Day One

by Jukebox

Tags: #brainwashing #dom:male #f/m #hypnosis #pov:bottom #sub:female #brainwash #brainwashed #consensual_kink #erotic_hypnosis #hypno #hypnokink #hypnotized #vibrator #virtual_reality #VR_hypnosis

Crystal finds out about her neighbor’s kinks, and takes her first step into the world of ‘ethical brainwashing’.

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"I, um... what do I need to do?" Crystal asked, half expecting the butterflies in her stomach to make a break for it the second she opened her mouth. "Do I need to call you 'Sir', or 'Master', or, um, get naked for you, or....?" The sentence trailed off into anxious silence, a nervous tic of her Midwestern upbringing that twenty years on the West Coast couldn't quite shake. She felt like she needed to fill the tense, uncomfortable hush in the room, but she had no idea what was supposed to go in the conversational space beyond an expression of bewilderment that she was really here, really in Austin's room right here and right now doing what she was doing.

Austin must have sensed her nervousness, because he took her hand in his and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "You don't need to do anything you don't want to do," he said, imparting a husky, comforting timbre to his voice that sent shivers down Crystal's spine. "That's the point of all this. Everything that's going to happen, everything I'm going to put into your head over the next thirty days... it's all going to feel like it just arrived all on its own. You're not going to think about it, you're not going to make a conscious effort to make it happen--it'll feel as natural and effortless as breathing. Some of it you won't even notice. Your behavior will simply adjust to conform to my desires."

He chuckled. "Always assuming, of course, that you want to go through with it all the way to the end."

Somehow, that little chuckle reassured Crystal more than anything he could possibly have said. Her next door neighbor might have some weird fetishes; he might even have persuaded her to take part in a few things that forty-one year old Midwestern transplants with drooping tits and chunky thighs weren't supposed to be interested in trying out. But at least he didn't take himself too seriously. Crystal smiled, her nervousness abating just a little, and said, "Well, let's take it one day at a time."

"Absolutely," he said, grinning back at her with that same infectious smile that he'd greeted her with three months ago at the pool party where they first met. "And for today, all I need from you is permission to bind your hands and feet, and touch you sexually through your clothes. If you want to be naked, you can, and if you want me to do anything under the clothes, that's fine, but all I really need at this stage is physical contact." Something about his matter-of-fact demeanor sent another icy stab of anxiety through Crystal's gut, but she forced herself to remain calm. She was here of her own free will, after all... on this first day, at least.

A part of her still wondered how much she really believed Austin could do any of the things he was talking about. If he really could... brainwash a woman, the way he said, then surely he'd have a whole harem of sexy twenty-somethings in his apartment? He wouldn't be hitting on a woman almost twice his age with the body to show for it if he really had all these hypnotic talents he claimed to possess.

Not that he ever sounded like he was bragging or anything. Honestly, if she hadn't come over for drinks a couple of weeks ago and noticed the framed certificate on his wall, she might never have known he was a hypnotist at all, much less what he did with his skills. His reluctance to discuss it that night made it pretty clear that he was more than a little bit nervous about what Crystal might think about a guy with an 'ethical brainwashing' fetish, and she had to admit--that feeling was probably justified. Even now, standing here in his bedroom getting ready to undergo her first programming session, she wasn't entirely sure whether she really wanted to go through with it or if she just liked the thought of being desired by a younger man and she was willing to put up with some seriously freaky shit if it meant getting laid.

But that was what she was here for, wasn't it? To find out. "I, um, I think I'll keep my clothes on," she murmured, her voice reedy and weak. "You can flip up my skirt if you need to get to my, um... my girly bits." She blushed hard, glad her light brown skin didn't show her embarrassment quite as much as Austin's ruddy pink features. She felt terminally uncool enough as it was at the moment without looking like the mere discussion of her vagina made her simper like one of the church ladies back home. "And, um, the cuffs are f-fine." She looked at the bed, trying to pretend that she got strapped spread-eagled to mattresses all the time. "Why, uh, why do we need those again?"

Austin smiled. "It's a psychological tactic," he explained, sounding for all the world as if he was going over the instruction manual for a new dishwasher and not describing his plans to turn his neighbor into a full-time live-in sex slave. "If you're helpless physically, then some of that will translate to a degree of mental vulnerability that will make you feel as though you can't resist the programming I'm giving you. It's one of those things that works even when you know it's happening, so I don't mind telling you now. Honestly, you might even be more susceptible to it if you understand what it's doing to you."

