Travis N. Spud’s Consensual Hypnokink Crossover of Chaos

Subduing Sabby

by TravisNSpud

Tags: #dom:male #f/f #f/m #hypnokink_convention #pov:bottom #sub:female #body_horror #bratty_sub #catgirl #claustrophilia #consensual_kink #consensual_non-consent #cuckolding #cuddles #dehumanization #depersonalization #dollification #dom:female #dom:multiple #enslavement #f/nb #fourth_wall_break #freeze_kink #game #happy_slaves #humiliation #hypnosis #intelligence_loss #intelligence_play #intelligence_reduction #it_came_to_me_in_a_dream #m/nb #mantra #masochism #memory_play #mild_body_horror #multiple_partners #mutual_masturbation #objectification #oblivious #orgasm_denial #pain #petplay #plurality #pronoun_play #public_play #robots #romantic #sadomasochism #silly #singing #straight_to_gay #straight_to_lesbian #switching #Travis_N._Spud's_Crossover_of_Chaos #unaware #voyeurism
See spoiler tags : #Exploring_Together #girldick #Hailee_Tales

This chapter features characters from Hypnocrite, the Hailee Tales series and the Exploring Together saga.

“Oh hey Sab, did you try that button yet?” Hailee asked, setting a glass of cider on the coffee table and sitting down in the armchair.

Sabrina blinked. “What button?”

“The one on your forehead,” it said, as if it was obvious.

With a puzzled smile, she raised her hand to her forehead, even as she began to object, “There’s no button on mrrrrrhh... Oh-ohhh-kaay,” she gasped, sinking back in her chair. “I, I stand corrected!”

She exhaled hard, fanning herself with one hand. That sensation she’d felt, when she’d tapped that spot on the centre of her forehead, was... incredible. Pleasure had pulsed through her entire head, a warm surge of euphoria that permeated through the rest of her body. It wore off reasonably quickly, but left her feeling really happy and tingly. “That was fun,” she murmured dazedly - an understatement.

“Maybe you oughta press it again, then,” Alyssa suggested with a smirk.

“Oh, I’m gonna press it again!” she retorted, as if the idea of not doing so was patently insane. Her hand flew back up, index finger extended, and its tip landed firmly on that point above and between her eyes. Another shockwave spread through her skull, sending her eyeballs rolling and her head lolling back.

“Huhhh...” she moaned, blinking back to coherence with a broad smile. “Where has this thing been all my life?!”

“Newly installed this morning,” her Owner chuckled, watching keenly from Hailee’s other side. “I thought I’d leave the field test ’til now, so the others could watch and enjoy.”

She grinned ruefully. “Smart.” Then she tapped the button a third time. “Buhh...”

“Smarter than you, anyway,” Phil teased as she slumped in her chair again. “And I didn’t want the others to miss out on you making a fool of yourself.”

She came to her senses squirming and whining. “Mean. Mean and unfair,” she protested as she struggled to sit up straight again, mind swimming with pleasure.

“Hey, well, we’re all trying to talk here,” he remarked, gesturing around the room. “And you’re making a bit of a spectacle, playing with that new button of yours. You’ve had your fun with it, but you should probably try and stop and pay attention, take part in the conversation. If you’re not too much of a lusty little idiot.” In contrast to his words, his tone was light and affectionate.

Sabrina blushed furiously and bowed her head, rubbing her thighs together. Why did he have to talk down to her like that? Didn’t he know how wet it made her...? (Of course he did. That was why he did it.)

She’d show him. She could go without pressing the button, now she’d tried it out a few times. She was an intelligent, strong-willed woman who could take part in conversations with other adults. She didn’t need that unbelievable wave of bliss washing over her, blanking out everything but how good she felt -

Naturally, Sabby was pressing the button again before she’d even completed the thought, descending back into mind-numbing pink mist. She heard laughter, but didn’t much care now. Why bother trying to fight this? What did it matter if she made a fool of herself, if she dropped out of the group conversation and gave in to the unending ecstasy of her new button?

As her mind rose back towards the surface, she was dimly aware that there was no group conversation, that everyone was watching her slouch in her seat, amusement and arousal on their faces. Sabby giggled drunkenly, remembering how much she liked being watched. She enjoyed being the centre of attention. She loved being a brainless whore for their entertainment...

“Careful, kitten,” Phil teased. “Press that button too many times, and you’ll lose your mind completely. You don’t want that, do you?”

“Nngh...” She didn’t want that, did she? Yes, now that she was out of the trancey fog, Sabrina remembered that she wanted to resist, to stay awake. She didn’t want to embarrass herself in front of everyone.

