Exploring Together: The Continued Adventures

Author’s Notes

by TravisNSpud

Tags: #dom:male #Exploring_Together #hypnosis #mind_control #pov:bottom #sub:female #bratty_sub #claustrophilia #consensual_kink #consensual_non-consent #discreet_public_play #dollification #enslavement #f/m #fourth_wall_break #freeze_kink #happy_slaves #hypnotic_amnesia #intelligence_loss #intelligence_play #intelligence_reduction #it_came_to_me_in_a_dream #maid #maidification #memory_play #orgasm_denial #plurality #silly #Travis_N._Spud's_Crossover_of_Chaos #unaware

I glance to my right, and see Alyssa and Danielle sitting on the floor where I left them, staring listlessly into space. Reaching down, I run my fingers through their silken auburn mane. They squirm at my attention and hug themselves, wrapping their arms around their bare torso. They cast their face downwards, trying to hide their smile - or at least, AJ is. She’s most likely driving right now. Dani doesn’t miss a chance to show me a big vapid grin.

Still playing with their hair, I look over to the left at Jelly Doll, standing in its display case wearing its ‘just a toy’ shirt, its key around its neck, and nothing else. It’s in a nice lowkey-seductive pose, feet close together, its hand resting on its crotch with its thumb and index finger in a right-angle curved around its slit, as if making to cover it up but instead showing it off. Its other arm is bent upwards, resting against its chest, its hand held up to its mouth, fingers caressing along its lips. Or rather, they would be caressing along if they weren’t perfectly static. Its expression is sultry, but its eyes gaze glassily ahead, unseeing, unthinking.

So, yeah. Living sex toy to the left of me, split-personality slavegirl to the right. And here I am - the luckiest son of a bitch on the planet.

I thought it was about time I wrote a chapter! It’s only fair - you’ve heard a lot from AJ and Jelly, after all. Even Dani’s written a couple of chapters, and she can barely spell. (I’m exaggerating for comic effect - she’s definitely not as stupid as she likes to believe!) I know, I know, it’s much more fun reading from their mindfucked perspectives. Don’t worry, I won’t keep you long - I just wanted to do a little something for our third anniversary. (Of the first chapter of Exploring Together, mind you - not our actual anniversary.)

Also, as you may have realised, this chapter’s in real time. I’m not writing up events that transpired months or years ago, I’m telling you what the heck is happening right now. That’ll fuck with Alyssa’s little timeline, eh? Jokes aside, everything the girls have been telling you happened so long ago; there’s so much we still have to share. Like that first con, for example! Oh Christ, you guys are not ready. Coming soon to a good smut vendor near you, I promise.

OK, I shouldn’t have joked about it, because I’m now genuinely worried about how this messes up the timeline! How do we order it now? Is AJ going to have to label this chapter ‘The Present’? ‘The Future’? Do I number it? You know what, I won’t, I’ll leave it without a number, so it’s explicitly out of chronological order. I almost did it as an entirely separate story, rather than a Continued Adventures, but I didn’t for the sake of everyone’s convenience.

Shut up, Richard! These people came here for hypno porn, not this finicky logistical bollocks! (Although maybe some of you came here for both - in which case you came to the right autistic hotpot.)

Anyway, yeah, I’m here writing this, and I’m keeping my wonderful submissive partners close to hand, to sufficiently motivate me. It’s very effective, as I’m sure you can imagine. It’s not the first time, either. Jelly Doll spends a good chunk of every day as a happily frozen statue, usually in its display case, which is positioned so I can see it from my desk. So that’s a nice bit of eye candy for the hardworking writer. And I’ve had AJ/Dani kneeling at my side while I work a few times before - part extra eye candy, part fidget toy, and part comfort blanket. Even while my attention’s fully on the screen (like it is right now) and I’m neither looking at or touching them, just knowing they’re near sends waves of warmth through me.

If you’d have told me a decade ago that this would be my life, I’d have choked to death on my own laughter! Time was, I could barely speak to women. I spent my school days, and my university days, spectacularly single. (Never blamed anyone but myself for my solitude, to be clear - I’d rather have died than turn into an incel.) Things got better in my twenties, but I can’t imagine what would’ve happened if I hadn’t had the nerve to move to the US.

God, I’m lucky I met AJ within a week of getting here. I was so afraid I wouldn’t have any social life, and she went out of her way to make me feel welcome, inviting me out to bars with her and introducing me to all her friends. We were pals for a year before we got together, and I wouldn’t have had it any other way - we already had such a good, natural rapport before we even started dating, so it’s just always been so easy and comfortable between us. I can’t overstate this: for an autistic man with social anxiety, that is the fucking dream.

I found a smoking hot, endlessly compassionate, deeply silly girlfriend, who makes fun of me mercilessly. That’s some kind of miracle, right? God, she’s going to be unbearably smug when she reads this! I suppose I could always make her illiterate (again) so she can’t. Although, simply ordering her not to read it would probably do the trick...