Crystal nodded, her gaze firmly fixed on the bed. It felt easier than trying to meet his eyes right now. She couldn't quite believe she wasn't sprinting out of the room at the sound of his words, instead of blandly playing along with his kinky brainwashing games as though this was no stranger than the time her ex-husband had spanked her ass with a hairbrush. Austin really meant everything he was saying, she realized. He really thought that after thirty days of this, she was going to want to move in with him and stop wearing clothes and obey his every command. And she was just going with it. That was weird, wasn't it? "Oh," she heard herself mumble, the sound seeming to come from a long way away. "Okay."

"Any other questions?" Austin asked, thankfully at least pretending to be oblivious to her inability to meet his gaze. Crystal shook her head, still feeling a tiny bit as though everything was happening to someone else. "Good, then let's get started." He gestured to the bed, and Crystal awkwardly clambered onto the mattress and stretched her arms and legs out for the corners as best she could. She hoped those cuffs were adjustable, or she was going to need to do some stretches before tomorrow's session--assuming there was a tomorrow's session, of course. Crystal wasn't willing to commit to anything just yet.

Luckily, the cuffs did in fact adjust to fit her, and by the time Austin was finished strapping her down, Crystal had just enough give to allow her to rest comfortably while still noticing the tug against her limbs every time she tried to move more than an inch or so. "Now remember," he said, taking out a huge fuck-off massaging vibrator almost the size of her forearm and pressing it firmly against her vulva before tying it to her thigh with a few lengths of cord, "if you say 'yellow', we'll pause everything and give you a chance to recover and talk things out. If you say 'red', the session stops immediately. Sound good?"

Crystal nodded. "Yellow and red," she murmured anxiously as he lowered a pair of virtual reality goggles onto her head. They looked like something out of the cheesy 90s sci-fi shows her brother used to like, and she couldn't help feeling like she was just about to wind up being hypnotized to kill RoboCop. "Yellow and red, yellow and red, yellow and red," she repeated as he put a pair of chunky wireless headphones over her ears, hoping that the comforting reminder of her own ability to stop this at any time would help to calm the pounding of her heart. "Yellow and--"

The vibrator switched on, and Crystal's words vanished in a gasp of shocked euphoria as the thrum of the textured silicone head sent waves of arousal through her soaking cunt. She'd tried not to notice how much all of this turned her on, but it was impossible to ignore her slick pussy with that much buzzing, throbbing ecstasy flowing into it. Her eyes went wide, and her mouth opened into a wide and vacant moan of pleasure that would almost certainly have made the person who lived next door pound angrily on the wall if not for the fact that it was Crystal.

And then, in that instant when she was so utterly gobsmacked by the sudden and overwhelming sensation in her pussy that every last thought flew out of her head for a second, the VR display flickered into life, and suddenly Crystal was swimming down an endless tunnel of swirling light that tugged her gaze helplessly forward. She instinctively fixated on the glorious waves of flowing color, not even recognizing how completely they captured her attention because her attention was so completely focused on the pull of the patterns on her eyes, and the intrusive anxiety of the last several minutes simply melted away into blank, fascinated bliss.

And then she heard Austin's voice in her ears. Not in the usual conversational tones he employed when discussing his day at work or the shared frustrations of dealing with the landlord, but in a whiskey-warm growl that made her feel like it was going straight past her brain and directly down to her throbbing clit. Crystal had heard the term 'bedroom voice' before, but she'd never experienced anything so calculatingly engineered to make her panties quite so dripping wet. "Hello, pretty girl," he purred, the sound stroking her mind with a gentle caress. "It's time to relax and watch the colors."

And Crystal came. It hit her embarrassingly fast, causing her hips to arch and her wrists to strain helplessly against the cuffs in an erotic reminder of just how easily the merest hint of hypnosis and mind control made her cream her fucking panties like a horny teenager. She felt herself grunt like a hog getting a brushdown, a horribly unsexy sound that was yanked from her body by the sheer and overwhelming ecstasy that washed through her trembling body, and it finally hit her that she wasn't just going along with this to get laid after all. This really turned Crystal on. This specific kink, the kink she'd been secretly very judgy about despite agreeing to go along with, was exactly what made her pussy leak like a faucet and her clit swell with excitement. She wanted to be brainwashed. For real.

By the time she came back from the distraction of that particular revelation, Crystal realized she'd actually kind of lost track of what Austin's mesmerizing voice was saying. "...thoughts flow down the tunnel, out of your head, away into the spinning spiral of light and color," he murmured to her as she tuned back in. "If you still find yourself thinking, that's okay. That's fine. Just let the thought happen, then let it go. As you continue to stare and sink and relax and focus, you'll find it happening less and less as the pleasure seeps in to fill the void inside your mind." Crystal sighed, exhaling all the tension that had seemed so inescapable just moments ago in a single breath.

