(9 chapters, 17825 words)
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This story is no longer being updated here and will be continued on AO3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/44767537/chapters/112635649. Thank you for reading!
(42 chapters, 80850 words)
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The middle of a war isn’t exactly the best time to figure out who you are, and fighting a hopeless rebellion is even worse. But maybe there’s still a chance for it to all work out.
A Human Domestication Guide story.
(2839 words)
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No more hypnosis. After using hypnosis for years in his sexual adventures, Christopher decided to live a happy normal relationship. To his surprise, one of his exes disagrees. She knows best for her master
(2147 words)
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HDG Short, Edward is trying to live with the war as best as he can, working desperately to maintain what he has, no matter how much it hurts him.
The Affini might have some words to say about it and maybe Edward might find himself more comfortable as an adorable pet.
(2 chapters, 4736 words)
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A poor little sophont realizes that independence is not all that life is about. She also realizes the meaning of truly belonging somewhere.
(24 chapters, 30501 words)
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In 1972 the world changed forever, all the while a poor boy struggled to find his way home. An HDG72 story.
(5357 words)
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A sultry sweet-cooing siren takes advantage of a bunnygirl’s sensitive hearing to ensnare herself a hot little wife. Can Nicu resist such a lovely proposal?
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Your girlfriend takes advantage of your obsession with her tits.
A brief, 2nd person, fictionalized, scene recap.
CW: titnosis/hypnosis with tits as the focus, FTop/Femme Top, gender-neutral sub perspective, light humiliation, hot consensual shit
(2776 words)
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Even years after Elizabeth broke things off with her hypnotic Master, her alternate persona still manifests. But her lover Lupe knows just how to catch her when she falls.
(5009 words)
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The ones that mother gives you can, in fact, do something after all…
(18 chapters, 55283 words)
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Casting the incantation and summoning a spirit may not have been a great idea…or was it?
(6134 words)
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A misogynistic college student is turned into an obedient himbo.
(6 chapters, 20082 words)
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A navy wife struggles with her missing partner and Terra’s surrender while learning to accept help from others. A young Affini arrives at the home of her passion and learns more than she could imagine. An honor bound Captain brings deliverance to her crew.
(3 chapters, 3281 words)
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A little sheep gets caught up with a thorned Affini, and the more she struggles, the further she gets stuck in.
The most up-to-date version of the story and new chapters can be found at https://archiveofourown.org/works/45123691/.
(2353 words)
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Octavia’s new client is a business man in a smart suit who has a shameful fantasy.
(4 chapters, 11239 words)
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In the wake of an Anti-Affini protest gone south, an activist debates philosophy, gender and the merits of green imperialism with a young plant. You’d never anticipate this, but one of them probably winds up as a floret!
(2 chapters, 5199 words)
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A transfem pirate that lives for the game of battle, a bubbly shackled VI, and a man. The perfect team. A love that cannot be broken. Until the plants show up and all their trauma is to be healed. By force if necessary. The humans take issue with this, of course.
(1700 words)
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After saying some unfortunate things while drunk, Olivia is forced into conversations with a floret and her Owner to help alleviate her fears. Unfortunately, the floret is her long-estranged ex. An HDG Story
(2 chapters, 3044 words)
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Viktoria, infamous Drogenboss and criminal magnate, has been dethroned. Her Fabriken confiscated, her compatriots turncoat, and her empire in the hands of a sniveling wretch. Viktoria swears revenge and intends to use the semi-autonomous city-state of Infernum to rebuild herself.