Yeah, so, to that point - as if our relationship wasn’t already damn near perfect, she turned out to be massively hypnokinky. (Not that she knew that herself, to begin with!) And now, through her desire to explore her sexuality, we’ve ended up with another stunning, witty, empathetic, fantastic partner, who just happens to adore having its identity and humanity stripped away to reduce her to a mindless fuckdoll. Not to mention, Alyssa enjoying having a completely submissive alter-ego so much that said alter-ego becomes a permanent part of our polycule (which is what we’re essentially in, now). It’s better than winning the sodding lottery.

I did a good deal of scriptwriting before I started on this story. I’ve been here working for over an hour. And they’ve been here the whole time, keeping me company, simply because I commanded it. How incredible is that?! Jelly’s been more or less perfectly still all that time (it’s still human, so it can’t be expected not to move at all - its posture and arms have grown more relaxed over time, less rigid, gradually easing into a more comfortable stance).

AJ and Dani aren’t frozen - they’ve just been told to sit on the floor next to me. (Yes, a lot of you are probably wondering why I didn’t have them under my desk, their head between my legs. There are two simple answers: because I actually did want to get some work done today; and because there isn’t enough room.) They have to stay in that spot, but they can shift around and change position as much as they like, as long as they don’t distract me too much. They’ve been switching back and forth between their usual knelt pose, sitting on their legs with their hands on their thighs, and sitting on the floor, their bare bum on the carpet, with their legs arranged in various different ways. Stretched out in front of them; bent round so they’re sort of half-lying on their side; or hugged to their chest, like an upright foetal position.

They’ve also been told to be silent, and sure enough I haven’t heard a peep from them for the whole hour. Well, apart from an occasional heavy (but not too heavy) sigh from Alyssa. No snarky comments, no incoherent grumbles, not a single syllable passing their lips. I do enjoy her playful insubordination, but like I said, I wanted to get work done, so she had to hush. Every time I look down, I get a different facial expression from them. I get big dumb happy grins from Dani, while at first AJ would give me astonished, perturbed pouts, all I can’t believe you’re doing this to me (again). These shifted into mutinous smirks and flustered smiles over time, as she tried to act all defiant while struggling to hide how much amusement and arousal she was getting from the situation.

By now though, I’m getting lots of soft, doe-eyed, demure, docile faces, to the point where it’s now difficult to tell which of the two of them is gazing up at me with drool trickling down their chin. If it’s AJ, she’s deep in subspace. Doesn’t take as long to get her there as you might expect, even without employing hypnosis. She makes a big thing of her brattiness in her stories - as she should, because it’s very entertaining - but her resistance usually crumbles very quickly. Because, as much as she likes to pretend otherwise, she loves this as much as Danielle does. She adores being a helpless, mind-controlled slavegirl, trapped at my feet, her will powerless against my whims. That is kinda what’s gotten us so far along this dom-sub path, after all.

She spent about half an hour the other day kneeling naked in the corner of our bedroom, masturbating in front of the mirror, just to remind herself that she has no control over her orgasms. She didn’t tell me about this, but Dani ratted her out behind her back, and I can’t wait to taunt her with it next time she tries to brat at me, dismantling her defences by reminding her how long she spent rubbing herself and chanting, “We don’t need to cum. Edging’s much more fun.”

To be clear, they all still have agency. I may be their malevolent mesmeric Master, but I love and care for them more than anything. I know they reassure you guys of that roughly once per chapter, but it bears repeating - no matter how sexy the situation, their comfort and safety is always my top priority. I’d hate to think I ever kept them in a position that upset or traumatised them in any way. The first ‘C’ in ‘CNC’ should be in bold, and underlined - ‘CNC’, there we go. So yeah, if they need to move, they can, of course - and if they really want a break from being stuck where they are, they can get free. They don’t even need to ask, or safeword, although they usually at least say something out of natural deference to their Master, even if it is just ‘lemon’ or ‘beetroot’. Case in point: Jelly took a bathroom break about ten minutes before I started writing this, and then came back and re-froze itself.

AJ could’ve overridden Dani, and refused to strip off her clothes and get down on her knees next to me - she had a free afternoon, she could’ve spent it however she liked. But her desire to obey outweighed everything else, as it usually does. I won’t keep them down there much longer, though. Apart from anything else, I’m worried they’ll get cold. It’s a warm day, but they have been naked for quite a while now. I suppose I could wrap a blanket round them. Or they could always masturbate to warm up, if they wanted. No rule against that! I’ve seen their hands sneak between their legs a few times, but never for very long. That’ll be AJ still being stubborn - if she looks like she’s enjoying herself, she thinks that’s like admitting defeat.

I realise I’ve been talking a lot about my plural partner at my feet, and less about my favourite fleshlight in its case across the room. The thing is, although I love and desire them equally, they demand very different levels of attention and therefore end up occupying different amounts of space in my brain. When you think about it, Alyssa is basically two people in one, whereas Jelly Doll is zero people in one. It’s very unobtrusive, even when it’s standing half-naked in a box with a transparent door, showing itself off to whoever happens to look at it.

