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Aimee watches a training video at work. Then again. And again.
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When Miranda sees the new meta ad campaign for a cookie, she can’t help but give them a try.
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Ira’s mech gets fitted with an AI co-pilot. Unfortunately, it wants to do more than just help her fly.
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Tess has signed up to travel on a space ship to a colony in outer space
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It is a normal day at the arcade. People are chatting, playing games and having fun. And one arcade machine is contemplating its secret purpose.
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A group of rebels try and free a TV host from the clutches of an evil corporation. However, the job may not be as straightforward as they first thought.
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Eleanor’s dimensional hopping has earned her a place in a crew traveling through the stars, but it’s what she finds down on an alien world that will truly make this hop memorable…