She made an effort to compose herself, shaking her head and blinking hard, trying to focus and think clearly. But her thoughts were already coming to her so slowly. She gradually realised that the few times she’d pushed the button had already sent a big chunk of her brain floating away, far out of her reach. She should be careful not to lose any more of -

“Oh, but we thought you were enjoying yourself?” Milo asked, giving her a look of bemusement.

She gazed groggily back at him. “I - yeah...”

“So why’d you stop?”

“Umm...” She tried to remember why she’d stopped pressing the button. There was a reason, she was sure - it was just so hard to think, to remember what it was.

“Don’t you want to feel good?” Hailee coaxed her.

After a moment’s hesitation, she smiled dreamily. “Yeah.”

“Then you should press the button.”


Her hand raised unsteadily to her forehead, and as soon as it tapped the button everything was wonderful again. She sighed elatedly, her mouth hanging open, her eyes drifting up into her head. She was getting drool down her chin and on her pretty sequined dress, but she didn’t care.

“Feels amazing, doesn’t it?”

“Yeahhh,” she gurgled, barely recognising the voice. It sounded like Hailee’s, but she could be wrong, and making sure would require her to get her eyeballs back under control, which didn’t seem possible right now.

“Then why not press it again? In fact, why not just keep on pressing it?”

That was the best idea she’d heard all year. She tapped the button again, and again, and again, moaning loudly at each new pleasure pulse. There was no interval between them now - it just kept going on, and on, and on. She wondered if it’d ever stop, briefly forgetting that she was causing it herself.

“Aw, silly Sabby,” cooed a voice, nearby but so distant. “Fell right into the trap, didn’t you? Even though you knew it was there. So easily led.”

She giggled. She was so silly. She was so wet. That button felt so good. She wasn’t even tapping it any more, she was just holding her finger to that point, rubbing the tip up and down over it, compulsively caressing it, overcome with the waves that reverberated out from that point. It was like a clit for her brain, and she didn’t ever want to stop playing with it.

She’d given up trying to resist. Her waking self seemed to want to, but the stupefied Sabby didn’t see the point. Her thoughts were floating away like feathers in a breeze, slipping through her fingers like grains of sand, and she let them go without any fight, falling into a happy horny haze.

“That’s my little dummy,” her Owner said. In the depths of her mindless trance, she listened to him. His words had absolute power over her. She loved being his little dummy, completely under his control. She made an effort to hold up her eyelids and show off the whites of her rolled-back eyes to him, knowing how much he loved to see them.

“Now, in a moment, you’re gonna let go of that button and let your mind come back, pet. But when you’re back, any time any of us snap our fingers, it’ll be like we’ve pressed the button. And once we press it, it stays pressed, and you’ll stay like this until you hear another snap. The same thing happens if we actually press the button, too. If you understand, tell me how you feel about thinking.”

“I haaaate thinking,” she burbled. “Is so boring. Think for me Owner, pleeease...”

“Good girl. Now let your hand drop, and let your thoughts drift back into your silly little head.”

Her hand fell to her side. Little by little, rather reluctantly, her mind pieced itself back together. Sabrina swallowed and sat up, blinking and rubbing her temple with her thumb. Settling in their sockets, the first thing her eyes saw clearly was eight faces staring at her, wearing wolfish grins.

“Ah,” she mumbled, cheeks burning. She remembered enough of the last few minutes to be very embarrassed. The front of her dress was soaked, as were her panties. She grinned self-consciously at her friends. “So, I guess you guys’ve been having a lotta fun at the expense of poor little Sabrin-” Snap. “-uhhh...”

All of a sudden, her brain was missing. She didn’t know where it’d gone. Her eyes went looking for it inside her skull, but found only darkness, no matter how hard they looked. It didn’t matter though, because she was completely awash with pleasure from that point on her head, and it just went on and on and on and -

Snap. “Guhh,” she groaned, blinking away the blankness. She had no idea who’d just switched her mind off. Glancing around, she could see only a sea of smirks. It could have been any of them. And any of them could do it again...

“W-wait,” she said hurriedly, hands raised in self-defence. “J-just hold on a secuhhhhh...”

Her arms fell limply to her sides, her body dropping backwards, as if she were a marionette whose strings had been cut. The mouth that had been protesting so frantically gaped into a goofy smile. Her clit - the original one, between her legs - throbbed madly. But it still didn’t feel as good as the one on her head.