I’ve glanced over only a few times in the past hour, but I know it’s quite happy with that. We could leave it frozen, alone and unseen, for hours on end and it’d be perfectly contented. Who was it that said a decoration is still decorative even when it goes unobserved? In point of fact, being on display even without someone looking at it seems to thrill it just as much as when it’s being admired. It revels in being something that we can delight in when we fancy, leave alone, and come back to later. It gets off on being a toy for our convenience, stashed away when we’re not using it. Now and then we’ll cover the case with a tarpaulin while it’s in there, hiding it from view for a bit. I know for a fact that’s made it cum, while still mindless, posed and immobile inside in near-total darkness.

I wonder what it’s thinking about? I mean, it’s supposedly blank - it’ll claim to have been the whole time - but I don’t really believe someone can think of absolutely nothing for that long. Well, OK, I’m sure it is mostly mindless, but maybe there are some vague, indistinct, fleeting thoughts drifting through its otherwise empty bonce. Maybe just images? Memories of all the mindfuckery we’ve got up to together, perhaps, or fantasies of what we could do in the future. There isn’t much we haven’t done at this point, I shouldn’t think... although we are always coming up with new sexy, silly ideas. Between the four of us, we’re particularly good at brainstorming hypnokinky nonsense.

There are a few things we haven’t explored that we probably never will, even if we find them sexy in principle. Alyssa’s got a certain interest which I can’t engage with because of my obsession with hygiene, as much as the concept turns me on. She can indulge in it on her own though, and with Jelly Doll - among others... (That’s as specific as I’m gonna get, to avoid spoilers.) If you recall, it took her forever to get me to agree to oral sex - and even now, it’s only ever her/Dani and Jelly doing it to me. To this day, I’ve never gone down on them. And I do feel guilty about that, no matter how much they reassure me about it. At least they have each other’s talented tongues... Oh, also, none of us are very interested in sadomasochism. The girls don’t like pain (beyond some light spanking), and I don’t really like causing them pain. Again, though, the concept is hot, and we’ve watched and gotten off to some pretty brutal BDSM porn together on occasion - not to mention some of the stuff we saw at the con... (More spoilers!!)

Ooh, hey, someone wants attention. Alyssa or Dani has scooted their butt a little bit closer - as much as she can within the boundaries of the ‘sit and stay’ command - and is nuzzling up to my leg, their head against my knee, cushioned by their thick hair. She gazes up at me beseechingly, pawing at my calf a little.

OK, I’m almost sure that’s AJ. Dani will get cuddly and affectionate, but she doesn’t tend to give me pleading looks like that - it’s usually those dopey placid smiles that suit her so well. AJ, on the other hand... I’ve seen in the past that she tends to transition through the same set of moods when she’s been on a mental leash for a long time. She usually cycles through from exasperated, to amused, to aroused, to flustered, to bored, to meek and subby, to needy and clingy. We’re at the needy stage, clearly.

Actually I might keep her down there just a little longer, until she reaches the final stage - insatiably, shamelessly lustful. Her eyes keep flicking over to my crotch, so it probably won’t be long. I playfully stroke her under the chin and ruffle her hair, to which she screws up her face with a bashful smile, but doesn’t move her head away from my knee. Then I return my attention to my laptop, to wrap up this little missive. I mean, I’ve got to hurry up and finish this now - I’ve got a horny split-personality sex pet lying against my leg, and the awareness of that is getting me pretty turned on as well. They’ve been such good girls staying down there all that time, so I’d better give them a reward. Jelly Doll, too - it’s been an absolutely lovely ornament for me. Not to be crude, but they all deserve a good fucking.

Right, then! Thank you for letting me hijack the story and ramble about how much I love my girlfriends for a chapter! I hope I’ve gotten across how unbelievably bloody lucky I feel. It certainly comes across in person - anyone that knew me a decade ago who speaks to me nowadays has noticed the change in me. When I talk to my family (which isn’t often, since they’re in Britain, but we do Zoom calls), they often remark how much more confident I seem. I’d love to take the credit, but it’s all down to my wonderful partners. Well, OK, a tiny bit of it is me discovering my talent for hypnosis. For a full day after the first time I mesmerised Alyssa, I kept thinking, “I made my girlfriend cum with the power of my words... I can do ANYTHING!” But again, I’d have gotten nowhere without her, and Anjelica, being such fantastic subjects, so it all circles back to how amazing they are. I don’t know if I was less of a person without them, but with them, I feel... complete. Fulfilled. My best self.

If the love of a good woman is a healing force, the love of three has made me invulnerable.

“Who was it that said a decoration is still decorative even when it goes unobserved?” ... Me. It was me who said that, in Kiss and Make Up. How very meta. 😂

As mentioned in the story, it's my third anniversary!! 🥳 Exploring Together was my very first literotica, so it seemed fitting to do a little addition to the saga in celebration. Next on the to-do list: Travis N. Spud's Consensual Hypnokink Crossover of Chaos... 🤯

AJ helps to make sense of the overall timeline of the Exploring Together saga in Path of the Playthings. A special thanks to my patrons: qxvw198, Modren, noëlle, FinixFire, Prodygist, masterspark101, vulkants, DyonisiusBacchus, Marcelo Alfonso, An Otter and John Doe! If you'd like to follow their wonderful example and show me your support too (and thus get early access to my stories), my Patreon can be found here.


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