"And the more that pleasure flows into your sleepy mind, the more you want to welcome everything that comes along with it," Austin said, his voice measured and calm and irrefutable in Crystal's ears. She felt another orgasm building behind the first, the erotic charge of being genuinely hypnotized for the first time so potent and profound that her whole body seemed to tingle with it. She wished she'd agreed to take her clothes off. Somehow even the thin fabric of her worn cotton panties felt like one barrier too many between her pussy and the thrumming buzz that caressed it.

"Every time I make a suggestion, every time I describe a thought or an idea to you, it comes with so much dreamy ecstasy that all you can do is let it into your blank, empty mind and enjoy that surge of deep, powerful pleasure that accompanies it. You don't need to think about what I'm telling you, because all your thoughts float away down the tunnel of light as fast as they arrive and you're feeling too good now to hold onto them; but you know that what I'm saying is so nice, so hot and sensual and pleasant that you want to accept it and sink deeper into trance for me." Crystal felt herself nodding, her long dark hair tangling into an awkward bird's nest against the pillow as her cunt throbbed with euphoric bliss. She didn't care what she looked like right now. She only saw the swirling colors and they took all her worries away.

And Austin didn't seem to mind that he was looking at a sweaty, thrashing mess of middle-aged lust. She could feel his hands all over her, caressing her through her dress, sticking meticulously to only the touches they negotiated but finding a way to make over-the-clothes heavy petting feel better than rough sex with some donkey-dicked male stripper who did ab crunches for a living. He wanted her, not just because she was willing to try out his particular kink but because she, Crystal Amundsen the adopted Cambodian kid from Circle Pines with the scar on her chin and the wonky little toe on her left foot, made him horny as all fuck. It messed with her head even more than the hypnosis, but in a good way.

Not that the hypnosis wasn't messing with her head. "Relaxing deeper, opening more and more to my words and my control, and it feels so good. It feels so sexy to let me into your mind, let my voice stroke your thoughts into peace and calm and relaxation, and you know that you'll always want to respond to me like this because my commands carry along so much pleasure along with them. Every time I talk to you, every time I offer you an instruction or a suggestion, you'll subconsciously remember this deep and potent ecstasy and you'll want nothing more than to agree. Because agreeing with me makes you feel so happy. Agreeing with me is bliss. Agreeing with me is like a tiny little orgasm in the back of your head and you love it so, so much."

Crystal came again. The climax ebbed, but never truly drained away.

She found herself losing track of things again after that. The buzz in her clit seemed to carry her along from one orgasm to the next like a stone skipping across the surface of a pond, and that overwhelming pleasure made it difficult to truly concentrate on Austin's words in her ears. She would occasionally tune in to little snatches of phrase here and there, catching a "good girls love to be blank" here and a "feels so nice to be mindless and obedient" there, but actual conscious focus was beyond her. She was too wet, too horny, too genuinely turned on by the notion of being turned into a sex slave to really notice the process as it was happening to her, and that in and of itself made her cum harder than she ever thought possible. The thirty-minute hypnosis file seemed to play out in less than a quarter of that time.

But it did play out, and when it was over Austin turned off the vibrator and took off the goggles and headphones and put a straw to Crystal's lips so she could drink a little water before he undid the cuffs around her wrists and ankles. When he did, she found herself surprisingly incapable of doing anything other than curling up in his arms and clutching him like a teddy bear for several long minutes while she slowly put her scattered brain back together. She didn't want to move, or even think. She just wanted to be held. And thankfully, blessedly, Austin held her for as long as she needed. Looking back, that was probably when she truly began to become his.

When she finally released him, he sat up a little and looked seriously at her. "Do you want to come back tomorrow?" he asked, and Crystal was almost shocked to realize he wasn't kidding at all--despite her multiple screaming orgasms, despite the wet spot on her panties that she knew he had to have seen, despite all the extremely obvious evidence that she had fucked herself absolutely goddamn stupid to the sound of his hypnotic voice, he still wasn't taking it for granted that she would return. He actually cared about her answer. It was the nicest she'd ever been treated by any guy in her entire romantic history, an irony not at all lost on her.

"Um, uh, y-yes, sir," Crystal mumbled, only noticing after the fact the last little word her subconscious had decided to append to her sentence. "Um, I mean, um, um--"

Austin chuckled again. Somehow, it sounded even better the second time. "You can call me whatever you want," he said, leaning in and giving her a kiss that Crystal eagerly responded to. "Whatever comes naturally, remember?" Crystal sighed happily, already wondering what changes the next day would bring.


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