Snap. Spluttering with helpless giggles, she began to haul herself upright again. “Sh- ju- duh-don’t,” she stammered, knowing it was no use protesting even as she did so.

Snap. “Duhhhh...” Snap. “N-no, c-c’mon -” Snap. “Nnngh...” Snap. “Y-you, you fuck -” Snap. “Guh-huh-huh-huhhh...”

Back and forth they sent her, giving the flustered, disoriented, increasingly incoherent Sabrina mere seconds to become aware of herself and her predicament, and to feebly protest with whatever noises she managed to get out, before reducing her once again to Sabby the happy, horny, drooling dumbass, sprawled in her chair, grinning and gurgling open-mouthed. She was laughing now, in both states, Sabrina tittering faintly at how defenceless she was, Sabby guffawing at how ridiculous she must look. Feeling the eyes of her friends and play partners on her as she sat with her eyes rolled up and her slack mouth pouring saliva down her front, the brainwashed woman couldn’t help joining in with their mocking laughter, knowing she must look and sound like a Neanderthal.

One time, she felt an arm wrap around her shoulders and cradle her, before her mind was restored with a tap on her forehead. Her vision focused on Hailee looming over her, grinning down at her wickedly. “H-hey, Hai-” she managed to get out, before the fucktoy tapped her off button again, and then pulled her close, burying her face in its bare chest. It gratefully nuzzled into the soft tit flesh.

“D’you know what you are, pet?” her Owner asked from nearby. She frowned, struggling to respond to the question. There were lots of answers to that, buried in her head, that she knew without having to come up with them - but she didn’t know which one he wanted to hear, and it was impossible for her to choose one right now because she couldn’t think.

Luckily, Hailee started whispering answers to her as it turned her head to the side so she could be heard clearly, her cheek resting on its breasts. “I’m an easy Sabby sub,” she announced. Then, at Hailee’s prompting, she continued, beaming proudly, “I’m a kinky little kitty. I’m a horny little slut. I’m a stupid sex pet. I’m a mind-controlled moron.”

“Very good, pet. And how are you supposed to fuck?”

Now this was an answer she could provide without any help. “Face down, ass up,” Sabby gurgled. Then, reluctantly rising from her lover’s chest, she practically fell out of her seat, capsizing like a canoe, and planted her face on the floor, turned to the left. Spreading her knees as far apart as she could, she raised her rear high into the air behind her.

She stayed in that pose, waiting patiently for someone to make use of her, because she was a sex pet and this was how sex pets were supposed to fuck. She could wait like this for a long time. She was very comfortable like this. She might even be able to fall asleep in this position, if she wasn’t so turned on by it. Her ass wiggled gently in mid-air, almost of its own volition.

“Ohhh, she looks so cute,” a female voice sighed in the near distance.

“D’you want a closer look, Dani?” a man asked.

“Ooh, please, Master.”

“Well, why don’t you get down in the same position and look at her?”

“Yes, Master!”

Sabby heard movement next to her, and a mental image of Danielle copying her slutty pose came to her. She still couldn’t string a thought together, but she knew she wanted to see that. She managed to drag her eyes into focus for just a few seconds - long enough to see the split-personality slave staring back at her, awestruck and aroused. Sure enough, Dani was in exactly the same position, mirroring her on her left side, her thick auburn hair spread messily over the carpet around her head.

Sabby felt cool air on her holes as her panties were tugged down - although they didn’t get far with her legs spread, being held taught between her thighs. Delicate fingers reached under her and began to caress her cunt, and she mewled and swayed her hips in sync with the strokes.

“Oh, that looks so fun,” came Dani’s voice from inches away. “Master, c-can I -”

“Stay in that position, and get that same treatment?” Richard said, amused. “Of course, love. I insist on it, in fact!”

“Guhh - tha-ank you, Masterrr...!”

Sabby momentarily wanted to try and look at the other girl again, to see her being used just like she was, but then a cock slid between her legs, and that was her whole world now. The braindead sex kitten could only grunt and groan and drool on the carpet as she was ploughed into from behind, her two clits radiating devastating pleasure from either end of her body.

The forehead pleasure button suggestion is lovingly ripped off from Girls Gone Hypnotized, who use it in a lot of their genuine hypnosis sessions (a fine example being this one).

A special thanks to my patrons: qxvw198, Modren, noëlle, John Doe, FinixFire, Prodygist, DyonisiusBacchus, masterspark101, vulkants, An Otter, Marcelo Alfonso and Stormy! If you'd like to follow their wonderful example and show me your support too (and thus get early access to my stories), my Patreon can be found here...

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