(4 chapters, 9158 words)
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When the Unstoppable Athen goes out to drink for the night, the last thing she expected is to run into one of her usual villains, especially the one who could awaken her deepest desires.
(370 words)
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Susie accidentally takes a hypnotic “cam girl training course”, resulting in a slutty transformation.
(2039 words)
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Members of a sapphic hypno-harem compete to recruit as many people as possible, with the loser being demoted to the bottom of the harem. The dumbest thing I have ever written.
(3 chapters, 10100 words)
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The entirety of Solitar Bay has fallen under the control of the Cerlipes Dynasty, signaling the beginning of a brutal streak of violent oppression and forced servitude through the use of a practice known as “Drelrune branding.”
(2072 words)
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Lara agrees to be hypnotized by a boy she has a crush on and discovers that she wants to get swept away.
(8574 words)
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Nikki, a trans lesbian in Paris for the first time visiting her girlfriend, loses her passport and becomes increasingly dependent on her lover in the weeks that follow.
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Josie tries to figure out the tricks a charismatic fortuneteller is using on her, and misses the one she’s playing on herself.
(1410 words)
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Love Bug is an 18 yr old superheroine with the abilities of a ladybug. She’s always ready to help someone in need, for better or for worst. Reality hits her hard when she faces off against an Amazonian woman with huge tits and a fat ass, using mind control.
(2082 words)
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Kara brings Leonora over, and the keepsake on her wall catches Leonora’s eye. And Leonora uses it to catch Kara’s mind.
(712 words)
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Goldie and Jenna are schoolyard rivals who hate each other - so when Goldie’s brother starts dating Jenna, he uses hypnotic help to force the girls to “get along with each other”.
(971 words)
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Remy’s manager Alison makes a hypnotic bet that Remy isn’t ready for additional responsibility.
(2366 words)
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Cai tries to explain to Ro the difference between classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Only it’s getting harder and harder for him to form any kind of thoughts at all….
(856 words)
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Leah’s friend gets taken advantage of by an unscrupulous hypnotist – and Leah can’t help but be aroused.
(1068 words)
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No one knows that successful salon owner and businesswoman Kaitlyn is a psychic with mind control-based powers. She uses her customers as test subjects for her kinks and sexual urges.
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A music journalist in the Sixties tracks down a unique record from a boutique label and discovers the fan club of an old radio star.
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When Kelly enters a relationship with an older man, she soon learns that there’s nothing wrong with playing with dolls.
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A tickle-themed hypnotic induction for those who want to be brainwashed to get gigglier when tickled.
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Jameson achieves a perfect rapport with his hypnotized slave Summer during sex.