(19 chapters, 6479 words)
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Snippets of conversation with and about an extremely nerdy floret with a special interest in Shakespeare. A Human Domestication Guide microfic anthology.
(1090 words)
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If it’s sapient, it can be domesticated! A Human Domestication Guide crackfic.
(2864 words)
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A squirrelly girl who runs a liquor store on the edge of town greets a gorgeous customer who turns out to be a lot more than she bargained for. After their positively intoxicating encounter, Ellia has a change of heart about a couple things.
(2305 words)
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A vampire feeding on passersby in the dark of night forgets something crucial, and her prey is left with a lot to think about.
(3855 words)
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Cynthia is forced to fight for her life when her (former) friend Maeve challenges her to the Duel of the Binding of Souls. A Ritual of the Familiar story.
(6636 words)
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Synopsis: Kelli plots her assault on a target, and finds her target more complicated than expected.
(2938 words)
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A young woman risks it all in a desperate gamble against the mysterious owner of a house of ill repute. Written in the style of a folk tale.
(2917 words)
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Three friends come to admire their hypnotist’s hairstyle, and the words woven around them in the process.
(4259 words)
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A pair meet at a Halloween party, and discover a stronger connection than expected.
(2372 words)
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A visit to a special exhibit is made even more special by a hypnotist.
(3 chapters, 7253 words)
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A pair of hypnocon attendees explore the resistant habits one holds.
(2 chapters, 8574 words)
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A detective finds himself taken into a hypnotist’s machinations.
(4715 words)
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Guy reflects on the hypnotic regimen he keeps with Lee Allure.
(1788 words)
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Asher only has one thing left to lose and he wants to lose it. A Ritual of the Familiar story.
(1280 words)
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Even the simplest sounds create the most profound of impressions.
(2751 words)
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Do those who get lost in tangents ever really find their way back?
(3489 words)
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A fan and sub of Lee Allure gets a deeper demonstration of the substance of her Beguiled convention class.
(4600 words)
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A class for brainwashing takes a hypno-newbie for an entrancing ride.
(4048 words)
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Marley’s reluctant caddy is given perks in his afternoon job.
(2683 words)
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Morgan’s just coming out of a wonderful trance, and it’s time for some aftercare. Although Gabriel might have a thing or two to tease them about first…