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A FAQ for the World’s Most Powerful Hypnosis App™.
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Eden contemplates her descent into total subjugation and the limits of her ability to appreciate it.
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Nikki, a trans lesbian in Paris for the first time visiting her girlfriend, loses her passport and becomes increasingly dependent on her lover in the weeks that follow.
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Kara brings Leonora over, and the keepsake on her wall catches Leonora’s eye. And Leonora uses it to catch Kara’s mind.
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A music journalist in the Sixties tracks down a unique record from a boutique label and discovers the fan club of an old radio star.
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Shadowstryke has once again tracked down the nuisance villain Candi Kane to her lair, and putting her in jail after that is never very hard. But as she discovers, there’s a secret to her easy wins against the candy-coated supervillain….
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A tickle-themed hypnotic induction for those who want to be brainwashed to get gigglier when tickled.
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A soldier of the New Cleopatran Empire is on a mission to take out a Burster nest, just one of many fronts of the battle for the planet Perdition. But can any human mind prevail on a world where telepathy is part of the Darwinian arms race for survival?
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Nia discovers once again that Darnelle’s control only gets stronger the more she tries to fight it.
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Gwen wakes up Monday morning and slowly, sluggishly recalls the weekend that left her unable to resist her Master’s commands.
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Kathy’s been succumbing to her boss’s secret brainwashing for far longer than she realizes, and now it’s time to get one final load of programming that will make her his slave forever.
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Even years after Elizabeth broke things off with her hypnotic Master, her alternate persona still manifests. But her lover Lupe knows just how to catch her when she falls.
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A young woman is hypnotized on a train and receives a souvenir of the experience.
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Japanese pop idol Sakura is beginning to age out of her career as a singer and dancer, but she’s not ready to quit yet. With fewer and fewer options available to her, though, she’s begun to resort to desperate measures to keep her mind and body in sync with the dance routines.
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A hypnotic induction intended to increase exhibitionistic tendencies.
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Kristina is a strong-willed, smart, independent woman who hates being gaslit and condescended to and treated like some silly drunken ditz. Unless it’s her boyfriend doing it.
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Jane loves the feeling of being a brainwashed slut for her Master, and nothing makes her feel sluttier like showing off her body to him in a public place.