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Category : Content Tags
A peaceful, autumn walk down a risky path.
Trans lesbian Tabbie negotiates a post-pandemic existence with the help of her very special girlfriend.
An American gets introduced to some British English.
One wordsmith tells another an interesting story over grocery shopping.
A woman gets creative with the terms of a bet.
A woman gives a young singer something to sing about.
Expect to love the unexpected.
A naga seems very eager to try out something called “resistance play” with you. What’s the worst that could happen? Contains entirely SFW coiling with snake-tails, snark, and cuteness.
The deeper potential of a chivalrous kiss.
Two childhood friends play an old game in a new way.
It’s Ray’s first day at work at a new hypnosis facility, and they need to go through orientation. But their introduction to their duties may be a little different than they expect… soft entirely non-sexual non-con drugplay in a semi-scientific setting. Based on an RP!
A lonely baker is visited by a sultry, buxom cupid, who quickly takes a liking to the easily-flustered girl—and decides a few little love-potion kisses would make her the cutest little obedient puppy.
If you believe it, it must be true, right?
A student visits his TA about his paper.
Ashe finds an AI whose moral protections aren’t exactly in place.
This is a story about a man visiting a pro-domme to play out one of his greatest fantasies. My apologies to Henry Cavill, who did not ask for this.
A traveler in a post-apocalyptic wasteland is taken in by a friendly settlement, and offered a place to stay. For a price.
Piper challenges a tired, subby Senna to try to mount a resistance - but why would she want to do that?
Un trío de amigos salen de un espectáculo de hipnosis dónde no han sido afectados y uno de ellos tiene curiosidad de saber cómo es ser hipnotizada.
Vishal is the bookish member of a small, secret monster-hunting brigade. Farhan is a librarian who’s got secrets of his own - as well as many old and rare texts. He thinks Vishal could benefit from a little Guided Meditation~ (No sex in this one! Just trance!)