Gabrielle Morales (@SurfAngel_1031)

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Hello! I am Gabrielle Morales. I am a 50+ yr old lady, married to a wonderful woman for going on six years now. We live a lovely quiet life here on the east coast and are a few dunes away from the ocean itself, where I used to surf daily and how I started using SurfAngel as my online presence.
I began writing in earnest while in college during my creative writing classes. It was while thinking up smaller stories to fill the requirements of the different classes that developed my love of vampires and fantasy...mixed with a healthy dose of erotica.
Writing these novels/stories also allows me creative freedom and ability to communicate in a different forum and interact with people normally since I am in fact mute and use ASL when among my friends and family.
If you are so inclined, feel free to contact me via Discord 'SurfyUSA', or even join my discord server:

Suggested stories

Gabrielle Morales suggested 3 stories. See all suggestions from Gabrielle Morales
Date (newest)


by Gabrielle Morales
[Ongoing] (7 chapters, 80534 words)
#cw:cannibalism #cw:gore #blood_drinking #f/f #lesbian_love #modern_fantasy #slice_of_life #vampire (click to see all tags) #blood_kink #bloodletting #drug_use #f/m #lesbian_vampires #magic #murder #revenge #romance

Vivienne, a vampire of immeasurable power has quietly survived alone for millennia. Her boring unlife as a surgeon comes to an accidental end where she walks headlong into true love. Vivienne soon discovers that the past never rests in peace and must fight to preserve her future.

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