6 stories suggested by turbo

The Four Housemates of the Apocalypse
by Etherealust
[Ongoing] (11 chapters, 35592 words)
#cw:noncon #D/s #dom:female #f/f #humiliation #scifi #sub:female (click to see all tags) #bondage #fantasy #implied_consent #supernatural #urban_fantasy

Four housemates share a single living space. Three of them have ultra powerful capabilities beyond the comprehension of mortals. One of them doesn’t. Guess who winds up at the receiving end of their whims?

Suggestion by turbo

It’s hard to find reality manipulation stories written as well as this one. Especially sapphic ones! The pace is perfect, the various forces of power within the story are mysterious and vast, and the characters are very well written! I’m excited to see where this goes!

The Cock Whisperer
by Samantha_Writes_Smut
[Ongoing] (3 chapters, 9354 words)
#cw:noncon #bondage #dom:female #f/f #mind_control #pov:bottom #sub:female (click to see all tags) #big_tits #capture #comic_book #conditioning #latex #maid #orgasm_denial #panty_sniffing #superheroine #transgender_characters

Overconfident trans superheroine meets a villainess who speaks to cocks

Suggestion by turbo

wonderful execution of a concept I wouldn’t have thought of myself! definitely a writer to keep an eye on!

Her Voice
by goodbot
(10 chapters, 9228 words)
#consensual_kink #f/f #friends_to_lovers #transgender_characters (click to see all tags) #comic_book #orientation_change #romance
(Click to show spoiler tags) #plurality

Olivia is a kinky straight girl who doesn’t know how to feel when Alison, her trans lesbian best friend and ex-“boyfriend”, awakens the power to control minds with just her voice. Alison doesn’t want to abuse her power for personal gain, but Olivia wishes that she would.

Suggestion by turbo

I think this is just so beautiful. Came for the mind control voice powers, stayed for a consensual relationship between two girls who care about each other so much.

Trance Dispenser
by ellaenchanting
(1692 words)
#consensual_kink #f/f #pov:bottom #real_life_hypnosis #realistic #romantic

Prompt from @sex-obsessed-lesbian : “trancing someone as a submissive act (/being tranced as a dominant one).”

Suggestion by turbo

This is just the most amazing thing. The best scenario. The best the best the best

by umashley
[Ongoing] (3 chapters, 8954 words)
#D/s #dom:female #f/f #fantasy #humiliation #sub:female (click to see all tags) #check-foreword-for-more-tags #furry #lactation #transformation #urban_fantasy

Magic was rare, on earth. However, one city was the center of all magical energy, and radiated it like a shining goldmine. Sunbright, a city of endless possibilities, that conspires to mess with those who visit. Enter Mary, a journalist on a quest to learn all about the city.

Suggestion by turbo

I come back to this story every day hoping there’s an update. Absolutely beautiful depictions of consensual magic and a very warm and comfy fantasy

Go Team Porn 2: The Wrath of Schlock
by Lexinonicon, Modren, Skaetlett, MadamKistulot, HypnoticHarlequin, GigglingGoblin, Kiatight, Creirwy, Doctor D, MamaClockie, Star
(11 chapters, 10126 words)
#cw:noncon #D/s #humor #robots

The sequel to the greatest story ever told. No one asked for this.

Suggestion by turbo

This is simultaneously the best and worst thing I’ve ever read (in the good way)

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