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You can tell a lot about a person by how they style their hair. Katey’s new barber thinks that Katey’s hair isn’t reflecting her true personality. But she plans to change that.
Beth is surprised when a girl turns up at her door declaring herself to be from an “Amnesia Service”.
A dream I had about a malicious, hypnotic snake that could transform into a human and subsequently humiliated me at a party. (Posted 2020)
A guy is trapped in a fully dark room, bound, alone, as he’s forcibly edged. A commission. (Posted 2019)
It was hard to think, but easy to want. (Posted 2018)
A college student is captivated by an older woman he sees on campus, and somehow, maybe, she knows him? (Posted 2017)
A dream I had about meeting a man at a party who turns out to be a hypnotist, how we immediately have chemistry, and how he finds out I have a hypnosis fetish. (Posted 2017)
When their little college class trip to see the latest Sundance miracle film was interrupted by the room slowly filling with a sedative gas, when the oh-so-diligent staff would replace the film reel with one of our fine-tuned brainwashing loops… – A dream I had. (Posted 2016)
She loved how smart he was. She loved the way he would grin a little and take a breath before projecting his response to the room. Classic schoolgirl crush. She had barely ever even spoken to him. – She has a crush that started, apparently, out of thin air. (Posted 2016)
It would be nice to fuck, of course, reminded her pussy. But burning much more deeply inside her was… She wanted… – A woman begs her partner for what she really needs. (Posted 2015)
“Roofies?” she managed. “Oh, no, lovely,” the man said, patiently. “You’re not as smart as I thought… Roofies don’t feel like this.” – A man drugs a woman’s drink and it makes her dumb and then they go have sex. That’s it, that’s the story. (Posted 2015)
“Why are you touching me?” she whispered. She had intended it to be louder than that… “Why aren’t you stopping me? Have you asked yourself that?” – A man “picks up” a woman at a bar. (Posted 2015)
A woman begs to get more brainwashing. (Posted 2015)
Miranda was curious about Halloween; Kelsey clearly already had everything planned out. “Well, what were you thinking of being?” Kelsey giggled and looked at her without skipping a beat. “Brainwashed.” – (Posted 2015)
“Excuse me, how much for your mind?” – Caroline meets a hypnotist at her first visit to a BDSM dungeon, and is asked a fascinating flirtatious question. (Posted 2015)
A man watches a woman as she mentally and sexually breaks down in front of a brainwashing screen. (Posted 2015)
Rose wonders why she is acting so submissive towards the one-night-stand she just woke up with.
A young super heroine who goes by “Live Wire” bites off a little more than she can chew and is given a dangerous new craving…
A group of rebels try and free a TV host from the clutches of an evil corporation. However, the job may not be as straightforward as they first thought.
Evalyn Wright is a fantastic talent agent. Alas, she has some less than fantastic clients. One of these clients is Melody, a hypnotist who needs a little bit of help promoting her act.