we can’t find a decent-sized toybox. Or in the closet. But then -”

“- we have the same problem Hailee dodged,” Jelly nodded. “They’re not really long enough to lie comfortably on the floor - it’d have to hunch up.”

“We could probably lie the display case down,” Richard mused. “Then you’d have enough room.”

“Ohhh, that’d be such a pain in the ass to do, though,” AJ pointed out. “And to get it upright again. Let’s try and get a good chest instead.” She sidled up to Jelly with a smile, putting an arm around it. “Stick it at the foot of our bed, so we can pop you straight inside when we’re done using you...”

It blushed, looking down at its bare feet on the fluffy indigo carpet. “It - it wasn’t having similar thoughts. Nope, not even one of them.” The derisive laughter from the others wasn’t making it feel any less dehumanised, or wet.

“D’you want to try the toybox too, AJ?” Richard asked nonchalantly.

She shrugged. “Yeah, I guess. It does look comfy in there.”

“It’s soo comfy,” Jelly told her earnestly. “It could’ve stayed in there for hours.”

She scrambled over the side of the box, somewhat less elegantly than Jelly had, a goofy grin on her face as she dropped down. “Ooh, it really is!” came her voice from within. “It’s nice. I can see why you hang out in here so much, Hails...”

“Oh, hey, Danielle?” Richard said, in his familiar casual tone that his girlfriends knew to fear. “We’re going to lock you in the box. It’s super secure, so you won’t be able to get out. You’ll have to wait for one of us to unlock it.”

“Yes, Master,” came the dreamily compliant reply.

A second later, as he turned the key in the padlock to unlock it again, there was a squawk of outrage from inside. “Heyyy! That’s not fair, you know how gullible she is! C’mon, I don’t wanna be stuck in here for ages -”

“Make sure you keep yourself and AJ nice and quiet in there like good girls, Dani,” their Master said fondly. Jelly suppressed a snicker.

“Yes, Master,” Dani whimpered.

Richard closed the lid, clicking the padlock shut once more and giving it a loud rattle. Then he turned to Hailee. “Hey, Jelly hasn’t seen the bathroom yet, and I didn’t get a good look at it. D’you wanna show us again?”

“Oh, sure,” Hailee giggled, sauntering back towards the en suite’s doorway, with Richard right behind her. “And then we really oughta join the others, maybe get something to eat...”

Snorting with laughter, Jelly Doll strode after them, lingering just long enough to enjoy some barely audible moans from inside the toybox.

A special thanks to my patrons: qxvw198, Modren, noëlle, John Doe, FinixFire, Prodygist, DyonisiusBacchus, masterspark101, vulkants, An Otter, Marcelo Alfonso and Stormy! If you'd like to follow their wonderful example and show me your support too (and thus get early access to my stories), my Patreon can be found here...

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