Contact e-mail:
xangoh (@xangoh)
Xangoh is a he/him.
May as well lead with the pitch: I have a chronic pain disability, and over the last several years it's progressed to the point that I can't really hold down even a part-time job any longer. I scrape by as best I can. I've finally and with many misgivings added a (rudimentary) tips page at Ko-fi; if you've liked any of my work here and want to offer a bit of support, you'll have my sincere gratitude. Unfortunately--thanks to the pain and the fact that I'm extremely difficult to please about my own writing--there's no point my doing anything fancy like offering subscriptions on Patreon. I just can't produce regularly enough to justify it, and feeling under an obligation to produce is all but certain to kill the real, sustaining pleasure I take in having this as a creative outlet.
To everyone who's read my work on here: thank you. And thanks to ROM for making this space available to me.
Suggested stories
xangoh suggested 1 stories. See all suggestions from xangohStories
Ann and her new crush run away together to an empty house in the suburbs.
Kaycey makes morning tea for herself and her roommate.
Out for a run, a suburban housewife encounters a pushy, annoying girl with an agenda.
Pizza’s here, but it’s not a pie that’s being delivered.
At a party where he’s introducing her to his grad school crowd, Millie’s boyfriend embarrasses her by going on about hypnokink. It’s not an interest she shares, and she’s not above a little mockery to prove the point.
Minta just wants Rachel to let her read in peace.
A small, ongoing collection of one-off microfictions of girls getting their brains scrambled. Not sure whether anthology or just a place I workshop things to myself. I have yet to find a good title for it. Pieces appear in reverse order–most recent is always first.
At work, Pete encounters a guy she’d just as soon not have seen again, and he gives her his card.
Mona’s in a diner enjoying a quiet Sunday afternoon when a couple of sorority girls invite themselves to sit down.
Joyce brings a man home after a date, but her daughter’s in the way.
Gwineth’s break is over, and her mother has gotten up early to say goodbye to her and her college friend.
Nurses Ruth and Daniela tend to an anonymous coma patient.
Ellen and Tracy are best friends. Then they meet A Guy, and the focus of their friendship changes.
Alice and her daughter Lynette navigate some changes in their relationship. (NB: These are so far just a couple disconnected scenes. May or may not evolve into an actual story, but it’s definitely not one yet.)
A man and a woman meet at a party and discuss how to help the panty-wearing.
Dolly is intent on being a Very Good Dolly for her Mistress’s tea party. With thanks to @ellaenchanting for the inspiration.